Welcome to CS 6220, an introduction to data mining.

Course Description

Data mining is a practical discipline that combines computer science, statistics, math, and optimization techniques to analyze data and gather valuable knowledge from it. This course is designed to study fundamental data mining concepts and provide hands-on experience with several methods. The students will develop a broad and deep background in data mining and crucial skills to solve practical data science challenges. Problems will involve the analysis of real databases coming from various fields, such as food science, astronomy, human resources, social sciences, and banking, among others. Students are expected to have previous knowledge in the Python programming language.

Course Outcomes

By the end of this course, you will be able to identify fundamental principles, techniques, and data mining applications. You will also apply computational and statistical methods to visualize, explore, and prepare data for posterior analysis. In addition, you will be able to translate real-life problems and frame them under supervised or unsupervised paradigms. Later you can apply different classification, prediction, or clustering approaches, where you will be able to evaluate them empirically and choose the best one with clear foundations.A simple inline announcement.