#lang racket ;; 10--callbacks: instead of registering 'this', the ball registers a ;; function to be called when it is notified. So we don't need a dedicated ;; update-pos method (require rackunit) (require 2htdp/universe) (require 2htdp/image) (require "extras.rkt") ;; start with (run framerate). Typically: (run 0.25) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; CONSTANTS (define CANVAS-WIDTH 400) (define CANVAS-HEIGHT 300) (define EMPTY-CANVAS (empty-scene CANVAS-WIDTH CANVAS-HEIGHT)) (define INIT-BALL-X (/ CANVAS-HEIGHT 2)) (define INIT-BALL-Y (/ CANVAS-WIDTH 3)) (define INIT-BALL-SPEED 30) (define INITIAL-WALL-POSITION 300) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; INTERFACES ;; An SWorld is an object of any class that implements SWorld<%> (define SWorld<%> (interface () ; -> Void ; GIVEN: no arguments ; EFFECT: updates this world to its state after a tick after-tick ; Integer Integer MouseEvent-> Void ; GIVEN: a location ; EFFECT: updates this world to the state that should follow the ; given mouse event at the given location. after-mouse-event ; KeyEvent -> Void ; GIVEN: a key event ; EFFECT: updates this world to the state that should follow the ; given key event after-key-event ; -> Scene ; GIVEN: a scene ; RETURNS: a scene that depicts this World to-scene ; Widget -> Void ; GIVEN: A widget ; EFFECT: add the given widget to the world add-widget ; SWidget -> Void ; GIVEN: A stateful widget ; EFFECT: add the given widget to the world add-stateful-widget )) ;; A Widget is an object of any class that implements Widget<%> (define Widget<%> (interface () ; -> Widget ; GIVEN: no arguments ; RETURNS: the state of this object that should follow at time t+1. after-tick ; Integer Integer -> Widget ; GIVEN: a location ; RETURNS: the state of this object that should follow the ; specified mouse event at the given location. after-button-down after-button-up after-drag ; KeyEvent -> Widget ; GIVEN: a key event and a time ; RETURNS: the state of this object that should follow the ; given key event after-key-event ; Scene -> Scene ; GIVEN: a scene ; RETURNS: a scene like the given one, but with this object ; painted on it. add-to-scene )) ;; An SWidget is an object of any class that implements the SWidget<%> ;; interface. ;; A SWidget is like a Widget, but it is stable (stateful). (define SWidget<%> (interface () ; -> Void ; GIVEN: no arguments ; EFFECT: updates this widget to the state it should have ; following a tick. after-tick ; Integer Integer -> Void ; GIVEN: a location ; EFFECT: updates this widget to the state it should have ; following the specified mouse event at the given location. after-button-down after-button-up after-drag ; KeyEvent -> Void ; GIVEN: a key event ; EFFECT: updates this widget to the state it should have ; following the given key event after-key-event ; Scene -> Scene ; GIVEN: a scene ; RETURNS: a scene like the given one, but with this object ; painted on it. add-to-scene )) ;; An SBall is an object of any class that implements SBall<%>. ;; An SBall is like a Ball, but it is stateful (stable), so its ;; interface extends SWidget<%> rather than Widget<%>. ;; It has one extra method, which updates the ball's copy of the ;; wall's position. (define SBall<%> (interface (SWidget<%>) ;; ; Int -> Void ;; ; EFFECT: updates the ball's cached value of the wall's position ;; update-wall-pos )) ;; The wall will be stable (stateful), so its interface ;; extends SWidget<%> instead of Widget<%>. ;; An SWall is an object of any class that implements SWall<%>. ;; There will be only one such class. ;; SWall<%> extends SWidget<%> instead of Widget<%>. ;; Instead of waiting to be asked, in this version the wall publishes ;; its position to anyone who puts themselves on the list to be ;; notified. It does so by calling the the