Instruction will be in-classroom, but I’ll make the best effort to be available online for anyone who has questions outside of lectures.

This week, we’ll be learning about market basket analysis, which is a rule-based approach to mining transactional data. The main topics this week will be to learn about frequent itemsets and association rules. Market basket analysis are pivotol techniques used by retailers to uncover associations between items. The hypothesis is that combinations of items that occur together frequently in transactions data form relationships that we can exploit.

  • Our teams channel is now active. We will not be using Canvas this semester.

  • Our Gradescope can be accessed here. If you do not have access, please let me know immediately.

  • Our class e-mail is This will e-mail the enrolled students in CS6220 as they appear on Canvas and Khoury enrollment.

  • Our staff e-mail is This will e-mail instructor and teaching assistant as they appear on Canvas and Khoury enrollment.

Looking forward to the semester. Homework 1 is out and released as are the lecture notes.