last modified on Tue 3 Jan 2006 at 14:10:26 PST by lamport ----------------------------- MODULE OldPlusCal ----------------------------- (***************************************************************************) (* INTRODUCTION *) (* *) (* This module specifies the translation from the abstract syntax tree of *) (* a (global-naming) +CAL algorithm to its TLA+ description. The *) (* specification consists of two parts: *) (* *) (* 1. A specification of the grammar of an algorithm's abstract *) (* syntax tree. *) (* *) (* 2. The specification of an operator Translation such that *) (* Translation(alg, fairnessOption) is a TLA+ specification of *) (* the +CAL algorithm with abstract syntax tree alg, where *) (* fairnessOption is one of: *) (* *) (* "" - No fainess condition. *) (* "wf" - Weak fairness of all process actions. *) (* "wfNext" - Weak fairness of entire next-state action. *) (* "sf" - Strong fairness of all process actions. *) (* *) (* For a uniprocess algorithm, "wf", "wfNext" and "sf", are all *) (* equivalent (strong and weak fairness are equivalent for a uniprocess *) (* algorithm). *) (* *) (* The purpose of the specification is to serve as a partial spec of a *) (* algorithm to translate +CAL algorithms into TLA+. It is not a complete *) (* specification because: *) (* *) (* - It assumes that macro expansion has been performed. *) (* *) (* - It assume that all labels and variable names are distinct. (The *) (* translation program should rename labels and variables where *) (* necessary to eliminate name collisions.) *) (* *) (* - It does not describe the formatting of the output. Formulas that *) (* the translation program should write for readability as *) (* *) (* /\ A *) (* /\ ... *) (* /\ Z *) (* *) (* are instead written (A) /\ ... /\ (Z). *) (* *) (* - The formatting of the formulas obtained from the algorithm's *) (* expressions is not specified. The actual translator must *) (* maintain the relative indentation of lines of an expression in *) (* order to preserve the meaning of conjunction/disjunction lists, *) (* as well as for readability. Since this specification does not *) (* describe this formatting, its translation will not be correct *) (* for any algorithm whose expressions contain a conjunction or *) (* disjunction list. *) (* *) (* - It describes only the translation of algorithms that should be *) (* successfully translated. It does not specify when and how the *) (* translation program should report errors. *) (* *) (* - It does not properly handle assignments to the variable `stack'. *) (* *) (* This specification has been modified to keep up with all changes to the *) (* +CAL language or to how it should be translated as of the "Last *) (* modified" date at the beginning of the file. *) (* *) (* We assume that the reader is familiar with the text document describing *) (* the +CAL language and the translation, titled "+CAL: A Programming *) (* Language for TLA+", herein referred to as the +CAL document. *) (* *) (* OUTPUT FORMATING *) (* *) (* In the abstract syntax tree of a +CAL algorithm, a TLA+ expression is *) (* described as a sequence of lexemes, where a lexeme is a string. The *) (* algorithm's TLA+ description is similarly described as a sequence of *) (* lexemes. Missing from such a description is the two-dimensional *) (* aspect of TLA+. In particular, a TLA+ expression such as *) (* *) (* /\ C \/ D *) (* /\ E *) (* *) (* is not described by the sequence `/\ C \/ D /\ E' of lexemes. For *) (* Translation(alg, ...) to produce a correct TLA+ specification, this *) (* TLA+ expression must be written as (C \/ D) /\ E. *) (* *) (* This specification therefore omits an important part of the *) (* specification of an actual program to translate +CAL algorithms to its *) (* TLA+ version--namely, the precise formatting of the TLA+ version. *) (* Even if TLA+ expressions were not two-dimensional, the formatting of *) (* the output would be important because the user should be able to read *) (* and understand the output. Formatting of the translation is discussed *) (* in the +CAL document. *) (* *) (* *) (* ERRORS *) (* *) (* The definition of Translation is not a complete specification of *) (* an actual translation program because it does not adequately