/*======================================================================== Copyright (C) 1996-2002 by Jorn Lind-Nielsen All rights reserved Permission is hereby granted, without written agreement and without license or royalty fees, to use, reproduce, prepare derivative works, distribute, and display this software and its documentation for any purpose, provided that (1) the above copyright notice and the following two paragraphs appear in all copies of the source code and (2) redistributions, including without limitation binaries, reproduce these notices in the supporting documentation. Substantial modifications to this software may be copyrighted by their authors and need not follow the licensing terms described here, provided that the new terms are clearly indicated in all files where they apply. IN NO EVENT SHALL JORN LIND-NIELSEN, OR DISTRIBUTORS OF THIS SOFTWARE BE LIABLE TO ANY PARTY FOR DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE AND ITS DOCUMENTATION, EVEN IF THE AUTHORS OR ANY OF THE ABOVE PARTIES HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. JORN LIND-NIELSEN SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIM ANY WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE SOFTWARE PROVIDED HEREUNDER IS ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, AND THE AUTHORS AND DISTRIBUTORS HAVE NO OBLIGATION TO PROVIDE MAINTENANCE, SUPPORT, UPDATES, ENHANCEMENTS, OR MODIFICATIONS. ========================================================================*/ /************************************************************************* $Header: /cvsroot/buddy/buddy/src/bvec.h,v 2004/06/25 13:22:34 haimcohen Exp $ FILE: bvec.h DESCR: Boolean (BDD) vector handling AUTH: Jorn Lind DATE: (C) may 1999 *************************************************************************/ #ifndef _BVEC_H #define _BVEC_H #include "fdd.h" /* Boolean (BDD) vector */ /* NAME {* bvec *} SECTION {* bvec *} SHORT {* A boolean vector *} PROTO {* typedef struct s_bvec { int bitnum; BDD *bitvec; } BVEC; typedef BVEC bvec; *} DESCR {* This data structure is used to store boolean vectors. The field {\tt bitnum} is the number of elements in the vector and the field {\tt bitvec} contains the actual BDDs in the vector. The C++ version of {\tt bvec} is documented at the beginning of this document *} */ typedef struct s_bvec { int bitnum; BDD *bitvec; } BVEC; #ifndef CPLUSPLUS typedef BVEC bvec; #endif #ifdef CPLUSPLUS extern "C" { #endif /* Prototypes for bvec.c */ extern BVEC bvec_copy(BVEC v); extern BVEC bvec_true(int bitnum); extern BVEC bvec_false(int bitnum); extern BVEC bvec_con(int bitnum, int val); extern BVEC bvec_var(int bitnum, int offset, int step); extern BVEC bvec_varfdd(int var); extern BVEC bvec_varvec(int bitnum, int *var); extern BVEC bvec_coerce(int bitnum, BVEC v); extern int bvec_isconst(BVEC e); extern int bvec_val(BVEC e); extern void bvec_free(BVEC v); extern BVEC bvec_addref(BVEC v); extern BVEC bvec_delref(BVEC v); extern BVEC bvec_map1(BVEC a, BDD (*fun)(BDD)); extern BVEC bvec_map2(BVEC a, BVEC b, BDD (*fun)(BDD,BDD)); extern BVEC bvec_map3(BVEC a, BVEC b, BVEC c, BDD (*fun)(BDD,BDD,BDD)); extern BVEC bvec_add(BVEC left, BVEC right); extern BVEC bvec_sub(BVEC left, BVEC right); extern BVEC bvec_mulfixed(BVEC e, int c); extern BVEC bvec_mul(BVEC left, BVEC right); extern int bvec_divfixed(BVEC e, int c, BVEC *res, BVEC *rem); extern int bvec_div(BVEC left, BVEC right, BVEC *res, BVEC *rem); extern BVEC bvec_ite(BDD a, BVEC b, BVEC c); extern BVEC bvec_shlfixed(BVEC e, int pos, BDD c); extern BVEC bvec_shl(BVEC l, BVEC r, BDD c); extern BVEC bvec_shrfixed(BVEC e, int pos, BDD