CS 5010: Problem Set 06

Out: Monday, 20 February 2017
Due: Monday, 27 February 2017 at 6pm
Corrected: Tuesday, 21 February, to correct the return type for departs-at and arrives-at Corrected: Thursday, 23 February, to correct the example for flight=?

This is a pair programming assignment. You are required to complete this problem set in collaboration with your assigned partner, but neither of you are allowed to discuss this problem set with any other person. You are also not allowed to search for or to view any solutions to similar problems that may be available on the World-Wide Web or in other resources that might otherwise have been available to you.

We have created a repository for you and your partner to use in this problem set and for the next two problem sets as well. The name of that repository is of the form pdp-ID1-ID2, where ID1 is either your CCIS ID or your partner's CCIS ID, and ID2 is the other CCIS ID for your team.

In those repositories, we have created files named ID1-log.txt and ID2-log.txt for you to use when filing work session reports, as in previous problem sets. You and your partner are required to push your files at the end of every work session. (You may push your files several times during a work session, but we do not require you to do so.)

At the end of every work session, you are required to update your log file to record the time you spent in that work session. (Please do not include the time you spent in any previous work sessions, as those times will already have been recorded in previous versions of your log file.) If both of you work together during a work session, both of you must update your log files, recording only the time you spent working. Do not include your partner's time in your log file, but be sure to push the updated versions of both log files.

The main purpose of this problem set is to give you practice working in tandem with another programmer. This problem set will also give you more practice programming with lists and higher order functions, and will lay the foundation for a subsequent problem set.

You must use the HtDP Intermediate Student Language + Lambda for this problem set. You should use HOFs wherever appropriate.

As in previous problem sets, you must download a copy of extras.rkt and push it to the set06 directory with your solutions. Then import that library by including the line (require "extras.rkt") at the top of your files with your other require declarations. Following those require declarations, write provide declarations that provide all of the functions you are required to provide, without providing any functions you are not required to provide. That will allow our testing framework to import your files and do automated testing on them. You can use check-location to double-check that your files are in the right place.

Remember that you must follow the design recipe, which is a process, not a list of deliverables. Your deliverables include the artifacts produced by the various steps of the design recipe: data definitions (including interpretation and templates, contracts, purpose statements, definitions, and tests). Be sure to follow our coding conventions. Doing so will make codewalks easier for everyone.

Problem Specification

The program you are to write solves a simple flight scheduling problem: What is the quickest way to get from one airport to another using a given set of scheduled flights?

This is, of course, a variation on Problem Set 00. You and your partner are allowed to use any code either of you wrote for Problem Set 00. You are also allowed to use any code, including tests, given to you by course staff. You are not allowed to use code or tests written by anyone else.

We have divided that problem into two parts. In the first part, you will implement two abstract data types. In the second part, you will use those ADTs in your solution to the scheduling problem.

  1. In a file named flight.rkt, write data definitions for the UTC and Flight data types specified below, define all 11 of the functions associated with those types as specified below, and provide all of those functions.
            ;;; make-UTC : NonNegInt NonNegInt -> UTC
            ;;; GIVEN: the hour and minute parts of a time in UTC
            ;;; WHERE: the hour is less than 24 and the minute is less than 60
            ;;; RETURNS: the UTC time determined by the arguments
            ;;; EXAMPLES: see below
            ;;; UTC-hour   : UTC -> NonNegInt
            ;;; UTC-minute : UTC -> NonNegInt
            ;;; GIVEN: a representation of a time in UTC as returned by make-UTC
            ;;; RETURNS: the hour part or minute part (respectively)
            ;;; EXAMPLES:
            ;;;     (UTC-hour   (make-UTC 15 31))  =>  15
            ;;;     (UTC-minute (make-UTC 15 31))  =>  31
            ;;; UTC=? : UTC UTC -> Boolean
            ;;; GIVEN: two UTC times
            ;;; RETURNS: true iff they have the same hour and minute parts
            ;;; EXAMPLES:
            ;;;     (UTC=? (make-UTC 15 31) (make-UTC 15 31))  =>  true
            ;;;     (UTC=? (make-UTC 15 31) (make-UTC 14 31))  =>  false
            ;;;     (UTC=? (make-UTC 15 31) (make-UTC 15 32))  =>  false
            ;;; make-flight : String String String UTC UTC -> Flight
            ;;; GIVEN: the name of a flight, the name of the airport from
            ;;;     which the flight departs, the name of the airport at
            ;;;     which the flight arrives, the time of departure in UTC,
            ;;;     and the time of arrival in UTC
            ;;; RETURNS: a flight value that encapsulates the given information
            ;;; EXAMPLE:
            ;;;     (define flt1
            ;;;       (make-flight "United 448"
            ;;;                    "BOS" "DEN"
            ;;;                    (make-UTC 20 03) (make-UTC 00 53)))
            ;;; flight-name : Flight -> String
            ;;; GIVEN: a flight
            ;;; RETURNS: the name of the Flight
            ;;; EXAMPLE:
            ;;;     (flight-name flt1)  =>  "United 448"
            ;;; departs : Flight -> String
            ;;; GIVEN: a flight
            ;;; RETURNS: the name of the airport from which the flight departs
            ;;; EXAMPLE:
            ;;;     (departs flt1)  =>  "BOS"
            ;;; arrives : Flight -> String
            ;;; GIVEN: a flight
            ;;; RETURNS: the name of the airport at which the flight arrives
            ;;; EXAMPLE:
            ;;;     (arrives flt1)  =>  "DEN"
            ;;; departs-at : Flight -> UTC
            ;;; GIVEN: a flight
            ;;; RETURNS: the time (in UTC, see above) at which the flight departs
            ;;; EXAMPLE:
            ;;;     (departs-at flt1)  =>  (make-UTC 20 03)
            ;;; arrives-at : Flight -> UTC
            ;;; GIVEN: a flight
            ;;; RETURNS: the time (in UTC, see above) at which the flight arrives
            ;;; EXAMPLE:
            ;;;     (arrives-at flt1)  =>  (make-UTC 00 53)
            ;;; flight=? : Flight Flight -> Boolean
            ;;; GIVEN: two flights
            ;;; RETURNS: true if and only if the two flights have the same
            ;;;     name, depart from the same airport, arrive at the same
            ;;;     airport, depart at the same time, and arrive at the same time
            ;;; EXAMPLES:
            ;;;     (flight=? flt1 flt1)  =>  true
            ;;;     (flight=? (make-flight "United 448"
            ;;;                            "BOS" "DEN"
            ;;;                            (make-UTC 20 00) (make-UTC 00 55))
            ;;;               flt1)
            ;;; =>  false