describe *) (* error detection and reporting. Any +CAL algorithm text that satisfies *) (* the BNF grammar yields an abstract syntax tree. However, the algorithm *) (* and its syntax tree may have "semantic" errors such as declaring the *) (* same variable twice in the same context. There are five ways errors in *) (* a syntax tree `alg' could manifest itself in the definition of *) (* Translation(alg, ...). *) (* *) (* 1. Translation(alg, ...) may contain a sequence of strings that *) (* represents an error message rather than TLA+. Such strings *) (* have the following form. *) (* @Error@@EndError@ *) (* *) (* 2. Translation(alg, ...) is undefined--more precisely, it equals *) (* a "silly expression" (see Section 6.2, page 67 of the TLA+ *) (* book). This means that TLC would report an error if it *) (* tried to compute Translation(alg, ...). *) (* *) (* 3. Translation(alg, ... ) is syntactically incorrect TLA+, so SANY *) (* will complain when run on the output. *) (* *) (* 4. Translation(alg, ...) will be syntactically correct TLA+ but will *) (* produce an error when run by TLC. *) (* *) (* 5. Translation(alg, ...) will be syntactically correct TLA+ and will *) (* be run without error by TLC, but will produce strange behavior. *) (* *) (* Errors of the first type are benign, since it is obvious from this *) (* specification how they can be detected and reported by a translation *) (* program. *) (* *) (* All known errors of type 2 are clearly indicated in the specification *) (* and are similarly benign. (They could be turned into type 1 errors, *) (* but this would complicate the specification.) Other errors of type 2 *) (* might exist; they could result in unexpected exceptions in a *) (* translation program. *) (* *) (* Known errors of types 3-5 should be detected by a translation program *) (* Some of these errors can't be detected because they depend on other *) (* parts of the module containing the algorithm. For example, the *) (* algorithm might declare a variable x when x is declared or defined *) (* elsewhere in the module. *) (* *) (* I know of the following type 3 errors: *) (* *) (* - Most illegal multiple uses of the same identifier--for example, *) (* two identical labels in the same procedure. *) (* *) (* I know of the following errors that might produce type 4 or type 5 *) (* errors. *) (* *) (* - An algorithm or process variable initialized with non-constant *) (* expressions. *) (* *) (* - A process or procedure using a variable that is local to *) (* another process or procedure. *) (* *) (* There's a fuzzy line between type 5 errors and features that allow the *) (* user to take advantage of the translation to do things that could not *) (* be done with an ordinary programming language. We'll probably have to *) (* decide on a case-by-case basis what should be considered an error *) (* rather than a feature. *) (* *) (* *) (* EXECUTING THE SPECIFICATION WITH TLC *) (* *) (* The definitions were written so that they could be executed by TLC. In *) (* particular, TLC can, in principle, compute Translation(alg, ... ) for *) (* any abstract syntax tree alg of a correct algorithm. In practice, it *) (* probably can't do this for very complicated algorithms, where *) (* complexity is measured by how deeply nested the algorithm statements *) (* are. Making the specification executable required doing some things in *) (* a somewhat complicated way. One such complication involves the *) (* representation of strings in TLA+ expressions. Because TLC does not *) (* implement the TLA+ definition of a string as a sequence of characters, *) (* strings in a TLA+ expressions are represented in the following somewhat *) (* strange way. Recall that a TLA+ expression is represented in the *) (* abstract syntax tree and in the output as a sequence of strings, so *) (* `x+y' is represented as <<"x", "+", "y">>. Recall also that special *) (* characters such as double-quote are preceded by a backslash when they *) (* appear in a string. For example, *) (* *) (* `. "\"x\\" .' *) (* `~ Note: if you're reading this in the ASCII file rather than the *) (* output produced by TLATeX, ignore the strings `. and .' , which are *) (* TLATeX formatting commands. ~' *) (* *) (* is the string consisting of the