/*======================================================================== Copyright (C) 1996-2002 by Jorn Lind-Nielsen All rights reserved Permission is hereby granted, without written agreement and without license or royalty fees, to use, reproduce, prepare derivative works, distribute, and display this software and its documentation for any purpose, provided that (1) the above copyright notice and the following two paragraphs appear in all copies of the source code and (2) redistributions, including without limitation binaries, reproduce these notices in the supporting documentation. Substantial modifications to this software may be copyrighted by their authors and need not follow the licensing terms described here, provided that the new terms are clearly indicated in all files where they apply. IN NO EVENT SHALL JORN LIND-NIELSEN, OR DISTRIBUTORS OF THIS SOFTWARE BE LIABLE TO ANY PARTY FOR DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE AND ITS DOCUMENTATION, EVEN IF THE AUTHORS OR ANY OF THE ABOVE PARTIES HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. JORN LIND-NIELSEN SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIM ANY WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE SOFTWARE PROVIDED HEREUNDER IS ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, AND THE AUTHORS AND DISTRIBUTORS HAVE NO OBLIGATION TO PROVIDE MAINTENANCE, SUPPORT, UPDATES, ENHANCEMENTS, OR MODIFICATIONS. ========================================================================*/ /************************************************************************* $Header: /cvsroot/buddy/buddy/src/fdd.c,v 2004/06/25 13:22:40 haimcohen Exp $ FILE: fdd.c DESCR: Finite domain extensions to BDD package AUTH: Jorn Lind DATE: (C) june 1997 NOTE: If V1,...,Vn is BDD vars for a FDD, then Vn is the Least Sign. Bit *************************************************************************/ #include #include #include "kernel.h" #include "fdd.h" static void fdd_printset_rec(FILE *, int, int *); /*======================================================================*/ /* NOTE: ALL FDD operations works with LSB in top of the variable order */ /* and in index zero of the domain tables */ /*======================================================================*/ typedef struct s_Domain { int realsize; /* The specified domain (0...N-1) */ int binsize; /* The number of BDD variables representing the domain */ int *ivar; /* Variable indeces for the variable set */ BDD var; /* The BDD variable set */ } Domain; static void Domain_allocate(Domain*, int); static void Domain_done(Domain*); static int firstbddvar; static int fdvaralloc; /* Number of allocated domains */ static int fdvarnum; /* Number of defined domains */ static Domain *domain; /* Table of domain sizes */ static bddfilehandler filehandler; /************************************************************************* Domain definition *************************************************************************/ void bdd_fdd_init(void) { domain = NULL; fdvarnum = fdvaralloc = 0; firstbddvar = 0; } void bdd_fdd_done(void) { int n; if (domain != NULL) { for (n=0 ; n fdvaralloc) { fdvaralloc += (num > fdvaralloc) ? num : fdvaralloc; domain = (Domain*)realloc(domain, sizeof(Domain)*fdvaralloc); if (domain == NULL) return bdd_error(BDD_MEMORY); } } /* Create bdd variable tables */ for (n=0 ; n bddvarnum) bdd_setvarnum(firstbddvar + extravars); /* Set correct variable sequence (interleaved) */ for (bn=0,more=1 ; more ; bn++) { more = 0; for (n=0 ; n= fdvarnum || v2 < 0 || v2 >= fdvarnum) return bdd_error(BDD_VAR); if (fdvarnum + 1 > fdvaralloc) { fdvaralloc += fdvaralloc; domain = (Domain*)realloc(domain, sizeof(Domain)*fdvaralloc); if (domain == NULL) return bdd_error(BDD_MEMORY); } d = &domain[fdvarnum]; d->realsize = domain[v1].realsize * domain[v2].realsize; d->binsize = domain[v1].binsize + domain[v2].binsize; d->ivar = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int)*d->binsize); for (n=0 ; nivar[n] = domain[v1].ivar[n]; for (n=0 ; nivar[domain[v1].binsize+n] = domain[v2].ivar[n]; d->var = bdd_makeset(d->ivar, d->binsize); bdd_addref(d->var); return fdvarnum++; } /* NAME {* fdd\_clearall *} SECTION {* fdd *} SHORT {* clear all allocated FDD blocks *} PROTO {* void fdd_clearall(void) *} DESCR {* Removes all defined finite domain blocks defined by {\tt fdd\_extdomain()} and {\tt fdd\_overlapdomain()} *} */ void fdd_clearall(void) { bdd_fdd_done(); bdd_fdd_init(); } /************************************************************************* FDD helpers *************************************************************************/ /* NAME {* fdd\_domainnum *} SECTION {* fdd *} SHORT {* number of defined finite domain blocks *} PROTO {* int fdd_domainnum(void) *} DESCR {* Returns the number of finite domain blocks define by calls to {\tt bdd\_extdomain}. *} RETURN {* The number of defined finite domain blocks or a negative error code *} ALSO {* fdd\_domainsize, fdd\_extdomain *} */ int fdd_domainnum(void) { if (!bddrunning) return bdd_error(BDD_RUNNING); return fdvarnum; } /* NAME {* fdd\_domainsize *} SECTION {* fdd *} SHORT {* real size of a finite domain block *} PROTO {* int fdd_domainsize(int var) *} DESCR {* Returns the size of the domain for the finite domain block {\tt var}. *} RETURN {* The size or a negative error code *} ALSO {* fdd\_domainnum *} */ int fdd_domainsize(int v) { if (!bddrunning) return bdd_error(BDD_RUNNING); if (v < 0 || v >= fdvarnum) return bdd_error(BDD_VAR); return domain[v].realsize; } /* NAME {* fdd\_varnum *} SECTION {* fdd *} SHORT {* binary size of a finite domain block *} PROTO {* int fdd_varnum(int var) *} DESCR {* Returns the number of BDD variables used for the finite domain block {\tt var}. *} RETURN {* The number of variables or a negative error code *} ALSO {* fdd\_vars *} */ int fdd_varnum(int v) { if (!bddrunning) return bdd_error(BDD_RUNNING); if (v >= fdvarnum || v < 0) return bdd_error(BDD_VAR); return domain[v].binsize; } /* NAME {* fdd\_vars *} SECTION {* fdd *} SHORT {* all BDD variables associated with a finite domain block *} PROTO {* int *fdd_vars(int var) *} DESCR {* Returns an integer array containing the BDD variables used to define the finite domain block {\tt var}. The size of the array is the number of variables used to define the finite domain block. The array will have the Least Significant Bit at pos 0. The array must {\em not} be deallocated. *} RETURN {* Integer array contaning the variable numbers or NULL if {\tt v} is an unknown block. *} ALSO {* fdd\_varnum *} */ int *fdd_vars(int v) { if (!bddrunning) { bdd_error(BDD_RUNNING); return NULL; } if (v >= fdvarnum || v < 0) { bdd_error(BDD_VAR); return NULL; } return domain[v].ivar; } /************************************************************************* FDD primitives *************************************************************************/ /* NAME {* fdd\_ithvar *} SECTION {* fdd *} SHORT {* the BDD for the i'th FDD set to a specific value *} PROTO {* BDD fdd_ithvar(int var, int val) *} DESCR {* Returns the BDD that defines the value {\tt val} for the finite domain block {\tt var}. The encoding places the Least Significant Bit at the