;; The first three lines of this file were inserted by DrRacket. They record metadata ;; about the language level of this file in a form that our tools can easily process. #reader(lib "htdp-intermediate-lambda-reader.ss" "lang")((modname 03-2-draggable-cat-corrected) (read-case-sensitive #t) (teachpacks ()) (htdp-settings #(#t constructor repeating-decimal #f #t none #f ()))) ;; draggable cat. ;; like falling cat, but user can drag the cat with the mouse. ;; button-down to select, drag to move, button-up to release. ;; falling cat. ;; A cat falls from the top of the scene. ;; The user can pause/unpause the cat with the space bar. ;; start with (main 0) (require rackunit) (require "extras.rkt") (require 2htdp/universe) (require 2htdp/image) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; MAIN FUNCTION. ;; main : Integer -> World ;; GIVEN: the initial y-position of the cat ;; EFFECT: runs the simulation, starting with the cat falling ;; RETURNS: the final state of the world (define (main initial-pos) (big-bang (make-world CAT-X-COORD initial-pos false false) (on-tick world-after-tick 0.5) (on-draw world-to-scene) (on-key world-after-key-event) (on-mouse world-after-mouse-event))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; CONSTANTS (define CAT-IMAGE (bitmap "cat.png")) ;; how fast the cat falls, in pixels/tick (define CATSPEED 8) ;; dimensions of the canvas (define CANVAS-WIDTH 200) (define CANVAS-HEIGHT 400) (define EMPTY-CANVAS (empty-scene CANVAS-WIDTH CANVAS-HEIGHT)) ;; starting position of the cat (define CAT-X-COORD (/ CANVAS-WIDTH 2)) ;; dimensions of the cat (define HALF-CAT-WIDTH (/ (image-width CAT-IMAGE) 2)) (define HALF-CAT-HEIGHT (/ (image-height CAT-IMAGE) 2)) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; DATA DEFINITIONS ;; REPRESENTATION: ;; A World is represented as (make-world x-pos y-pos paused? selected?) ;; INTERPRETATION: ;; x-pos, y-pos : Integer the position of the center of the cat ;; in the scene ;; paused? describes whether or not the cat is paused. ;; selected? describes whether or not the cat is selected. ;; IMPLEMENTATION (define-struct world (x-pos y-pos paused? selected?)) ;; CONSTRUCTOR TEMPLATE: ;; (make-world Integer Integer Boolean Boolean) ;; OBSERVER TEMPLATE: ;; template: ;; world-fn : World -> ?? (define (world-fn w) (... (world-x-pos w) (world-y-pos w) (world-paused? w) (world-selected? w))) ;; examples of worlds, for testing: ;; cat is unselected in all of these (define unpaused-world-at-20 (make-world CAT-X-COORD 20 false false)) (define paused-world-at-20 (make-world CAT-X-COORD 20 true false)) (define unpaused-world-at-28 (make-world CAT-X-COORD 28 false false)) (define paused-world-at-28 (make-world CAT-X-COORD 28 true false)) ;; examples with cat selected (define selected-unpaused-world-at-20 (make-world CAT-X-COORD 20 false true)) (define selected-paused-world-at-20 (make-world CAT-X-COORD 20 true true)) (define selected-unpaused-world-at-28 (make-world CAT-X-COORD 28 false true)) (define selected-paused-world-at-28 (make-world CAT-X-COORD 28 true true)) ;; help function for key event ;; is-pause-key-event? : KeyEvent -> Boolean ;; GIVEN: a KeyEvent ;; RETURNS: true iff the KeyEvent represents a pause instruction (define (is-pause-key-event? ke) (key=? ke " ")) ;; examples for testing (define pause-key-event " ") (define non-pause-key-event "q") ;;; END DATA DEFINITIONS ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; world-after-tick : World -> World ;; GIVEN: a world w ;; RETURNS: the world that should follow w after a tick. ;; If the cat is either paused or selected, it is unchanged, otherwise ;; it falls. ;; EXAMPLES: ;; cat falling: ;; (world-after-tick unpaused-world-at-20) = unpaused-world-at-28 ;; cat paused: ;; (world-after-tick paused-world-at-20) = paused-world-at-20 ;; STRATEGY: Cases on whether cat is paused or selected, if unselected ;; follow constructor template for world. (define (world-after-tick w) (if (or (world-paused? w) (world-selected? w)) w (make-world (world-x-pos w) (+ (world-y-pos w) CATSPEED) (world-paused? w) (world-selected? w)))) ;; tests: (begin-for-test ;; these are for unselected cats: (check-equal? (world-after-tick unpaused-world-at-20) unpaused-world-at-28 "in unpaused world, the cat should fall CATSPEED pixels and world should still be unpaused") (check-equal? (world-after-tick paused-world-at-20) paused-world-at-20 "in paused world, cat should be unmoved") ;; check to see that selected cats don't move, whether or not they ;; are paused (check-equal? (world-after-tick selected-unpaused-world-at-20) selected-unpaused-world-at-20 "selected cat should be unmoved on tick") (check-equal? (world-after-tick selected-paused-world-at-20) selected-paused-world-at-20 "selected paused cat should be unmoved on tick") ) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; world-to-scene : World -> Scene ;; RETURNS: a Scene that portrays the given world. ;; EXAMPLE: (world-to-scene (make-world 20 ??)) ;; = (place-image CAT-IMAGE CAT-X-COORD 20 EMPTY-CANVAS) ;; STRATEGY: Use observer template for World on w (define (world-to-scene w) (place-image CAT-IMAGE (world-x-pos w) (world-y-pos w) EMPTY-CANVAS)) ;; tests ;; an image showing the cat at Y = 20 ;; check this visually to make sure it's what you want (define image-at-20 (place-image CAT-IMAGE CAT-X-COORD 20 EMPTY-CANVAS)) ;; note: these only test whether world->scene calls place-image properly. ;; it doesn't check to see whether that's the right image! (begin-for-test (check-equal? (world-to-scene unpaused-world-at-20) image-at-20 "(world-to-scene unpaused-world-at-20) returned incorrect image") (check-equal? (world-to-scene paused-world-at-20) image-at-20 "(world-to-scene paused-world-at-20) returned incorrect image")) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; world-after-key-event : World KeyEvent -> World ;; GIVEN: a world w and a keyevent kev ;; RETURNS: the world that should follow the given world ;; after the given key event. ;; on space, toggle paused?-- ignore all others ;; EXAMPLES: see tests below ;; STRATEGY: Cases on whether the kev is a pause event (define (world-after-key-event w kev) (if (is-pause-key-event? kev) (world-with-paused-toggled w) w)) ;; world-with-paused-toggled : World -> World ;; RETURNS: a world just like the given one, but with paused? toggled ;; STRATEGY: Use constructor template for World on w (define (world-with-paused-toggled w) (make-world (world-x-pos w) (world-y-pos w) (not (world-paused? w)) (world-selected? w))) ;; for world-after-key-event, we need 4 tests: a paused world, and an ;; unpaused world, and a pause-key-event and a non-pause key event. (begin-for-test (check-equal? (world-after-key-event paused-world-at-20 pause-key-event) unpaused-world-at-20 "after pause key, paused world did not become unpaused") (check-equal? (world-after-key-event unpaused-world-at-20 pause-key-event) paused-world-at-20 "after pause key, unpaused world did not become paused") (check-equal? (world-after-key-event paused-world-at-20 non-pause-key-event) paused-world-at-20 "after a non-pause key, paused world was not unchanged") (check-equal? (world-after-key-event unpaused-world-at-20 non-pause-key-event) unpaused-world-at-20 "after a non-pause key, unpaused world was not unchanged")) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; world-after-mouse-event : World Integer Integer MouseEvent -> World ;; GIVEN: a world, the x- and y-positions of the mouse, and a mouse ;; event. ;; RETURNS: the world that should follow the given mouse event ;; EXAMPLES: See slide on life cycle of dragged cat ;; STRATEGY: Cases on MouseEvent (define (world-after-mouse-event w mx my mev) (cond [(mouse=? mev "button-down") (world-after-button-down w mx my)] [(mouse=? mev "drag") (world-after-drag w mx my)] [(mouse=? mev "button-up")(world-after-button-up w mx my)] [else w])) ;; how many tests do we need here? ;; 3 mouse events (+ a test for the else clause) ;; cat selected or unselected (do we need to worry about being ;; paused?) ;; event inside cat or not. (begin-for-test ;; for button-down, need tests both inside cat and not ;; inside the cat (check-equal? (world-after-mouse-event unpaused-world-at-20 (+ CAT-X-COORD 5) 15 ;; a coordinate inside the cat "button-down") selected-unpaused-world-at-20 "button down inside the cat should select it") (check-equal? (world-after-mouse-event unpaused-world-at-20 (+ CAT-X-COORD 100) 15 ;; a coordinate not inside the cat "button-down") unpaused-world-at-20 "button down inside the cat should select it") ;; do we need tests for button-down on a selected cat? ;; tests for drag ;; don't care about paused, care only about whether the cat is ;; selected. (check-equal? (world-after-mouse-event unpaused-world-at-20 (+ CAT-X-COORD 100) 15 ;; a large motion "drag") unpaused-world-at-20 "drag when cat is unselected should leave it unchanged") (check-equal? (world-after-mouse-event selected-unpaused-world-at-20 (+ CAT-X-COORD 100) 15 ;; a large motion "drag") (make-world (+ CAT-X-COORD 100) 15 false true) "drag when cat is selected should move it to mouse location") ;; tests for button-up ;; we care only about whether the cat is selected or not. ;; possible scenarios: ;; button-up on an unselected cat should only happen with the mouse ;; not inside the cat. ;; the button-up on a selected cat should only happen with the mouse ;; inside the cat. ;; unselected cat, mouse not in cat (check-equal? (world-after-mouse-event unpaused-world-at-20 (+ CAT-X-COORD 100) 15 ;; a large motion "button-up") unpaused-world-at-20 "button-up when cat is unselected should leave it unchanged") (check-equal? (world-after-mouse-event selected-unpaused-world-at-20 (+ CAT-X-COORD 5) 15 ;; a coordinate inside the cat "button-up") unpaused-world-at-20 "button-up when cat is selected should make it unselected") ;; tests for other mouse events (check-equal? (world-after-mouse-event unpaused-world-at-20 (+ CAT-X-COORD 100) 15 ;; a large motion "move") unpaused-world-at-20 "move when cat is unselected should leave it unchanged") ) ;; world-after-button-down : World Integer Integer -> World ;; GIVEN: a world and the location of the button-down ;; RETURNS: the world following a button-down at the given location. ;; if the button-down is inside the cat, returns a cat just like the ;; given one, except that it is selected. ;; STRATEGY: Cases on whether the mouse event is in the cat, then use ;; template for World on w (define (world-after-button-down w mx my) (if (in-cat? w mx my) (make-world (world-x-pos w) (world-y-pos w) (world-paused? w) true) w)) ;; world-after-drag : World Integer Integer -> World ;; GIVEN: a world and the location of the drag event ;; RETURNS: the world following a drag at the given location. ;; if the world is selected, then return a world just like the given ;; one, except that it is now centered on the mouse position. ;; NOTE: this behavior is too simple for a real application. In the ;; problem sets, we'll use "smooth drag", which is covered in problem ;; set 03. ;; STRATEGY: Cases on whether world is selected. (define (world-after-drag w mx my) (if (world-selected? w) (make-world mx my (world-paused? w) true) w)) ;; world-after-button-up : World Integer Integer -> World ;; RETURNS: the world following a button-up at the given location. ;; if the cat is selected, return a cat just like the given one, ;; except that it is no longer selected. ;; STRATEGY: cases on whether world is selected (define (world-after-button-up w mx my) (if (world-selected? w) (make-world (world-x-pos w) (world-y-pos w) (world-paused? w) false) w)) ;; in-cat? : World Integer Integer -> World ;; RETURNS: true iff the given coordinate is inside the bounding box of ;; the cat. ;; EXAMPLES: see tests below ;; strategy: use observer template on w (define (in-cat? w x y) (and (<= (- (world-x-pos w) HALF-CAT-WIDTH) x (+ (world-x-pos w) HALF-CAT-WIDTH)) (<= (- (world-y-pos w) HALF-CAT-HEIGHT) y (+ (world-y-pos w) HALF-CAT-HEIGHT)))) (begin-for-test ;; inside the cat (check-equal? (in-cat? unpaused-world-at-20 (+ CAT-X-COORD 5) 15) true "test of in-cat? with nearby point") (check-equal? (in-cat? unpaused-world-at-20 (+ CAT-X-COORD 100) 15) ;; a coordinate not inside the cat false "test of in-cat? with distant point") ) ;; discussion question: are these tests sufficient to test in-cat?