;; The first three lines of this file were inserted by DrRacket. They record metadata ;; about the language level of this file in a form that our tools can easily process. #reader(lib "htdp-intermediate-lambda-reader.ss" "lang")((modname 02-6-ball-after-mouse-with-tests) (read-case-sensitive #t) (teachpacks ()) (htdp-settings #(#t constructor repeating-decimal #f #t none #f () #f))) ;; testing for itemization-then-compound (require rackunit) (require "extras.rkt") ; for begin-for-test (require 2htdp/universe) ; for mouse=?, key=? ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; DATA DEFINITIONS ;; REPRESENTATION: ;; A Ball is represented as (ball x y radius selected?) with the ;; following fields: ;; x, y : Integer the coordinates of the center of the ball, in pixels, ;; relative to the origin of the scene. ;; radius : NonNegReal the radius of the ball, in pixels ;; selected? : Boolean true iff the ball has been selected for dragging. ;; IMPLEMENTATION: (define-struct ball (x y radius selected?)) ;; CONSTRUCTOR TEMPLATE ;; (make-ball Integer Integer NonNegReal Boolean) ;; OBSERVER TEMPLATE ;; ball-fn : Ball -> ?? (define (ball-fn b) (... (ball-x b) (ball-y b) (ball-radius b) (ball-selected? b))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; ball-after-mouse : Ball Integer Integer MouseEvent -> Ball ;; GIVEN: a ball, a location and a mouse event ;; RETURNS: the ball after the given mouse event at the given location ;; STRATEGY: Cases on MouseEvent (define (ball-after-mouse b mx my mev) (cond [(mouse=? mev "button-down") (ball-after-button-down b mx my)] [(mouse=? mev "drag") (ball-after-drag b mx my)] [(mouse=? mev "button-up") (ball-after-button-up b mx my)] [else b])) ;; ball-after-drag : Ball Integer Integer -> Ball ;; GIVEN: a ball and a location ;; RETURNS: the ball after a drag event at the given location. ;; STRATEGY: Cases on whether the ball is selected (define (ball-after-drag b x y) (if (ball-selected? b) (ball-moved-to b x y) b)) ;; ball-moved-to : Ball Integer Integer -> Ball ;; GIVEN: a ball and a set of coordinates ;; RETURNS: a ball like the given one, except that it has been moved to ;; the given coordinates ;; STRATEGY: Create ball with correct values in the fields (define (ball-moved-to b x y) (make-ball x y (ball-radius b) (ball-selected? b))) ;; ball-after-button-down : Ball Number Number -> Ball ;; GIVEN: a ball and a set of coordinates ;; RETURNS: if the given coordinates are inside the ball, returns a ball just ;; like the given one, except that selected? is true. ;; if they are not inside the ball, return the ball unchanged. ;; STRATEGY: Cases on whether the position is inside the ball (define (ball-after-button-down b mx my) (if (inside-ball? mx my b) (ball-make-selected b) b)) ;; ball-make-selected : Ball -> Ball ;; RETURNS: a ball just like the given one, except that selected? is ;; true. ;; STRATEGY: Create a ball with correct values in the fields (define (ball-make-selected b) (make-ball (ball-x b) (ball-y b) (ball-radius b) true)) ;; inside-ball? : Number Number Ball -> Boolean ;; RETURNS: true if the given coordinates are inside the given ball. ;; STRATEGY: Transcribe mathematical formula (define (inside-ball? mx my b) (<= (+ (sqr (- (ball-x b) mx)) (sqr (- (ball-y b) my))) (sqr (ball-radius b)))) ;; ball-after-button-up : Ball Number Number -> Ball ;; RETURNS: the ball that should follow the given one after a button up. ;; STRATEGY: Create a ball like the current one, but unselected (define (ball-after-button-up b mx my) (ball-make-unselected b)) ;; ball-make-unselected : Ball -> Ball ;; RETURNS: a ball just like the given one, except that selected? is ;; false. ;; STRATEGY: Create a ball with the correct values in the fields (define (ball-make-unselected b) (make-ball (ball-x b) (ball-y b) (ball-radius b) false)) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; TESTS ;; we have a total of twelve possibilities: ;; 1. The ball is selected or unselected ;; 2. The mouse event is inside or outside the current ball ;; 3. The mouse event is button-up, button-down, or drag. (define ball-unselected (make-ball 20 30 10 false)) (define ball-selected (make-ball 20 30 10 true)) (define point-inside-x 22) (define point-inside-y 28) (define point-outside-x 31) ;; 20+10 = 30, so 31 is outside (define point-outside-y 19) ;; 30-10 = 20, so 19 is outside (define ball-moved-to-point-inside (make-ball point-inside-x point-inside-y 10 true)) (define ball-moved-to-point-outside (make-ball point-outside-x point-outside-y 10 true)) (begin-for-test ;; ball-unselected ;; point-inside (check-equal? (ball-after-mouse ball-unselected point-inside-x point-inside-y "button-down") ball-selected) (check-equal? (ball-after-mouse ball-unselected point-inside-x point-inside-y "drag") ball-unselected) (check-equal? (ball-after-mouse ball-unselected point-inside-x point-inside-y "button-up") ball-unselected) ;; ball-unselected ;; point-outside (check-equal? (ball-after-mouse ball-unselected point-outside-x point-outside-y "button-down") ball-unselected) (check-equal? (ball-after-mouse ball-unselected point-outside-x point-outside-y "drag") ball-unselected) (check-equal? (ball-after-mouse ball-unselected point-outside-x point-outside-y "button-up") ball-unselected) ;; ball-selected ;; point-inside (check-equal? (ball-after-mouse ball-selected point-inside-x point-inside-y "button-down") ball-selected) (check-equal? (ball-after-mouse ball-selected point-inside-x point-inside-y "drag") ball-moved-to-point-inside) (check-equal? (ball-after-mouse ball-selected point-inside-x point-inside-y "button-up") ball-unselected) ;; ball-selected ;; point-outside (check-equal? (ball-after-mouse ball-selected point-outside-x point-outside-y "button-down") ball-selected) (check-equal? (ball-after-mouse ball-selected point-outside-x point-outside-y "drag") ball-moved-to-point-outside) (check-equal? (ball-after-mouse ball-selected point-outside-x point-outside-y "button-up") ball-unselected) ) ;; extra tests added during debugging: (begin-for-test (check-equal? (ball-after-mouse ball-unselected point-inside-x point-inside-y "button-down") (ball-after-button-down ball-unselected point-inside-x point-inside-y)) (check-equal? (ball-after-button-down ball-unselected point-inside-x point-inside-y) (ball-make-selected ball-unselected)))