c); extern BVEC bvec_shr(BVEC l, BVEC r, BDD c); extern BDD bvec_lth(BVEC left, BVEC right); extern BDD bvec_lte(BVEC left, BVEC right); extern BDD bvec_gth(BVEC left, BVEC right); extern BDD bvec_gte(BVEC left, BVEC right); extern BDD bvec_equ(BVEC left, BVEC right); extern BDD bvec_neq(BVEC left, BVEC right); #ifdef CPLUSPLUS } #endif /************************************************************************* If this file is included from a C++ compiler then the following classes, wrappers and hacks are supplied. *************************************************************************/ #ifdef CPLUSPLUS /*=== User BVEC class ==================================================*/ class bvec { public: bvec(void) { roots.bitvec=NULL; roots.bitnum=0; } bvec(int bitnum) { roots=bvec_false(bitnum); } bvec(int bitnum, int val) { roots=bvec_con(bitnum,val); } bvec(const bvec &v) { roots=bvec_copy(v.roots); } ~bvec(void) { bvec_free(roots); } void set(int i, const bdd &b); bdd operator[](int i) const { return roots.bitvec[i]; } int bitnum(void) const { return roots.bitnum; } int empty(void) const { return roots.bitnum==0; } bvec operator=(const bvec &src); private: BVEC roots; bvec(const BVEC &v) { roots=v; } /* NOTE: Must be a shallow copy! */ friend bvec bvec_truepp(int bitnum); friend bvec bvec_falsepp(int bitnum); friend bvec bvec_conpp(int bitnum, int val); friend bvec bvec_varpp(int bitnum, int offset, int step); friend bvec bvec_varfddpp(int var); friend bvec bvec_varvecpp(int bitnum, int *var); friend bvec bvec_coerce(int bitnum, const bvec &v); friend int bvec_isconst(const bvec &e); friend int bvec_val(const bvec &e); friend bvec bvec_copy(const bvec &v); friend bvec bvec_map1(const bvec &a, bdd (*fun)(const bdd &)); friend bvec bvec_map2(const bvec &a, const bvec &b, bdd (*fun)(const bdd &, const bdd &)); friend bvec bvec_map3(const bvec &a, const bvec &b, const bvec &c, bdd (*fun)(const bdd &, const bdd &, const bdd &)); friend bvec bvec_add(const bvec &left, const bvec &right); friend bvec bvec_sub(const bvec &left, const bvec &right); friend bvec bvec_mulfixed(const bvec &e, int c); friend bvec bvec_mul(const bvec &left, const bvec &right); friend int bvec_divfixed(const bvec &e, int c, bvec &res, bvec &rem); friend int bvec_div(const bvec &l, const bvec &r, bvec &res, bvec &rem); friend bvec bvec_ite(const bdd& a, const bvec& b, const bvec& c); friend bvec bvec_shlfixed(const bvec &e, int pos, const bdd &c); friend bvec bvec_shl(const bvec &left, const bvec &right, const bdd &c); friend bvec bvec_shrfixed(const bvec &e, int pos, const bdd &c); friend bvec bvec_shr(const bvec &left, const bvec &right, const bdd &c); friend bdd bvec_lth(const bvec &left, const bvec &right); friend bdd bvec_lte(const bvec &left, const bvec &right); friend bdd bvec_gth(const bvec &left, const bvec &right); friend bdd bvec_gte(const bvec &left, const bvec &right); friend bdd bvec_equ(const bvec &left, const bvec &right); friend bdd bvec_neq(const bvec &left, const bvec &right); public: bvec operator&(const bvec &a) const { return bvec_map2(*this, a, bdd_and); } bvec operator^(const bvec &a) const { return bvec_map2(*this, a, bdd_xor); } bvec operator|(const bvec &a) const { return bvec_map2(*this, a, bdd_or); } bvec operator!