Guided Practice 8.1

  1. Write a data definition for SortedList. Hint: You will need an invariant.

    There are probably many ways of doing this. Here's one solution:

    A sorted list of reals is represented as a SortedList, which is one of
    -- empty
    -- (cons r sl)
       WHERE: the Number is less than or equal to any of the elements in
              the SortedList
    r  : Real        is the first element of the list
    sl : SortedList  is the rest of the list
    (cons Real SortedList)
    ;; sl-fn : SortedList -> ??
    (define (sl-fn lst)
        [(empty? lst) ...]
        [else (f (first lst)
                 (sl-fn (rest lst)))]))
    f may rely on the invariant that its first argument is less than any of
    the elements of its second argument.

    If you have a different solution, we can discuss it in class or on Piazza.

  2. Write two DIFFERENT function definitions for even-elements and odd-elements. Assume the elements of the list are numbered starting at 1.
    (odd-elements (list 10 20 30 40)) = (list 10 30)
    (even-elements (list 10 20 30 40)) = (list 20 40)
    (odd-elements (list 10)) = (list 10)
    (even-elements (list 10)) = empty

    Here are my solutions:

    ;; odd-elements : RealList -> RealList
    ;; Strategy: Recur on (rest (rest lst))
    (define (odd-elements lst)
        [(empty? lst) empty]
        [(empty? (rest lst)) (list (first lst))]
        [else (cons
                (first lst)
                (odd-elements (rest (rest lst))))]))
    ;; even-elements : RealList -> RealList
    ;; Strategy: Recur on (rest (rest lst))
    (define (even-elements lst)
        [(empty? lst) empty]
        [(empty? (rest lst)) empty]
        [else (cons
                (first (rest lst))
                (even-elements (rest (rest lst))))]))
    ;; Solution 2:
    ;; Here's a very different solution.  Here we make odd-elements and
    ;; even-elements mutually recursive.  This actually fits into the
    ;; observer template for RealList. Here we are recurring on (rest
    ;; lst), so this could fairly be called structural recursion.
    ;; strategy: Use template for RealList on lst
    (define (odd-elements lst)
        [(empty? lst) empty]
        [else (cons
                (first lst)
                (even-elements (rest lst)))]))
    ;; strategy: Use template for RealList on lst
    (define (even-elements lst)
        [(empty? lst) empty]
        [else (odd-elements (rest lst))]))

Last modified: Fri Oct 13 11:07:21 Eastern Daylight Time 2017