;; The first three lines of this file were inserted by DrRacket. They record metadata ;; about the language level of this file in a form that our tools can easily process. #reader(lib "htdp-intermediate-lambda-reader.ss" "lang")((modname 08-XX-queens) (read-case-sensitive #t) (teachpacks ()) (htdp-settings #(#t constructor repeating-decimal #f #t none #f ()))) ;; N-queens problem (require rackunit) (require "extras.rkt") (require "sets.rkt") ;; A classic problem: ;; Place N queens on an NxN chessboard such that no two queens ;; threaten each other. ;; Queens at (r1,c1) and (r2,c2) threaten each other iff either ;; r1=r2, c1=c2, r1+c1 = r2+c2 or r1-c1 = r2-c2 ;; Configurations: ;; A configuration is a set of queens ;; We will only represent configurations of the form ;; {(1,c1),(2,c2),...} ;; A Configuration is _legal_ iff no queen in the configuration ;; threatens any other queen. ;; A Configuration is _complete_ iff it has a queen on every row of the board. ;; Given a legal configuration ;; config = {(1,c1),(2,c2),...(k, c_k)} ;; the legal successors of config are those configurations ;; {(1,c1),(2,c2),...(k, c_k), (k+1, c_k+1)} ;; that are legal ;; Data Design ;; The data design should accomodate boards of any size. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; QUEENS ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (define-struct queen (row col)) ;; A Queen is a (make-queen PosInt PosInt) ;; Queen Queen -> Boolean ;; STRATEGY: combine simpler functions (define (threatens? q1 q2) (or (= (queen-row q1) (queen-row q2)) (= (queen-col q1) (queen-col q2)) (= (+ (queen-row q1) (queen-col q1)) (+ (queen-row q2) (queen-col q2))) (= (- (queen-row q1) (queen-col q1)) (- (queen-row q2) (queen-col q2))))) ;; Queen ListOfQueens -> Boolean ;; Strategy: Use HOF ormap on other-queens (define (threatens-any? this-queen other-queens) (ormap (lambda (other-queen) (threatens? this-queen other-queen)) other-queens)) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; CONFIGURATIONS ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; A Config is a ListOfQueen ;; WHERE: the queens are listed in _decreasing_ row order, eg ;; ((k, c_k), (k-1, c_k-1), ... (1, c1)) ;; A LegalConfiguration is a Configuration ;; WHERE no queen in the configuration threaten any other queen. ;; A LegalConfiguration is _complete_ iff it has a queen on every row ;; of the board. ;; : -> LegalConfig (define empty-config empty) ;; legal-to-add-queen? : PosInt LegalConfig -> Bool ;; GIVEN: a column col and a legal configuration ;; ((k, c_k), (k-1, c_k-1), ... (1, c1)) ;; RETURNS: true iff ((k+1, col) (k, c_k), (k-1, c_k-1), ;; ... (1, c1)) is a legal configuration. ;; STRATEGY: Cases on whether the configuration is empty. (define (legal-to-add-queen? col config) (or (empty? config) ;; first queen is always legal (local ((define next-row (+ 1 (length config))) (define new-queen (make-queen next-row col))) (not (threatens-any? new-queen config))))) ;; place-queen : PosInt LegalConfig -> LegalConfig ;; GIVEN: a column col and a legal config of some length k ;; WHERE: the new queen at (k+1, col) doesn't threaten any of the ;; existing queens. ;; RETURNS: the given configuration with a new queen added at ;; (k+1,col) ;; STRATEGY: cases on whether the configuration is empty. (define (place-queen col config) (if (empty? config) (list (make-queen 1 1)) (local ((define next-row (+ 1 (length config))) (define new-queen (make-queen next-row col))) (cons new-queen config)))) ;; Config PosInt -> Boolean ;; RETURNS: Is the configuration complete for a board of size n? ;; STRATEGY: combine simpler functions (define (config-complete? config size) (= size (length config))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; BUILDING A CONFIGURATION ;; complete-configuration : LegalConfig PosInt-> MaybeLegalConfig ;; GIVEN: a legal configuration and the size of the board ;; RETURNS: an extension of the given configuration to the given size, ;; if there is one, otherwise false. ;; STRATEGY: Recur on each legal placement of next queen. ;; DETAILS: Given ((k, c_k), (k-1, c_k-1), ... (1, c1)), we generate all the ;; configurations ((k+1, c_k+1), (k, c_k), (k-1, c_k-1), ... (1, c1)) ;; nda recur on each of them until we find one that works. ;; HALTING MEASURE: (- size (length config)) (define (complete-configuration config size) (cond [(config-complete? config size) config] [else (first-success (lambda (config1) (complete-configuration config1 size)) (legal-successors config size))])) ;; LegalConfig Nat -> ListOfLegalConfig ;; GIVEN a legal configuration ((k, c_k), (k-1, c_k-1), ... (1, c1)) ;; RETURNS: the list of all legal configurations ;; ((k+1, c_k+1), (k, c_k), (k-1, c_k-1), ... (1, c1)) ;; STRATEGY: Use HOF filter on [1,n] to find all places on which it is ;; legal to place next queen. Use map on the result to construct each ;; such configuration. (define (legal-successors config size) (map (lambda (col) (place-queen col config)) (filter (lambda (col) (legal-to-add-queen? col config)) (integers-from 1 ncols)))) ;; GIVEN: integers n and m ;; RETURNS: a list containing the integers in [n,m] ;; STRATEGY: recur on n+1; halt when n > m. ;; HALTING MEASURE: max(0,m-n). (define (integers-from n m) (cond [(> n m) empty] [else (cons n (integers-from (+ n 1) m))])) ;; (X -> MaybeY) ListOfX -> MaybeY ;; first elt of lst s.t. (f elt) is not false; else false ;; like ormap, but in ISL ormap requires booleans. ;; in #lang racket, we could just use ormap ;; STRATEGY: Use template for ListOfX on lst (define (first-success f lst) (cond [(empty? lst) false] [else (local ((define y (f (first lst)))) (if (not (false? y)) y (first-success f (rest lst))))])) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; TOP LEVEL ;; Nat -> MaybeLegalConfig ;; STRATEGY: Call a more general function (define (nqueens n) (complete-configuration empty-config n)) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; TESTING ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; RETURNS: Is the configuration legal? (define (config-legal? config) (cond [(empty? config) true] [else (and (not (threatens-any? (first config) (rest config))) (config-legal? (rest config)))])) (begin-for-test "config-legal tests; " (check-true (config-legal? empty)) (check-false (config-legal? (list (make-queen 1 2) (make-queen 1 3)))) (check-false (config-legal? (list (make-queen 1 2) (make-queen 7 8) (make-queen 3 5)))) (check-true (config-legal? (list (make-queen 4 3) (make-queen 3 1) (make-queen 2 4) (make-queen 1 2))))) ;; test-nqueens : PosInt -> Boolean ;; GIVEN: n ;; RETURNS: true iff (nqueens n) returns false OR its solution is ;; legal (define (test-nqueens n) (local ((define result (time (nqueens n)))) (if (false? result) true (and (complete? n result) (config-legal? result))))) (begin-for-test (check-true (test-nqueens 1)) (check-true (test-nqueens 2)) (check-true (test-nqueens 3)) (check-true (test-nqueens 4)) (check-true (test-nqueens 5)) (check-true (test-nqueens 6)) (check-true (test-nqueens 7)) (check-true (test-nqueens 8)) (check-true (test-nqueens 9)) (check-true (test-nqueens 10)) (check-true (test-nqueens 15)) ;; (check-true (test-nqueens 18)) ;; (check-true (test-nqueens 20)) )