    The following examples will be used in part 2 as well.

            ;;; Pan American is no longer flying.
            (define panAmFlights '())
            (define deltaFlights
              (let ((u make-UTC)) ; so u can abbreviate make-UTC
                 (make-flight "Delta 0121" "LGA" "MSP" (u 11 00) (u 14 09))
                 (make-flight "Delta 1609" "MSP" "DEN" (u 20 35) (u 22 52))
                 (make-flight "Delta 5703" "DEN" "LAX" (u 14 04) (u 17 15))
                 (make-flight "Delta 2077" "LAX" "PDX" (u 17 35) (u 20 09))
                 (make-flight "Delta 2163" "MSP" "PDX" (u 15 00) (u 19 02)))))
  2. In a file named q2.rkt, import the ADTs you wrote for part 1 by adding the following to your usual sequence of require declarations:
            (require "flight.rkt")

    Then define and provide the three functions specified below.

            ;;; can-get-there? : String String ListOfFlight -> Boolean
            ;;; GIVEN: the names of two airports, ap1 and ap2 (respectively),
            ;;;     and a ListOfFlight that describes all of the flights a
            ;;;     traveller is willing to consider taking
            ;;; WHERE: there are no non-trivial round trips
            ;;;     (Once you depart from an airport, you can't get back to it.)
            ;;; RETURNS: true if and only if it is possible to fly from the
            ;;;     first airport (ap1) to the second airport (ap2) using
            ;;;     only the given flights
            ;;; EXAMPLES:
            ;;;     (can-get-there? "06N" "JFK" panAmFlights)  =>  false
            ;;;     (can-get-there? "JFK" "JFK" panAmFlights)  =>  true
            ;;;     (can-get-there? "06N" "LAX" deltaFlights)  =>  false
            ;;;     (can-get-there? "LAX" "06N" deltaFlights)  =>  false
            ;;;     (can-get-there? "LGA" "PDX" deltaFlights)  =>  true
            ;;; fastest-itinerary : String String ListOfFlight -> ListOfFlight
            ;;; GIVEN: the names of two airports, ap1 and ap2 (respectively),
            ;;;     and a ListOfFlight that describes all of the flights a
            ;;;     traveller is willing to consider taking
            ;;; WHERE: there are no non-trivial round trips, and
            ;;;     it is possible to fly from the first airport (ap1) to
            ;;;     the second airport (ap2) using only the given flights
            ;;; RETURNS: a list of flights that tells how to fly from the
            ;;;     first airport (ap1) to the second airport (ap2) in the
            ;;;     least possible time, using only the given flights
            ;;; NOTE: to simplify the problem, your program should incorporate
            ;;;     the totally unrealistic simplification that no layover
            ;;;     time is necessary, so it is possible to arrive at 1500
            ;;;     and leave immediately on a different flight that departs
            ;;;     at 1500
            ;;; EXAMPLES:
            ;;;     (fastest-itinerary "JFK" "JFK" panAmFlights)  =>  empty
            ;;;     (fastest-itinerary "LGA" "PDX" deltaFlights)
            ;;; =>  (list (make-flight "Delta 0121"
            ;;;                        "LGA" "MSP"
            ;;;                        (make-UTC 11 00) (make-UTC 14 09))
            ;;;           (make-flight "Delta 2163"
            ;;;                        "MSP" "PDX"
            ;;;                        (make-UTC 15 00) (make-UTC 19 02)))
            ;;; travel-time : String String ListOfFlight -> NonNegInt
            ;;; GIVEN: the names of two airports, ap1 and ap2 (respectively),
            ;;;     and a ListOfFlight that describes all of the flights a
            ;;;     traveller is willing to consider taking
            ;;; WHERE: there are no non-trivial round trips, and
            ;;;     it is possible to fly from the first airport (ap1) to
            ;;;     the second airport (ap2) using only the given flights
            ;;; RETURNS: the number of minutes it takes to fly from the first
            ;;;     airport (ap1) to the second airport (ap2), including any
            ;;;     layovers, by the fastest possible route that uses only
            ;;;     the given flights
            ;;; EXAMPLES:
            ;;;     (travel-time "JFK" "JFK" panAmFlights)  =>  0
            ;;;     (travel-time "LGA" "PDX" deltaFlights)  =>  482

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