(void) const { return bvec_map1(*this, bdd_not); } bvec operator<<(int a) const { return bvec_shlfixed(*this,a,bddfalse); } bvec operator<<(const bvec &a) const { return bvec_shl(*this,a,bddfalse); } bvec operator>>(int a) const { return bvec_shrfixed(*this,a,bddfalse); } bvec operator>>(const bvec &a) const { return bvec_shr(*this,a,bddfalse); } bvec operator+(const bvec &a) const { return bvec_add(*this, a); } bvec operator-(const bvec &a) const { return bvec_sub(*this, a); } bvec operator*(int a) const { return bvec_mulfixed(*this, a); } bvec operator*(const bvec a) const { return bvec_mul(*this, a); } bdd operator<(const bvec &a) const { return bvec_lth(*this, a); } bdd operator<=(const bvec &a) const { return bvec_lte(*this, a); } bdd operator>(const bvec &a) const { return bvec_gth(*this, a); } bdd operator>=(const bvec &a) const { return bvec_gte(*this, a); } bdd operator==(const bvec &a) const { return bvec_equ(*this, a); } bdd operator!=(const bvec &a) const { return bvec_neq(*this, a); } }; std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &, const bvec &); inline bvec bvec_truepp(int bitnum) { return bvec_true(bitnum); } inline bvec bvec_falsepp(int bitnum) { return bvec_false(bitnum); } inline bvec bvec_conpp(int bitnum, int val) { return bvec_con(bitnum, val); } inline bvec bvec_varpp(int bitnum, int offset, int step) { return bvec_var(bitnum, offset, step); } inline bvec bvec_varfddpp(int var) { return bvec_varfdd(var); } inline bvec bvec_varvecpp(int bitnum, int *var) { return bvec_varvec(bitnum, var); } inline bvec bvec_coerce(int bitnum, const bvec &v) { return bvec_coerce(bitnum, v.roots); } inline int bvec_isconst(const bvec &e) { return bvec_isconst(e.roots); } inline int bvec_val(const bvec &e) { return bvec_val(e.roots); } inline bvec bvec_copy(const bvec &v) { return bvec_copy(v.roots); } inline bvec bvec_add(const bvec &left, const bvec &right) { return bvec_add(left.roots, right.roots); } inline bvec bvec_sub(const bvec &left, const bvec &right) { return bvec_sub(left.roots, right.roots); } inline bvec bvec_mulfixed(const bvec &e, int c) { return bvec_mulfixed(e.roots, c); } inline bvec bvec_mul(const bvec &left, const bvec &right) { return bvec_mul(left.roots, right.roots); } inline int bvec_divfixed(const bvec &e, int c, bvec &res, bvec &rem) { return bvec_divfixed(e.roots, c, &res.roots, &rem.roots); } inline int bvec_div(const bvec &l, const bvec &r, bvec &res, bvec &rem) { return bvec_div(l.roots, r.roots, &res.roots, &rem.roots); } inline bvec bvec_ite(const bdd& a, const bvec& b, const bvec& c) { return bvec_ite(a.root, b.roots, c.roots); } inline bvec bvec_shlfixed(const bvec &e, int pos, const bdd &c) { return bvec_shlfixed(e.roots, pos, c.root); } inline bvec bvec_shl(const bvec &left, const bvec &right, const bdd &c) { return bvec_shl(left.roots, right.roots, c.root); } inline bvec bvec_shrfixed(const bvec &e, int pos, const bdd &c) { return bvec_shrfixed(e.roots, pos, c.root); } inline bvec bvec_shr(const bvec &left, const bvec &right, const bdd &c) { return bvec_shr(left.roots, right.roots, c.root); } inline bdd bvec_lth(const bvec &left, const bvec &right) { return bvec_lth(left.roots, right.roots); } inline bdd bvec_lte(const bvec &left, const bvec &right) { return bvec_lte(left.roots, right.roots); } inline bdd bvec_gth(const bvec &left, const bvec &right) { return bvec_gth(left.roots, right.roots); } inline bdd bvec_gte(const bvec &left, const bvec &right) { return bvec_gte(left.roots, right.roots); } inline bdd bvec_equ(const bvec &left, const bvec &right) { return bvec_equ(left.roots, right.roots); } inline bdd bvec_neq(const bvec &left, const bvec &right) { return bvec_neq(left.roots, right.roots); } /* Hack to allow for overloading */ #define bvec_var(a,b,c) bvec_varpp(a,b,c) #define bvec_varfdd(a) bvec_varfddpp(a) #define bvec_varvec(a,b) bvec_varvecpp(a,b) #define bvec_true(a) bvec_truepp(a) #define bvec_false(a) bvec_falsepp(a) #define bvec_con(a,b) bvec_conpp((a),(b)) #endif /* CPLUSPLUS */ #endif /* _BVEC_H */ /* EOF */