recipient's ;; 'update-wall-pos' method. ;; So SWall<%> has a 'register' method, which allows any SBall to sign up ;; for notifications. (define SWall<%> (interface (SWidget<%>) ; (Int -> Void) -> Int ; GIVEN: A function to be called whenever the wall position changes ; EFFECT: registers the function to receive position updates from this wall. ; RETURNS: the x-position of the wall register )) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; initial-world : -> World ;; RETURNS: a world with a wall, a ball, and a factory (define (initial-world) (local ((define the-wall (new SWall%)) (define the-ball (new SBall% [w the-wall])) (define the-world (make-sworld empty (list the-ball the-wall))) (define the-factory (new BallFactory% [wall the-wall][world the-world]))) (begin ;; put the factory in the world (send the-world add-stateful-widget the-factory) the-world))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; run : PosReal -> World ; GIVEN: a frame rate, in secs/tick ; EFFECT: runs an initial world at the given frame rate ; RETURNS: the world in its final state of the world ; Note: the (begin (send w ...) w) idiom (define (run rate) (big-bang (initial-world) (on-tick (lambda (w) (begin (send w after-tick) w)) rate) (on-draw (lambda (w) (send w to-scene))) (on-key (lambda (w kev) (begin (send w after-key-event kev) w))) (on-mouse (lambda (w mx my mev) (begin (send w after-mouse-event mx my mev) w))))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; The SWorld% class ;; Like the World% class in 10-4, but is stateful itself. ;; It needs to be stable so the ball factory will know where to put ;; a new ball. ; ListOfWidget ListOfSWidget -> World (define (make-sworld objs sobjs) (new SWorld% [objs objs][sobjs sobjs])) (define SWorld% (class* object% (SWorld<%>) (init-field objs) ; ListOfWidget (init-field sobjs) ; ListOfSWidget (super-new) (define/public (add-widget w) (set! objs (cons w objs))) (define/public (add-stateful-widget w) (set! sobjs (cons w sobjs))) ;; ((Widget -> Widget) && (SWidget -> Void)) -> Void (define (process-widgets fn) (begin (set! objs (map fn objs)) (for-each fn sobjs))) ;; after-tick : -> Void ;; Use map on the Widgets in this World; use for-each on the ;; stateful widgets (define/public (after-tick) (process-widgets (lambda (obj) (send obj after-tick)))) ;; to-scene : -> Scene ;; Use HOFC foldr on the Widgets and SWidgets in this World ;; Note: the append is inefficient, but clear.. (define/public (to-scene) (foldr (lambda (obj scene) (send obj add-to-scene scene)) EMPTY-CANVAS (append objs sobjs))) ;; after-key-event : KeyEvent -> Void ;; STRATEGY: Pass the KeyEvents on to the objects in the world. (define/public (after-key-event kev) (process-widgets (lambda (obj) (send obj after-key-event kev)))) ;; world-after-mouse-event : Nat Nat MouseEvent -> World ;; STRATGY: Cases on mev (define/public (after-mouse-event mx my mev) (cond [(mouse=? mev "button-down") (world-after-button-down mx my)] [(mouse=? mev "drag") (world-after-drag mx my)] [(mouse=? mev "button-up") (world-after-button-up mx my)] [else this])) ;; the next few functions are local functions, not in the interface. (define (world-after-button-down mx my) (process-widgets (lambda (obj) (send obj after-button-down mx my)))) (define (world-after-button-up mx my) (process-widgets (lambda (obj) (send obj after-button-up mx my)))) (define (world-after-drag mx my) (process-widgets (lambda (obj) (send obj after-drag mx my)))) )) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; The BallFactory% class ;; accepts "b" key events and adds them to the world. ;; gets the world as an init-field ;; 10-6: in the push model, the ball is a stateful widget (define BallFactory% (class* object% (SWidget<%>) (init-field world) ; the world to which the factory adds balls (init-field