CS6200: Information Retrieval
Fall 2013 Syllabus
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This schedule is subject to change. Check back as the class progresses.
CMS refers to Search Engines by Croft, Metzler, and Strohman; MRS refers to Introduction to Information Retrieval by Manning, Raghavan, and Schütze.
- Overview of Information Retrieval (5 Sept. 2013)
- Architecture of a Search Engine (5 Sept. 2013)
- Acquiring Data (12 Sept. 2013)
- Reading: CRS chap. 3; MRS chap. 19 and 20
- Crawling the Web
- Document Conversion
- Storing the Documents
- Detecting Duplicates
- Noise Detection and Removal
- Processing Text (12, 19 Sept. 2013)
- Reading: CRS chap. 4; MRS chap. 2 and 21
- Text Statistics
- Document Parsing
- Ranking with Indexes (26 Sept.)
- Reading: CRS chap. 5; MRS chap. 4-5
- Abstract Model of Ranking
- Inverted indexes
- MapReduce
- Query Processing
- Document-at-a-time evaluation
- Term-at-a-time evaluation
- Optimization techniques
- Structured queries
- Distributed evaluation
- Caching
- Queries and Interfaces (11 Oct.)
- Reading: CRS chap. 6
- Information Needs and Queries
- Query Transformation and Refinement
- Stopping and Stemming Revisited
- Spell Checking and Query Suggestions
- Query Expansion
- Relevance Feedback
- Context and Personalization
- Displaying the Results
- Result Pages and Snippets
- Advertising and Search
- Clustering the Results
- Translation
- User Behavior Analysis
- Retrieval Models (10, 17 Oct.)
- Reading: CRS chap. 7; MRS chap. 11-12 and for background chap. 1 and 6
- Overview of Retrieval Models
- Boolean Retrieval
- The Vector Space Model
- Probabilistic Models
- Information Retrieval as Classification
- The BM25 Ranking Algorithm
- Ranking based on Language Models
- Query Likelihood Ranking
- Relevance Models and Pseudo-Relevance Feedback
- Complex Queries and Combining Evidence
- The Inference Network Model
- The Galago Query Language
- Models for Web search
- Machine Learning and Information Retrieval
- Evaluating Search Engines (24, 31 Oct.)
- Test collections
- Query logs
- Effectiveness Metrics
- Recall and Precision
- Averaging and interpolation
- Focusing on the top documents
- Training, Testing, and Statistics
- Significance tests
- Setting parameter values