This class is an introduction to low-level programming, operating
system concepts and implementation, and how to interact with the
services that an OS provides
It is a class about abstraction: A modern computer is a complex
hardware system, built on very simple principles (1, 0, logic gates). An
OS manages this complexity and provides abstractions for working with a
computer system
It is also a class about resource management
Compared to other classes: we go to more detail than CS5007 – which
is an Align masters course, but we cover only part of what 5600 covers
and in less details
Completing 3650 should give you a good basis for tackling a more
advanced course, such as 5600
Roughly speaking, this course has several topics:
Computer Systems Fundamentals - tools and languages
Terminal, C, Assembly, compiler toolchain
CPU Virtualization
Computer Architecture
Memory/Cache/Virtual Memory
Storage Devices
File Systems
Other Selected Topics Throughout The Semester
Most of this course will talk about a special program called the
operating system
With that in mind, one of our goals is demystifying computer systems
– both hardware and systems software
There is no magic – just 0s and 1s and several thousands/millions
lines of code that make things work the way we are used to nowadays
One thing to realize is, that things started relatively simply – the
big operating systems with tons of features and fancy user interfaces
are a consequence of evolution of software engineering techniques and
consumer expectations
The other thing to realize is, that systems we use were designed and
implemented by people like you!
In a lot of ways computer science is both a science and an art – we
base our code on solid mathematical principles, as well as physics, but
a lot of creativity has gone into getting us where we are now
The first thing you should do, is to familiarize yourself with the
course resources
It contains the Syllabus:
read it today, then again before next class and prepare
questions if something isn’t clear. It is important to
familiarize yourself with the course policies regarding evaluation,
lateness, academic integrity, etc.
We also have a Canvas
page and we will use it mostly to publish assignments and quizzes. We
may also use it for section-specific announcements, such as class
cancellations, to avoid spamming the whole class
Course communication will primarily happen via Piazza,
please make sure to follow the link from the website
Programming assignments and projects will be submitted via
We will also use Khoury Github
to distribute starter code and lab assignments
Most of your grade will come from assignments
There will be about 8 assignments and 2 projects
Out of the 8 assignments, the first 4 are strictly individual, the
remainder + the projects can be completed in pairs
You can partner across sections
There will be two “projects”
These are longer (2 weeks), more substantial programming exercises
that will require you to plan and/or experiment more
As such, the description will be more vague than with assignments –
you are expected to do more reading, thinking, and asking
We provide “labs” as a means to practice implementation techniques
and tools
The idea is to provide exercises related to the week’s topic, which
will prepare you better for tackling that or next week’s
These will be graded mostly on effort – the intention is to
encourage you to do the exercises as preparation for assignments
Ideally, we would like to provide you some class time (30-60 mintes)
every week to work on the labs, but if we need more time to cover
topics, the “lab” will be purely a take-home exercise
Almost weekly, there will be a quiz on the topics from class
The intention is to make you engage with the material
Questions will be from lectures and readings
Course Materials/Equipment
A laptop
The laptop’s operating system shouldn’t matter, however, having a
Unix-like environment (Linux, macOS, WSL, *BSD, …) is an advantage
We will provide you with a cloud-based Virtual Machine for you to
work on
We will use Linux for most of the course
With any programming assignment, the assumption is, that you have
tested your code on the provided VM. Regrade requests
based on “it worked on my machine” will be rejected
Main texts
OSTEP (most)
Dive into Systems (parts)
Low-Level Programming
The C Programming Language
Lecture notes/slides
Other linked resources
While we don’t expect you to read each provided reading word by
word, we expect you to skim it and be aware of where to find relevant
Most assignments and projects assume you’ve done the reading
Questions regarding course content should be directed to Piazza
Do not post snippets of your own code publicly (see cheating)
Try to formulate your question to be about a concept, rather than a
specific part of your code
If you do want to ask a question about your code and you want to
share a snippet, make a private Piazza post and address it to
all instructors
Do not post private questions addressed to a single individual
If you are sending an email, make sure you include the course code
in the subject, e.g., [CS3650] Meeting request
If relevant, mention which section you are in
If you do not get a reply, please send a reminder – emails sometimes
get lost under a heap
Expectations and Teaching
Everyone learns differently
This class: mix of lectures, exercises, written resources
(textbooks, articles, manuals, documentation, source code, …)
(Ferd) I generally avoid slides and prefer live
collaborative coding and using the white-/blackboard for figures,
writing notes in a text editor, etc.