wall) ; the wall that the new balls should bounce ; off of. (super-new) (define/public (after-key-event kev) (cond [(key=? kev "b") (send world add-stateful-widget (new SBall% [w wall]))])) ;; the Ball Factory has no other behavior (define/public (after-tick) this) (define/public (after-button-down mx my) this) (define/public (after-button-up mx my) this) (define/public (after-drag mx my) this) (define/public (add-to-scene s) s) )) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; The SBall% class ;; Constructor template for SBall%: ;; (new SBall% [x Int][y Int][speed Int] ;; [saved-mx Integer][saved-my Integer][selected? Boolean] ;; [w Wall]) ;; As of 10-6, the Ball is now a stateful widget (define SBall% (class* object% (SWidget<%>) (init-field w) ;; the Wall that the ball should bounce off of ;; initial values of x, y (center of ball) (init-field [x INIT-BALL-X]) (init-field [y INIT-BALL-Y]) (init-field [speed INIT-BALL-SPEED]) ; is this selected? Default is false. (init-field [selected? false]) ;; if this is selected, the position of ;; the last button-down event inside this, relative to the ;; ball's center. Else any value. (init-field [saved-mx 0] [saved-my 0]) (field [radius 20]) ;; register this ball with the wall, and use the result as the ;; initial value of wall-pos (field [wall-pos (send w register ; this (lambda (n) (set! wall-pos n)))]) (super-new) ;; ;; Int -> Void ;; ;; EFFECT: updates the ball's idea of the wall's position to the ;; ;; given integer. ;; (define/public (update-wall-pos n) ;; (set! wall-pos n)) ;; after-tick : -> Void ;; state of this ball after a tick. A selected ball doesn't move. (define/public (after-tick) (if selected? this ;; (new Ball% ;; [x (next-x-pos)] ;; [y y] ;; [speed (next-speed)] ;; [selected? selected?] ;; [saved-mx saved-mx] ;; [saved-my saved-my] ;; [w w]) (let ((x1 (next-x-pos)) (speed1 (next-speed))) ;; (next-speed) depends on x, and (next-x-pos) depends on ;; speed, so they have to be done independently before doing ;; any assignments. (begin (set! speed speed1) (set! x x1))))) ;; -> Integer ;; position of the ball at the next tick ;; STRATEGY: use the ball's cached copy of the wall position to ;; set the upper limit of motion (define (next-x-pos) (limit-value radius (+ x speed) (- wall-pos ; (send w get-pos) radius))) ;; Number^3 -> Number ;; WHERE: lo <= hi ;; RETURNS: val, but limited to the range [lo,hi] (define (limit-value lo val hi) (max lo (min val hi))) ;; -> Integer ;; RETURNS: the velocity of the ball at the next tick ;; STRATEGY: if the ball will be at its limit, negate the ;; velocity, otherwise return it unchanged ;; (define (next-speed) ;; (if (or ;; (= (next-x-pos) radius) ;; (= (next-x-pos) (- wall-pos ; (send w get-pos) ;; radius))) ;; (- speed) ;; speed)) (define (next-speed) (if (< radius (next-x-pos) (- wall-pos radius)) speed (- speed))) (define/public (add-to-scene s) (place-image (circle radius "outline" "red") x y s)) ; after-button-down : Integer Integer -> Void ; GIVEN: the location of a button-down event ; STRATEGY: Cases on whether the event is in this (define/public (after-button-down mx my) (if (in-this? mx my) ;; (new Ball% ;; [x x][y y][speed speed] ;; [selected? true] ;; [saved-mx (- mx x)] ;; [saved-my (- my y)] ;; [w w]) (begin (set! selected? true) (set! saved-mx (- mx x)) (set! saved-my (- my y))) this)) ;; in-this? : Integer Integer -> Boolean ;; GIVEN: a location on the canvas ;; RETURNS: true iff the location is inside this. (define (in-this? other-x other-y) (<= (+ (sqr (- x other-x)) (sqr (- y other-y))) (sqr radius))) ; after-button-up : Integer Integer -> Void ; GIVEN: the location of a button-up event ; STRATEGY: Cases on whether the event is in this ; If this is selected, then unselect it. (define/public (after-button-up mx my) (if (in-this? mx