top of the BDD tree (which means they will have the lowest variable index). The returned BDD will be $V_0 \conj V_1 \conj \ldots \conj V_N$ where each $V_i$ will be in positive or negative form depending on the value of {\tt val}. *} RETURN {* The correct BDD or the constant false BDD on error. *} ALSO {* fdd\_ithset *} */ BDD fdd_ithvar(int var, int val) { int n; int v=1, tmp; if (!bddrunning) { bdd_error(BDD_RUNNING); return bddfalse; } if (var < 0 || var >= fdvarnum) { bdd_error(BDD_VAR); return bddfalse; } if (val < 0 || val >= domain[var].realsize) { bdd_error(BDD_RANGE); return bddfalse; } for (n=0 ; n>= 1; } return v; } /* NAME {* fdd\_scanvar *} SECTION {* fdd *} SHORT {* Finds one satisfying value of a FDD variable *} PROTO {* int fdd_scanvar(BDD r, int var) *} DESCR {* Finds one satisfying assignment of the FDD variable {\tt var} in the BDD {\tt r} and returns this value. *} RETURN {* The value of a satisfying assignment of {\tt var}. If {\tt r} is the trivially false BDD, then a negative value is returned. *} ALSO {* fdd\_scanallvar *} */ int fdd_scanvar(BDD r, int var) { int *allvar; int res; CHECK(r); if (r == bddfalse) return -1; if (var < 0 || var >= fdvarnum) return bdd_error(BDD_VAR); allvar = fdd_scanallvar(r); res = allvar[var]; free(allvar); return res; } /* NAME {* fdd\_scanallvar *} SECTION {* fdd *} SHORT {* Finds one satisfying value of all FDD variables *} PROTO {* int* fdd_scanallvar(BDD r) *} DESCR {* Finds one satisfying assignment in {\tt r} of all the defined FDD variables. Each value is stored in an array which is returned. The size of this array is exactly the number of FDD variables defined. It is the user's responsibility to free this array using {\tt free()}. *} RETURN {* An array with all satisfying values. If {\tt r} is the trivially false BDD, then NULL is returned. *} ALSO {* fdd\_scanvar *} */ int* fdd_scanallvar(BDD r) { int n; char *store; int *res; BDD p = r; CHECKa(r,NULL); if (r == bddfalse) return NULL; store = NEW(char,bddvarnum); for (n=0 ; n=0 ; m--) if ( store[domain[n].ivar[m]] ) val = val*2 + 1; else val = val*2; res[n] = val; } free(store); return res; } /* NAME {* fdd\_ithset *} SECTION {* fdd *} SHORT {* the variable set for the i'th finite domain block *} PROTO {* BDD fdd_ithset(int var) *} DESCR {* Returns the variable set that contains the variables used to define the finite domain block {\tt var}. *} RETURN {* The variable set or the constant false BDD on error. *} ALSO {* fdd\_ithvar *} */ BDD fdd_ithset(int var) { if (!bddrunning) { bdd_error(BDD_RUNNING); return bddfalse; } if (var < 0 || var >= fdvarnum) { bdd_error(BDD_VAR); return bddfalse; } return domain[var].var; } /* NAME {* fdd\_domain *} SECTION {* fdd *} SHORT {* BDD encoding of the domain of a FDD variable *} PROTO {* BDD fdd_domain(int var) *} DESCR {* Returns what corresponds to a disjunction of all possible values of the variable {\tt var}. This is more efficient than doing {\tt fdd\_ithvar(var,0) OR fdd\_ithvar(var,1) ...} explicitely for all values in the domain of {\tt var}. *} RETURN {* The encoding of the domain*} */ BDD fdd_domain(int var) { int n,val; Domain *dom; BDD d; if (!bddrunning) { bdd_error(BDD_RUNNING); return bddfalse; } if (var < 0 || var >= fdvarnum) { bdd_error(BDD_VAR); return bddfalse; } /* Encode V<=X-1. V is the variables in 'var' and X is the domain size */ dom = &domain[var]; val = dom->realsize-1; d = bddtrue; for (n=0 ; nbinsize ; n++) { BDD tmp; if (val & 0x1) tmp = bdd_apply( bdd_nithvar(dom->ivar[n]), d, bddop_or ); else tmp = bdd_apply( bdd_nithvar(dom->ivar[n]), d, bddop_and ); val >>= 