;; The first three lines of this file were inserted by DrRacket. They record metadata ;; about the language level of this file in a form that our tools can easily process. #reader(lib "htdp-beginner-reader.ss" "lang")((modname 06-5-descendants) (read-case-sensitive #t) (teachpacks ()) (htdp-settings #(#t constructor repeating-decimal #f #t none #f ()))) ;; descendants-better-tests.rkt (require rackunit) (require rackunit/text-ui) (require "sets.rkt") ;; (require "extras.rkt") ; uncomment to get access to "provide" (define-struct person (name children)) ;; A Person is a ;; (make-person String ListOfPersons) ;; Interp: (make-person str lst) represents a person whose name is str ;; and whose children are represented by lst ;; A ListOfPersons (LoP) is one of ;; -- empty ;; -- (cons Person ListOfPersons) (define alice (make-person "alice" empty)) (define bob (make-person "bob" empty)) (define chuck (make-person "chuck" (list alice bob))) (define dave (make-person "dave" empty)) (define eddie (make-person "eddie" (list dave))) (define fred (make-person "fred" (list chuck eddie))) ;;;; Template: ;;;; person-fn : Person -> ?? ;;(define (person-fn p) ;; (... (person-name p) (lop-fn (person-children p)))) ;; ;;;; lop-fn : ListOfPersons -> ?? ;;(define (lop-fn lop) ;; (cond ;; [(empty? lop) ...] ;; [else (... (person-fn (first p)) ;; (lop-fn (rest p)))])) ;; grandchildren : Person -> LoP ;; RETURNS: a list of the grandchildren of the given person. ;; (grandchildren fred) = (list alice bob dave) ;; STRATEGY: Use template for Person/LoP (define (grandchildren p) (all-children (person-children p))) ;; all-children : LoP -> LoP ;; GIVEN: a list of persons, ;; RETURNS: the list of all their children. ;; (all-children (list fred eddie)) = (list chuck eddie dave) ;; STRATEGY: Use template for Person/LoP (define (all-children lop) (cond [(empty? lop) empty] [else (append (person-children (first lop)) (all-children (rest lop)))])) (define-test-suite grandchildren-tests (check set-equal? (all-children (list fred eddie)) (list chuck eddie dave)) ;; same test, but with the answer in a different order (check set-equal? (all-children (list fred eddie)) (list eddie chuck dave)) (check set-equal? (grandchildren fred) (list alice bob dave))) ;; descendants : Person -> LoP ;; GIVEN: a Person, ;; RETURNS: the list of his/her descendants ;; all-descendants : LoP -> LoP ;; GIVEN: a ListOfPersons, ;; RETURNS: the list of all their descendants ;; (descendants fred) = (list chuck eddie alice bob dave) ;; (all-descendants (list chuck eddie)) = (list alice bob eddie) ;; STRATEGY: Use template for Person/LoP (define (descendants p) (append (person-children p) (all-descendants (person-children p)))) (define (all-descendants lop) (cond [(empty? lop) empty] [else (append (descendants (first lop)) (all-descendants (rest lop)))])) (begin-for-test (check set-equal? (descendants fred) (list chuck eddie alice bob dave)) (check set-equal? (all-descendants (list chuck eddie)) (list alice bob dave)))