my) ;; (new Ball% ;; [x x][y y][speed speed] ;; [selected? false] ;; [saved-mx 127] ;; [saved-my 98] ; the invariant says that if selected? is ;; ; false, you can put anything here. ;; [w w]) (set! selected? false) 'error-276)) ;; In Racket, an 'if' must have two arms. #lang racket also has a ;; form called 'when', which only requires one arm. You can use ;; that in your code if you want. ; after-drag : Integer Integer -> Void ; GIVEN: the location of a drag event ; STRATEGY: Cases on whether the ball is selected. ; If it is selected, move it so that the vector from the center to ; the drag event is equal to (mx, my) (define/public (after-drag mx my) (if selected? ;; (new Ball% ;; [x (- mx saved-mx)] ;; [y (- my saved-my)] ;; [speed speed] ;; [selected? true] ;; [saved-mx saved-mx] ;; [saved-my saved-my] ;; [w w]) (begin (set! x (- mx saved-mx)) (set! y (- my saved-my))) 'error-277)) ;; the ball ignores key events (define/public (after-key-event kev) this) (define/public (for-test:x) x) (define/public (for-test:speed) speed) (define/public (for-test:wall-pos) wall-pos) (define/public (for-test:next-speed) (next-speed)) (define/public (for-test:next-x) (next-x-pos)) )) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; The SWall% class ;; Constructor Template for SWall% ;; (new SWall% [pos Integer] ;; [saved-mx Integer] ;; [selected? Boolean]) ;; all these fields have default values (define SWall% (class* object% (SWall<%>) (init-field [pos INITIAL-WALL-POSITION]) ; the x position of the wall ; is the wall selected? Default is false. (init-field [selected? false]) ;; if the wall is selected, the x position of ;; the last button-down event near the wall (init-field [saved-mx 0]) ;; the list of registered callbacks ;; ListOf(Int -> Void) (field [callbacks empty]) (super-new) ;; the extra behavior for Wall<%> ;; (define/public (get-pos) pos) ;; (Int -> Void) -> Int ;; EFFECT: registers the given callback ;; RETURNS: the current position of the wall (define/public (register c) (begin (set! callbacks (cons c callbacks)) pos)) ; after-button-down : Integer Integer -> Void ; GIVEN: the (x, y) location of a button-down event ; EFFECT: if the event is near the wall, make the wall selected. ; STRATEGY: Cases on whether the event is near the wall (define/public (after-button-down mx my) (if (near-wall? mx) ;; (new Wall% ;; [pos pos] ;; [selected? true] ;; [saved-mx (- mx pos)]) (begin (set! selected? true) (set! saved-mx (- mx pos))) ;; don't need to worry about returning this this)) ;; but an if needs an else clause :-( ; after-button-up : Integer Integer -> Void ; GIVEN: the (x,y) location of a button-up event ; EFFECT: makes the Wall unselected (define/public (after-button-up mx my) ;; (new Wall% ;; [pos pos] ;; [selected? false] ;; [saved-mx saved-mx]) (set! selected? false)) ; after-drag : Integer Integer -> Void ; GIVEN: the location of a drag event ; STRATEGY: Cases on whether the wall is selected. ; If it is selected, move it so that the vector from its position to ; the drag event is equal to saved-mx. Report the new position to ; the registered balls. (define/public (after-drag mx my) (if selected? ;; (new Wall% ;; [pos (- mx saved-mx)] ;; [selected? true] ;; [saved-mx saved-mx]) (begin (set! pos (- mx saved-mx)) (for-each (lambda (c) ; CHANGED in callback model ; (send b update-wall-pos pos) (c pos)) callbacks)) this)) ;; add-to-scene : Scene -> Scene ;; RETURNS: a scene like the given one, but with this wall painted ;; on it. (define/public (add-to-scene scene) (scene+line scene pos 0 pos CANVAS-HEIGHT "black")) ;; is mx near the wall? We arbitrarily say it's near if its ;; within 5 pixels. (define (near-wall? mx) (< (abs (- mx pos)) 5)) ;; the wall has no other behaviors (define/public (after-tick) this) (define/public (after-key-event kev) this) ))