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Assigned: Friday, 2 October 2015
Due: Friday, 16 October 2015, 11:59 p.m.
// P is the set of all pages; |P| = N // S is the set of sink nodes, i.e., pages that have no out links // M(p) is the set (without duplicates) of pages that link to page p // L(q) is the number of out-links (without duplicates) from page q // d is the PageRank damping/teleportation factor; use d = 0.85 as a fairly typical value foreach page p in P PR(p) = 1/N /* initial value */ while PageRank has not converged do sinkPR = 0 foreach page p in S /* calculate total sink PR */ sinkPR += PR(p) foreach page p in P newPR(p) = (1-d)/N /* teleportation */ newPR(p) += d*sinkPR/N /* spread remaining sink PR evenly */ foreach page q in M(p) /* pages pointing to p */ newPR(p) += d*PR(q)/L(q) /* add share of PageRank from in-links */ foreach page p PR(p) = newPR(p) return PR
In order to facilitate the computation of PageRank using the above pseudocode, one would ideally have access to an in-link respresentation of the web graph, i.e., for each page p, a list of the pages q that link to p.
Consider the following directed graph:
We can represent this graph as follows:
A D E F B A F C A B D D B C E B C D F F A B Dwhere the first line indicates that page A is linked from pages D, E, and F, and so on. Note that, unlike this example, in a real web graph, not every page will have in-links, nor will every page have out-links.
Please hand in: a list of the PageRank values you obtain for each of the six vertices after 1, 10, and 100 iterations of the PageRank algorithm.
Run your iterative version of PageRank algorithm until your PageRank values "converge". To test for convergence, calculate the perplexity of the PageRank distribution, where perplexity is simply 2 raised to the (Shannon) entropy of the PageRank distribution, i.e., 2H(PR). Perplexity is a measure of how "skewed" a distribution is: the more "skewed" (i.e., less uniform) a distribution is, the lower its preplexity. Informally, you can think of perplexity as measuring the number of elements that have a "reasonably large" probability weight; technically, the perplexity of a distribution with entropy h is the number of elements n such that a uniform distribution over n elements would also have entropy h. (Hence, both distributions would be equally "unpredictable".)
Run your iterative PageRank algorthm, outputting the perplexity of your PageRank distibution until the change in perplexity is less than 1 for at least four consecutive iterations.
One hint is that in this dataset, the document with the highest in-link count and the highest PageRank is the same, so don't worry that it's a bug.
Please hand in: a list of the perplexity values you obtain in each round until convergence as described above.
Please hand in:
will bring up document WT04-B22-268, which is an article on the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty.
Please hand in: Speculate why these documents have high PageRank values, i.e., why is it that these particular pages are linked to by (possibly) many other pages with (possibly) high PageRank values. Are all of these documents ones that users would likely want to see in response to an appropriate query? Give some examples of ones that are and ones that are not. For those that are not "interesting" documents, why might they have high PageRank values? How do the pages with high PageRank compare to the pages with many in-links? In short, give an analysis of the PageRank results you obtain.
In addition to the written items mentioned above, you should hand in a copy of your source code, which should hopefully be relatively short, and instructions on (compiling and) running it. The only input to your code should be a file in the in-link format described above. The output should be a list of page IDs and their PageRank values.