On this page:
1 Intelli  J IDE
The First Project
Tests for Book
Generate Javadocs
How does this work?
Code styling
Contact information
Email address
A trading stock

Lab 1: Introduction to IntelliJ and Simple Data Definitions

Goals: The goals of this lab are to get familiar with our work environment: the IntelliJ IDE, the Bottlenose submission, the basics of running a program in Java, and the JUnit testing framework.

The second part of the lab will focus on practicing data definitions and examples in Java.

Related files:
  Person.java     Book.java     PersonTest.java  

1 IntelliJ IDE

IntelliJ is an integrated (program) development environment used by many professional Java programmers (as well as programmers using other programming languages). It is an Open Source product, which means anyone can use it freely and anyone can contribute to its development.

The environment provides an editor, allows you to organize your work into several files that together comprise a project.

There are several step in getting started:

Throughout this lab, we will refer to the tutorial video for IntelliJ.

The First Project

Please work on this part individually.

  1. Follow the tutorial video for IntelliJ up to about the 6:00 mark. It will walk you through how to create a new project, how to organize your projects and how to set up your Java SDK for use from IntelliJ.

    • The video was originally made for CS 3500. Replace those references to CS 5004.

    • The video creates a new project called “HelloWorld”. Give your project a different name, perhaps lab1.

  2. Add Person.java and Book.java from above to your project. Follow the tutorial video for IntelliJ from 9:30 to 10:25. Verify that none of the files show any errors by double-clicking on them.

  3. Understand the folder structure imposed by IntelliJ by listening to tutorial video for IntelliJ from 11:35 to 12:30.

  4. Add JUnit tests for the Person class. Follow the tutorial video for IntelliJ from 12:30 to 17:10, but create a test class for the Person class instead of what the tutorial is showing you.

  5. Replace the contents of the newly created PersonTest.java with that in the file with the same name provided to you above.

  6. Run this test case, by following the tutorial video for IntelliJ from 18:40 to 19:22. Verify that all tests pass.

Tests for Book
  1. Create a JUnit test class for the Book class, using the same process as you did above to create tests for the Person class.

  2. Write tests that verify that all the public methods of the Book class work as expected.
    • Work with your partner to design each test method.

    • Decide the objective of your test: what exactly are you testing?

    • Decide how you will fulfill the above objective: what must you do to ensure that your test indeed tests what it is supposed to?

    • Write the test.

    • Execute the test to ensure it is working correctly.

Generate Javadocs

The provided files already have Javadoc-style comments. You will now generate html documentation from these files from within IntelliJ.

  1. Within your IntelliJ project folder, create a new folder called “docs”. IntelliJ will pull all the generated documentation within this folder.

  2. From the IntelliJ menu, choose Tools –> Generate Javadoc....

  3. In the Output Directory field, point it to the “docs” folder you created in step 1.

  4. Press OK. IntelliJ will now generate the html files and open them in your browser. If the files do not open automatically, go to the “docs” folder and open index.html in your browser.

  5. Correlate the Javadoc comments in the Person.java file with the output in Person.html file to see how Javadoc comments affect the documentation.

How does this work?

The Java SDK comes with a tool called javadoc. IntelliJ uses this tool and passes it all your .java files. You will find this tool in the “bin” folder inside your Java SDK directory (wherever you installed it on your machine).

Code styling

Style of code is important for its readability and uniformity. Most companies impose a code style that makes all the code created by numerous developers have the same formatting. In this course we will use a styling convention from Google and employ IntelliJ to enforce this style on our code. All the assignments in this course will have a part of their grade determined by style, so it is important that you enforce this style for all source code!

  1. Download the style file intellij-java-google-style.xml.

  2. Follow the tutorial video for IntelliJ from 20:43 to 28:12.

  1. Go to the submission server. Log in using your CCIS username and password.

  2. If you have not done so already, register yourself as a student of CS 5004.

  3. Contact the instructor so that you can be approved.

  4. Create a zip file that contains the src and test folders of your IntelliJ project for this lab.

  5. Submit it as Lab 1 on the server.

  6. Inspect your submission and look at the style grader feedback. Correct your code accordingly and resubmit, until the style grader no longer complains.

  7. This is for demonstration purposes only. This submission will not count towards your grade.

Contact information

Add contact information to each person. The contact information should store a phone number and an email address. The email address should be a single string.

Draw a class diagram for how this information will fit in with the Person class. Modify the Person class with this new information, add methods to get this information and write tests to verify that these methods work correctly.

Email address

Representing the email address as a single string is not ideal, because an email address is really a composition of a username and a domain. Represent an email address as a class that represents this information appropriately.

Modify the class diagram from above to represent this information. Modify the Person class with this new information, add methods to get this information and write tests to verify that these methods work correctly.

A trading stock

Hundreds of stocks trade on the Stock Exchange every day. Owning a stock is akin to owning a tiny part of the company. A stock is represented by the name of a company (e.g. Microsoft Corporation), its ticker symbol (e.g. MSFT), its price per unit share (e.g. $60.37) and other details that may be relevant when someone is trying to decide whether to buy this stock or not. These details include (a) the lowest price of that stock in the past 52 weeks (b) the highest price of that stock in the past 52 weeks (c) the total debt and the total assets owned by the company (both in dollar-cent amounts) and an analyst recommendation (1-5, 1 being strong sell and 5 being strong buy).

Design one or more classes that represent this information and express your design in a class diagram.