1; bdd_addref(tmp); bdd_delref(d); d = tmp; } return d; } /* NAME {* fdd\_equals *} SECTION {* fdd *} SHORT {* returns a BDD setting two FD. blocks equal *} PROTO {* BDD fdd_equals(int f, int g) *} DESCR {* Builds a BDD which is true for all the possible assignments to the variable blocks {\tt f} and {\tt g} that makes the blocks equal. This is more or less just a shorthand for calling {\tt fdd\_equ()}. *} RETURN {* The correct BDD or the constant false on errors. *} */ BDD fdd_equals(int left, int right) { BDD e = bddtrue, tmp1, tmp2; int n; if (!bddrunning) { bdd_error(BDD_RUNNING); return bddfalse; } if (left < 0 || left >= fdvarnum || right < 0 || right >= fdvarnum) { bdd_error(BDD_VAR); return bddfalse; } if (domain[left].realsize != domain[right].realsize) { bdd_error(BDD_RANGE); return bddfalse; } for (n=0 ; n"); } else { set[bddlevel2var[LEVEL(r)]] = 1; fdd_printset_rec(ofile, LOW(r), set); set[bddlevel2var[LEVEL(r)]] = 2; fdd_printset_rec(ofile, HIGH(r), set); set[bddlevel2var[LEVEL(r)]] = 0; } } /*======================================================================*/ /* NAME {* fdd\_scanset *} SECTION {* fdd *} SHORT {* scans a variable set *} PROTO {* int fdd_scanset(BDD r, int **varset, int *varnum) *} DESCR {* Scans the BDD {\tt r} to find all occurences of FDD variables and then stores these in {\tt varset}. {\tt varset} will be set to point to an array of size {\tt varnum} which will contain the indices of the found FDD variables. It is the users responsibility to free {\tt varset} after use. *} RETURN {* Zero on success or a negative error code on error. *} ALSO {* fdd\_makeset *} */ int fdd_scanset(BDD r, int **varset, int *varnum) { int *fv, fn; int num,n,m,i; if (!bddrunning) return bdd_error(BDD_RUNNING); if ((n=bdd_scanset(r, &fv, &fn)) < 0) return n; for (n=0,num=0 ; n= fdvarnum) { bdd_error(BDD_VAR); return bddfalse; } for (n=0 ; n last || first < 0 || last >= fdvarnum) return bdd_error(BDD_VARBLK); for (n=first ; n<=last ; n++) { bdd_addref(res); tmp = bdd_apply(domain[n].var, res, bddop_and); bdd_delref(res); res = tmp; } err = bdd_addvarblock(res, fixed); bdd_delref(res); return err; } /* NAME {* fdd\_setpair *} SECTION {* fdd *} SHORT {* defines a pair for two finite domain blocks *} PROTO {* int fdd_setpair(bddPair *pair, int p1, int p2) *} DESCR {* Defines each variable in the finite domain block {\tt p1} to be paired with the corresponding variable in {\tt p2}. The result is stored in {\tt pair} which must be allocated using {\tt bdd\_makepair}. *} RETURN {* Zero on success or a negative error code on error. *} ALSO {* fdd\_setpairs *} */ int fdd_setpair(bddPair *pair, int p1, int p2) { int n,e; if (!bddrunning) return bdd_error(BDD_RUNNING); if (p1<0 || p1>=fdvarnum || p2<0 || p2>=fdvarnum) return bdd_error(BDD_VAR); if (domain[p1].binsize != domain[p2].binsize) return bdd_error(BDD_VARNUM); for (n=0 ; n=fdvarnum || p2[n]<0 || p2[n]>=fdvarnum) return bdd_error(BDD_VAR); for (n=0 ; nivar); bdd_delref(d->var); } static void Domain_allocate(Domain* d, int range) { int calcsize = 2; if (range <= 0 || range > INT_MAX/2) { bdd_error(BDD_RANGE); return; } d->realsize = range; d->binsize = 1; while (calcsize < range) { d->binsize++; calcsize <<= 1; } d->ivar = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int)*d->binsize); d->var = bddtrue; } int *fdddec2bin(int var, int val) { int *res; int n = 0; res = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int)*domain[var].binsize); memset(res, 0, sizeof(int)*domain[var].binsize); while (val > 0) { if (val & 0x1) res[n] = 1; val >>= 1; n++; } return res; } /* EOF */