Systems programming is based on a large body of knowledge that we
cannot possibly cover in this course. You will need (learn to) to look
for and use resources and do some research on your own
Our goal is to help you become an independent learner and developer
– this is an important skill in any worthwhile coding job
Part of success (not only in this class) is figuring out what works
for you! We can guide you through that process, provide resources and
hints, but ultimately it is up to you
This is a very hands-on class – We will build things!
Allow yourself to make mistakes – this means starting early and
Do not be afraid to be wrong
Do readings (see above)
Do ask questions
Come to office hours
Our expectation is that you know at least one programming language
reasonably well – for most of you, this will be probably Java
You can expect to get some exposure to x86-64 assembly and get a
good base in C
The next steps
Operating Systems
What operating system(s) do you use?
What is an operating system, anyway?
An OS is any and all software that sits between a user program
(including the libraries it uses) and the hardware – basically a layer
that sits between user software and the hardware
A resource manager and allocator
Decides between conflicting requests for hardware access
They all operate under roughly the same core code, which is called
the kernel.
Often they differ by the software, user interface, and configuration
So very often Linux software for one flavor of Linux will run on the
other with few or no changes.
Generally we (as systems programmers) like Linux, because it is a
clean and hackable operating system.
However, it has a large code base
When many folks think of Unix-like operating systems, they may think
of a hacker using a ‘command-line interface’ to program.
Linux Announcement
This is the message Linus sent to the comp.os.minix
Usenet group (something like a mailing list) after about 2 months of
work on his new OS:
From: torvalds@klaava.Helsinki.FI (Linus Benedict Torvalds)
Newsgroups: comp.os.minix
Subject: What would you like to see most in minix?
Summary: small poll for my new operating system
Date: 25 Aug 91 20:57:08 GMT
Organization: University of Helsinki
Hello everybody out there using minix -
I'm doing a (free) operating system (just a hobby, won't be big and
professional like gnu) for 386(486) AT clones. This has been brewing
since april, and is starting to get ready. I'd like any feedback on
things people like/dislike in minix, as my OS resembles it somewhat
(same physical layout of the file-system (due to practical reasons)
among other things).
I've currently ported bash(1.08) and gcc(1.40), and things seem to work.
This implies that I'll get something practical within a few months, and
I'd like to know what features most people would want. Any suggestions
are welcome, but I won't promise I'll implement them :-)
Linus (
PS. Yes - it's free of any minix code, and it has a multi-threaded fs.
It is NOT protable (uses 386 task switching etc), and it probably never
will support anything other than AT-harddisks, as that's all I have :-(.
Interacting with an OS
How do you interact with your OS of choice?
You are probably using a graphical user interface of some sort
Part of this course is to learn to use a command line interface
The command line interface of Unix(-like) operating systems is
traditionally called a shell
We use a shell by using a terminal (to be more
exact a terminal emulator application)
Shell and terminal are commonly used
interchangeably, but they are different programs (ask in a lecture if
you want to know more :))
If you use a macOS, Linux or another Unix-like OS, you most likely
have a terminal application installed by default - look for something
called “Terminal” or “xterm”
Try to compile it on the login server (via ssh), or
you can use a VM or you can try natively if you have a Linux
Open a text editor (on most Linux distributions, you can use
nano, emacs, vim – be warned, Vim
has a steep learning curve: if you get stuck trying to exit press Esc
and enter :wqa! and Enter)
Enter the above code (type it, don’t copy) and save the file as
You can compile this program using gcc (The GNU C
Compiler), invoking it as follows:
gcc hello.c -o hello
This invocation asks GCC to compile the file hello.c
and produce an executable named simply hello
You can then run the program using ./hello (= “run
the executable hello in the current directory”)