import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import static org.junit.Assert.*; import listadt.*; /** * Tests the listadt.ListADT implementation using a list of strings */ public class ListADTTest { private ListADT stringList; @Before public void setup() { stringList = new ListADTImpl(); } @Test public void testStringList() { stringList.addFront("won"); stringList.addFront("Patriots"); stringList.addBack("Super"); stringList.addBack("Bowl"); stringList.add(2,"the"); assertEquals("(Patriots won the Super Bowl)",stringList.toString()); assertEquals(5,stringList.getSize()); assertEquals("Super",stringList.get(3)); stringList.remove("Patriots"); stringList.addFront("Falcons"); stringList.add(1,"did"); stringList.add(2,"not"); stringList.remove("won"); stringList.add(3,"win"); assertEquals("(Falcons did not win the Super Bowl)",stringList.toString()); assertEquals(7,stringList.getSize()); } @Test public void testMap() { //convert the list of strings above to a list that contains the length of // each word in the list String sentence = "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog"; String []words = sentence.split("\\s+"); for (String w:words) { stringList.addBack(w); } ListADT wordLengths =>s.length()); assertEquals("The mapped list's length does not match the original list!", stringList.getSize(),wordLengths.getSize()); for (int i=0;i