three characters double-quote, x, and *) (* backslash. In this specification, a string "foo" that appears in a *) (* TLA+ expression is represented by the sequence of three strings *) (* *) (* `. "\"" "foo" "\"" .' *) (* *) (* For example, the TLA+ expression `a["foo"]' is represented as *) (* *) (* `. <<"a", "[", "\"", "foo", "\"", "]">> .' *) (* *) (* There are also several hacks used in the specification to get around *) (* some TLC performance problems. These are explained where they are *) (* first used. *) (* *) (* CAVEAT *) (* *) (* This specification has not been carefully read or extensively tested. *) (* While it has been tested with a number of algorithms, that testing was *) (* not extensive enough to catch errors in corner cases. Such errors *) (* undoubtedly exist. *) (***************************************************************************) EXTENDS Naturals, Sequences, FiniteSets , TLC, AST ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- (***************************************************************************) (* ABSTRACT SYNTAX TREES *) (* *) (* We specify the set of all abstract syntax trees. It closely follows *) (* the BNF grammar described in the "+CAL document. A non-terminal node *) (* of the BNF such as `Process' corresponds to a set of records--namely, *) (* the set of all records that represent possible `Process' nodes in the *) (* abstract syntax tree corresponding to some +CAL algorithm. *) (* *) (* The construction of an abstract syntax tree from the algorithm text is *) (* a standard parsing problem, except that for simplicity we assume that *) (* the the following transformations have been made: *) (* *) (* - Every `elsif' construct has been removed and replaced with nested *) (* `if/then/else' statements. *) (* *) (* - Every `return' has associated with it the name of the *) (* procedure from which it is returning. *) (* *) (* - A `call' followed by a `return' has been transformed into a single *) (* combined `call/return' statement. *) (* *) (* For convenience, we assume an extra nonterminal CallOrReturn in the *) (* BNF grammar with the production *) (* *) (* <> ::= <> | <> | <> <> *) (* *) (* Also, we use PrintS and AssertS instead of `Print' and `Assert' to *) (* avoid conflict with the `Print' and `Assert' operators defined in the *) (* TLC module. *) (* *) (* The following recursive equations explain the abstract syntax tree *) (* elements that correspond to the syntactic elements of the same name. A *) (* comparison of these equations with the corresponding BNF productions *) (* should explain the fields of the various records. The definitions use *) (* the following operators: *) (***************************************************************************) NonemptySeq(S) == Seq(S) \ {<< >>} (*************************************************************************) (* The set of nonempty sequences of elements of S. *) (*************************************************************************) (***************************************************************************) (* Here are the recursive definitions of the abstract syntax tree *) (* element, in the same order as the corresponding syntactic elements *) (* appear in the BNF grammar of +CAL. They use the following definitions: *) (* *) (* PostPend(S, E) == {s \o <> : s \in Seq(S), e \in E} *) (* *) (* The set of all sequences obtained by appending an element of E to *) (* the end of a sequence of elements in S. TLC cannot evaluate this *) (* set because it is infinite. But even if Seq(S) is replaced by a *) (* finite set, TLC can evaluate it only by enumerating all elements of *) (* this set and of E, which is usually infeasible. *) (* *) (* *) (* PostPend01(S, E) == PostPend(S, E) \cup Seq(S) *) (* *) (* The set of all sequences obtained by optionally appending an element *) (* of E to a sequence of elements in S. *) (* *) (* `. *) (* *) (* Algorithm = [type : {"uniprocess"}, *) (* name : Name, *) (* defs : Expr, *) (* decls : Seq(VarDecl), *) (* prcds : Seq(Procedure), *) (* body : NonemptySeq(LabeledStmt)] *) (* \cup *) (* [type : {"multiprocess"}, *) (* name : Name, *) (* decls : Seq(VarDecl), *) (* defs : Expr, *) (* prcds : Seq(Procedure), *) (* procs : NonemptySeq(Process)] *) (* *) (* Procedure = [name : Name, *) (* params : Seq(PVarDecl), *) (* decls : Seq(PVarDecl), *) (* body : Seq(LabeledStmt)] *) (* *) (* Process = [name : Name, *) (* eqOrIn : {"=", "\\in"}, *) (* id : Expr, *) (* decls : Seq(VarDecl), *) (* body : NonemptySeq(LabeledStmt)] *) (* *) (* VarDecls NOT DEFINED *) (* *) (* VarDecl = [var : Variable, eqOrIn : {"=", "\\in"}, val : Expr] *) (* *) (* PVarDecls NOT DEFINED *) (* *) (* PVarDecl = [var : Variable, eqOrIn : {"="}, val : Expr] *) (* The val component is the initial value. We assume that the parser *) (* has added a default initialization if one is not specified. *) (* *) (* AlgorithmBody NOT DEFINED *) (* *) (* LabeledStmt = [label : Label, *) (* stmts : LabelSeq *) (* \cup *) (* {<>> \o s : w \in While, s \in LabelSeq} *) (* *) (* While = [type : {"while"}, *) (* test : Expr, *) (* unlabDo : LabelSeq, *) (* labDo : Seq(LabeledStmt)] *) (* *) (* LabelSeq = PostPend01(SimpleStmt, *) (* LabelIf \cup LabelEither \cup FinalStmt) *) (* *) (* SimpleStmt = Assign \cup If \cup Either \cup With \cup When *) (* \cup PrintS \cup AssertS \cup Skip *) (* *) (* Note: PrintS is used insteadof Print to avoid conflict with the TLC *) (* Print operator *) (* *) (* Assign = [type : {"assignment"}, *) (* ass : NonemptySeq([lhs: LHS, rhs : Expr])] *) (* *) (* LHS = [var : Variable, sub : Expr] *) (* *) (* If = [type : {"if"}, *) (* test : Expr, *) (* then : Seq(SimpleStmt) *) (* else : Seq(SimpleStmt)] *) (* Note: If is not explicitly defined, but is a subset of SimpleStmt. *) (* *) (* Either = [type : {"either"}, *) (* ors : Seq(SimpleStmt)] *) (* Note: Either is not explicitly defined, but is a subset of *) (* SimpleStmt. *) (* *) (* With = [type : {"with"}, *) (* var : Variable, *) (* eqOrIn : {"=", "\\in"}, *) (* exp : Expr, *) (* do : NonemptySeq(SimpleStmt)] *) (* Note: With is not explicitly defined, but is a subset of SimpleStmt. *) (* *) (* When = [type : {"when"}, exp : Expr] *) (* PrintS = [type : {"print"}, exp : Expr] *) (* AssertS = [type : {"assert"}, exp : Expr] *) (* Skip = [type : {"skip"}] *) (* *) (* LabelIf = [type : {"labelIf"}, *) (* test : Expr, *) (* unlabThen : LabelSeq, *) (* labThen : Seq(LabeledStmt), *) (* unlabElse : LabelSeq, *) (* labElse : Seq(LabeledStmt)] *) (* Note: LabelIf is not explicitly defined, but is a subset of *) (* LabeledStmt. *) (* *) (* LabelEither = [type : {"labelEither"}, *) (* clauses : Seq([unlabOr : LabelSeq, *) (* labOr : Seq(LabeledStmt)])] *) (* Note: LabelEither is not explicitly defined, but is a subset of *) (* LabeledStmt. *) (* *) (* FinalStmt = FinalIf \cup FinalEither \cup FinalWith *) (* \cup CallOrReturn \cup Goto *) (* Note: FinalStmt is not explicitly defined, but is a subset of *) (* LabeledStmt. *) (* *) (* FinalIf = [type : {"if"}, *) (* test : Expr, *) (* then : PostPend01(SimpleStmt, FinalStmt), *) (* else : PostPend01(SimpleStmt, FinalStmt)] *) (* *) (* FinalEither = [type : {"either"}, *) (* ors : Seq(PostPend01(SimpleStmt, FinalStmt))] *) (* *) (* FinalWith = [type : {"with"}, *) (* var : Variable, *) (* eqOrIn : {"=", "\\in"}, *) (* exp : Expr, *) (* do : NonemptySeq(SimpleStmt) *) (* \cup PostPend(SimpleStmt, FinalStmt)] *) (* *) (* Call = [type : {"call"}, returnTo : Label, to : Name, args : Seq(Expr)] *) (* The returnTo field holds the label of the statement to which the *) (* called procedure should return. This field is computed by *) (* the translation and need not be filled in by the parser. *) (* *) (* Note: Call is not explicitly defined, but is a subset of *) (* CallOrReturn. *) (* *) (* Return = [type : {"return"}, from : Name] *) (* The from field is the name of the procedure that the return is *) (* returning from. (There is no returnTo field because the label of *) (* the statement to which the procedure returns is obtained from the *) (* stack.) *) (* *) (* Note: Return is not explicitly defined, but is a subset of *) (* CallOrReturn. *) (* *) (* CallOrReturn = Call \cup Return \cup *) (* [type : {"callReturn"}, *) (* from : Name, *) (* to : Name, *) (* args : Seq(Expr)] *) (* A record of type "callReturn" represents a Call immediately followed *) (* by a Return. *) (* *) (* Goto = [type : {"goto"}, *) (* to : Label] *) (* *) (* Variable = STRING *) (* Field = STRING *) (* Name = STRING *) (* Label = STRING *) (* Expr = Seq(STRING) .' *) (* *) (* *) (* Because TLA+ requires that symbols be defined before they are used, the *) (* definitions appear in a bottom-up fashion rather than in the top-down *) (* order in which they appear above and in the BNF grammar. *) (***************************************************************************) (***************************************************************************) (* Some of the sets of ASTs require recursive definitions. Instead *) (* of defining such a set S recursively, it is easier to define *) (* recursively a predicate IsS so that IsS(x) is true iff x is an element *) (* of S. We then define *) (* *) (* S == {x \in Object : IsS(x)} *) (* *) (* where Object is an infinite set that includes all the ASTs in S. TLC *) (* will not be able to evaluate S, but it will be able to compute IsS(x) *) (* for any x that is an element of S. We now define Object to be the set *) (* of all objects consisting of strings, sequences of strings, and *) (* records whose components are all objects. *) (* *) (* We will later define recursive functions with domain Object. TLC will *) (* evaluate these by substituting `Any' for `Object', using a hack *) (* recently added to TLC. *) (***************************************************************************) Object == LET RcdDomain == {S \in SUBSET STRING : IsFiniteSet(S)} Records(T) == UNION {[S -> T] : S \in RcdDomain} Obj[n \in Nat] == IF n = 0 THEN STRING \cup Seq(STRING) ELSE Obj[n-1] \cup Records(Obj[n-1]) IN UNION {Obj[n] : n \in Nat} ErrorVal == CHOOSE x \in {} : FALSE (*************************************************************************) (* An expression whose value should never matter. TLC will report an *) (* error if it has to evaluate it. *) (*************************************************************************) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- (***************************************************************************) (* We now define the terminals Variable, Field, etc. These are all *) (* strings. For simplicity, we don't bother defining precisely what *) (* strings they can be. (Although it is not hard to define those sets of *) (* strings in TLA+, TLC would not be able to cope with the definitions *) (* very well.) *) (***************************************************************************) Variable == STRING \* variable names Field == STRING \* record-component names Name == STRING \* names of algorithms, processes, etc. Label == STRING \* algorithm labels Expr == Seq(STRING) (*************************************************************************) (* As explained above, a TLA+ expression is represented as a sequence of *) (* lexemes, each of which is a string. It would be tedious and *) (* pointless to specify exactly what sequences of lexemes are legal TLA+ *) (* formulas. The +CAL grammar was designed so the translator does not *) (* have to parse TLA+ expressions. *) (*************************************************************************) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Quote(id) == <<"\"", id, "\"" >> (*************************************************************************) (* If id is an identifier such as a `Label', then this is the Expr that *) (* represents "id" -- that is, id as a quoted string. This *) (* representation of strings in expressions is explained above. *) (*************************************************************************) LHS == [var : Variable, sub : Expr] (*************************************************************************) (* The set of all left-hand sides of an assignment. The left-hand side *) (* x[i+1].r is represented by the record *) (* *) (* [var |-> "x", *) (* sub |-> << "[", "i", "+", "1", "]", ".", "r" >>] *) (*************************************************************************) Assign == (*************************************************************************) (* The set of (multiple) assignments. *) (*************************************************************************) [type : {"assignment"}, ass : NonemptySeq([lhs: LHS, rhs : Expr])] When == [type : {"when"}, exp : Expr] PrintS == [type : {"print"}, exp : Expr] AssertS == [type : {"assert"}, exp : Expr] Skip == [type : {"skip"}] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- IsRecord(r, D) == r = [x \in D |-> r[x]] (*************************************************************************) (* If D is a set of strings, then this is true iff r is a record with *) (* set D of components. *) (*************************************************************************) IsSeq(s) == DOMAIN s = 1..Len(s) (*************************************************************************) (* True if s is a sequence; TLC will evaluate it to true iff s is a *) (* sequence. *) (*************************************************************************) IsSimpleStmt(ss) == (*************************************************************************) (* Here again are the mutually recursive equations that define the sets *) (* SimpleStmt, With, and If *) (* *) (* `. *) (* SimpleStmt = Assign \cup When \cup PrintS \cup AssertS *) (* \cup Skip With \cup If \cup Either *) (* *) (* With = [type : {"with"}, *) (* var : Variable, *) (* eqOrIn : {"=", "\\in"}, *) (* exp : Expr, *) (* do : NonemptySeq(SimpleStmt)] *) (* *) (* If = [type : {"if"}, *) (* test : Expr, *) (* then : Seq(SimpleStmt) *) (* else : Seq(SimpleStmt)] *) (* *) (* Either = [type : {"either"}, *) (* ors : Seq(SimpleStmt)] .' *) (*************************************************************************) LET ISS[tp \in {"SimpleStmt", "With", "If", "Either"}, st \in Object] == CASE tp = "SimpleStmt" -> \/ st \in Assign \cup When \cup PrintS \cup AssertS \cup Skip \/ ISS["With", st] \/ ISS["If", st] \/ ISS["Either", st] [] tp = "With" -> /\ IsRecord(st, {"type", "var", "eqOrIn", "exp", "do"}) /\ st.type = "with" /\ st.var \in Variable /\ st.eqOrIn \in {"=", "\\in"} /\ st.exp \in Expr /\ Len( > 0 /\ \A i \in 1..Len( : ISS["SimpleStmt",[i]] [] tp = "If" -> /\ IsRecord(st, {"type", "test", "then", "else"}) /\ st.type = "if" /\ st.test \in Expr /\ \A i \in 1..Len(st.then) : ISS["SimpleStmt", st.then[i]] /\ \A i \in 1..Len(st.else) : ISS["SimpleStmt", st.else[i]] [] tp = "Either" -> /\ IsRecord(st, {"type", "ors"}) /\ st.type = "either" /\ IsSeq(st.ors) /\ \A n \in 1 .. Len(st.ors) : \A i \in 1..Len(st.ors[n]) : ISS["SimpleStmt", st.ors[n][i]] IN ISS["SimpleStmt", ss] SimpleStmt == {o \in Object : IsSimpleStmt(o)} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CallOrReturn == (*************************************************************************) (* This is the set of records representing the BNF expression *) (* `. *) (* | | ; .' *) (* *) (* We assume that the parser has inserted the name of the procedure that *) (* a return is returning from. For convenience, we let a `Call' node *) (* contain a `returnTo' field that will be used to hold the label of the *) (* statement to which the called procedure should return. However, this *) (* field will be computed; we do not assume that the parser inserts is. *) (* (There is no corresponding field for a `Return' because the label of *) (* the statement to which the procedure returns is obtained from the *) (* stack.) *) (*************************************************************************) [type : {"return"}, from : Name] \cup [type : {"callReturn"}, from : Name, to : Name, args : Seq(Expr)] \cup [type : {"call"}, returnTo : Label, to : Name, args : Seq(Expr)] Goto == [type : {"goto"}, to : Label] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- (***************************************************************************) (* We now define the sets LabeledStmt, While, LabelSeq, LabelIf, *) (* LabelEither, FinalStmt, FinalIf, and FinalWith. *) (* Recall that the recursive equations are as follows. `. *) (* *) (* LabeledStmt = [label : Label, *) (* stmts : LabelSeq \cup *) (* {<> \o s : w \in While, s \in LabelSeq} *) (* *) (* While = [type : {"while"}, *) (* test : Expr, *) (* unlabDo : LabelSeq, *) (* labDo : Seq(LabeledStmt)] *) (* *) (* LabelSeq = PostPend01(SimpleStmt, *) (* LabelIf \cup LabelEither \cup FinalStmt) *) (* *) (* LabelIf = [type : {"labelIf"}, *) (* test : Expr, *) (* unlabThen : LabelSeq, *) (* labThen : Seq(LabeledStmt), *) (* unlabElse : LabelSeq, *) (* labElse : Seq(LabeledStmt)] *) (* *) (* LabelEither = [type : {"labelEither"}, *) (* clauses : Seq([unlabOr : LabelSeq, *) (* labOr : Seq(LabeledStmt)])] *) (* *) (* FinalStmt = FinalIf \cup FinalWith \cup CallOrReturn \cup Goto *) (* *) (* FinalIf = [type : {"if"}, *) (* test : Expr, *) (* then : PostPend01(SimpleStmt, FinalStmt), *) (* else : PostPend01(SimpleStmt, FinalStmt)] *) (* *) (* FinalEither = [type : {"either"}, *) (* ors : Seq(PostPend01(SimpleStmt, FinalStmt))] *) (* *) (* FinalWith = [type : {"with"}, *) (* var : Variable, *) (* eqOrIn : {"=", "\\in"}, *) (* exp : Expr, *) (* do : NonemptySeq(SimpleStmt) *) (* \cup Post(SimpleStmt, FinalStmt)] .' *) (***************************************************************************) Front(s) == SubSeq(s, 1, Len(s)-1) (*************************************************************************) (* The sequence obtained from s by removing the last element if it has *) (* one. *) (*************************************************************************) IsSimpleStmtSeq(ss) == \A n \in 1..Len(ss) : IsSimpleStmt(ss[n]) (*************************************************************************) (* True iff ss is a sequence of elements of SimpleStmt. *) (*************************************************************************) IsStmt(type, stmt) == (*************************************************************************) (* We define IsLabeledStmt, etc. in terms of the recursively-defined *) (* operator IsStmt, where IsLabeledStmt(s) equals *) (* IsStmt("IsLabeledStmt", s), etc. *) (*************************************************************************) LET IsT[tp \in {"LabeledStmt", "While", "LabelSeq", "LabelIf", "LabelEither", "FinalStmt", "FinalIf", "FinalEither", "FinalWith"}, st \in Object] == CASE tp = "LabeledStmt" -> /\ IsRecord(st, {"label", "stmts"}) /\ st.label \in Label /\ \/ /\ IsT["While", st.stmts[1]] /\ IsT["LabelSeq", Tail(st.stmts)] \/ IsT["LabelSeq", st.stmts] [] tp = "While" -> /\ IsRecord(st, {"type", "test", "unlabDo", "labDo"}) /\ st.type = "while" /\ st.test \in Expr /\ IsT["LabelSeq", st.unlabDo] /\ \A i \in 1..Len(st.labDo) : IsT["LabeledStmt", st.labDo[i]] [] tp = "LabelSeq" -> \/ IsSimpleStmtSeq(st) \/ /\ Len(st) > 0 /\ IsSimpleStmtSeq(Front(st)) /\ \/ IsT["LabelIf", st[Len(st)]] \/ IsT["LabelEither", st[Len(st)]] \/ IsT["FinalStmt", st[Len(st)]] [] tp = "LabelIf" -> /\ IsRecord(st, {"type", "test", "unlabThen", "labThen", "unlabElse", "labElse"}) /\ st.type = "labelIf" /\ st.test \in Expr /\ IsT["LabelSeq", st.unlabThen] /\ \A i \in 1..Len(st.labThen) : IsT["LabeledStmt", st.labThen[i]] /\ IsT["LabelSeq", st.unlabElse] /\ \A i \in 1..Len(st.labElse) : IsT["LabeledStmt", st.labElse[i]] [] tp = "LabelEither" -> /\ IsRecord(st, {"type", "clauses"}) /\ st.type = "labelEither" /\ IsSeq(st.clauses) /\ \A n \in 1..Len(st.clauses) : /\ IsRecord(st.clauses[n], {"unlabOr", "labOr"}) /\ IsT["LabelSeq", st.clauses[n].unlabOr] /\ \A i \in 1..Len(st.clauses[n].labOr) : IsT["LabeledStmt", st.clauses[n].labOr[i]] [] tp = "FinalStmt" -> \/ st \in (CallOrReturn \cup Goto) \/ IsT["FinalIf", st] \/ IsT["FinalEither", st] \/ IsT["FinalWith", st] [] tp = "FinalIf" -> /\ IsRecord(st, {"type", "test", "then", "else"}) /\ st.type = "if" /\ st.test \in Expr /\ \/ IsSimpleStmtSeq(st.then) \/ /\ Len(st.then) > 0 /\ IsT["FinalStmt", st.then[Len(st.then)]] /\ IsSimpleStmtSeq(Front(st.then)) /\ \/ IsSimpleStmtSeq(st.else) \/ /\ Len(st.else) > 0 /\ IsT["FinalStmt", st.else[Len(st.else)]] /\ IsSimpleStmtSeq(Front(st.else)) [] tp = "FinalEither" -> /\ IsRecord(st, {"type", "ors"}) /\ st.type = "either" /\ IsSeq(st.ors) /\ \A n \in 1..Len(st.ors) : \/ IsSimpleStmtSeq(st.ors[n]) \/ /\ Len(st.ors[n]) > 0 /\ IsT["FinalStmt", st.ors[n][Len(st.ors[n])]] /\ IsSimpleStmtSeq(Front(st.ors[n])) [] tp = "FinalWith" -> /\ IsRecord(st, {"type", "var", "eqOrIn", "exp", "do"}) /\ st.type = "with" /\ st.var \in Variable /\ st.eqOrIn \in {"=", "\\in"} /\ st.exp \in Expr /\ Len( > 0 /\ \/ IsSimpleStmtSeq( \/ /\ IsT["FinalStmt",[Len(]] /\ IsSimpleStmtSeq(Front( IN IsT[type, stmt] IsLabeledStmt(stmt) == IsStmt("LabeledStmt", stmt) IsLabelSeq(stmt) == IsStmt("LabelSeq", stmt) IsFinalIf(stmt) == IsStmt("FinalIf", stmt) IsFinalEither(stmt) == IsStmt("FinalEither", stmt) IsFinalWith(stmt) == IsStmt("FinalWith", stmt) LabeledStmt == {stmt \in Object : IsLabeledStmt(stmt)} LabelSeq == {stmt \in Object : IsLabelSeq(stmt)} FinalIf == {stmt \in Object : IsFinalIf(stmt)} FinalEither == {stmt \in Object : IsFinalEither(stmt)} FinalWith == {stmt \in Object : IsFinalWith(stmt)} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- (***************************************************************************) (* The remaining non-terminal definitions are all straightforward. *) (***************************************************************************) VarDecl == [var : Variable, eqOrIn : {"=", "\\in"}, val : Expr] PVarDecl == [var : Variable, eqOrIn : {"="}, val : Expr] (*************************************************************************) (* We assume that the parser has added a default initialization if one *) (* is not specified. *) (*************************************************************************) IsProcedure(prcd) == /\ IsRecord(prcd, {"name", "decls", "params", "body"}) /\ \in Name /\ prcd.params \in Seq(PVarDecl) /\ prcd.decls \in Seq(PVarDecl) /\ \A i \in 1..Len(prcd.body) : IsLabeledStmt(prcd.body[i]) Procedure == {prcd \in Object : IsProcedure(prcd)} IsProcess(proc) == /\ IsRecord(proc, {"name", "decls", "id", "eqOrIn", "body"}) /\ \in Name /\ proc.eqOrIn \in {"=", "\\in"} /\ \in Expr /\ proc.decls \in Seq(VarDecl) /\ \A i \in 1..Len(proc.body) : IsLabeledStmt(proc.body[i]) Process == {proc \in Object : IsProcess(proc)} IsAlgorithm(alg) == \/ /\ alg.type = "uniprocess" /\ IsRecord(alg, {"type", "name", "decls", "prcds", "body", "defs"}) /\ alg.defs \in Expr /\ \in Name /\ alg.decls \in Seq(VarDecl) /\ \A i \in 1..Len(alg.prcds) : IsProcedure(alg.prcds[i]) /\ \A i \in 1..Len(alg.body) : IsLabeledStmt(alg.body[i]) \/ /\ alg.type = "multiprocess" /\ IsRecord(alg, {"type", "name", "decls", "prcds", "procs", "defs"}) /\ alg.defs \in Expr /\ \in Name /\ alg.decls \in Seq(VarDecl) /\ \A i \in 1..Len(alg.prcds) : IsProcedure(alg.prcds[i]) /\ \A i \in 1..Len(alg.procs) : IsProcess(alg.procs[i]) Algorithm == {alg \in Object : IsAlgorithm(alg)} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- (***************************************************************************) (* THE DEFINITION OF `Translation' *) (* *) (* A major part in the translation from a +CAL algorithm to a TLA+ *) (* specification is the translation from the body of a uniprocess *) (* algorithm, process, or procedure to a sequence of TLA+ actions. This *) (* part of the translation proceeds in two steps. In the first, we *) (* translate a sequence of statements in `LabeledStmt' to a sequence of *) (* simple labeled statements, each of which corresponds to a single TLA+ *) (* action. *) (* *) (* A simple labeled statement is one whose stmts field consists of a *) (* labeled sequence of statements in `SimpleStmt'. In translating from *) (* labeled statements to simple labeled statements, `While', `LabelIf', *) (* and `LabelEither' statements are exploded into their component actions, *) (* explicit statements of the form `when pc = ...' and `pc := ...' are *) (* added to describe the flow of control, and `CallOrReturn' statements *) (* are replaced by explicit assignments to procedure variables and to *) (* `stack'. *) (* *) (* This first part of the translation is embodied in the definition of *) (* the operator FullyExplodeSeq. It is defined so that if lsseq is a *) (* sequence of statements in LabeledStmt, then *) (* FullyExplodeSeq(lsseq, ...) is the resulting sequence of simple *) (* labeled statements. (The other arguments of FullyExplodeSeq are *) (* described below.) We define FullyExplodeSeq in terms of the operator *) (* `Explode' that translates a single statement in LabeledStmt to an *) (* "almost simple labeled statements". An almost simple labeled statement *) (* is like a simple labled statement, except that the statements in *) (* its stmts field can include CallOrReturn or Goto statements. *) (* *) (* Before defining Explode, we define an operator for coalescing a *) (* sequence of sequences into a single sequence. *) (* *) (* Note: We use the strings "@pc@" and "@stack@" instead of "pc" and *) (* "stack" for the variables that we introduce. As the final step of the *) (* translation, we replace them with "pc" and "stack". This means that *) (* any "pc" and "stack" in user expressions are not subscripted. This *) (* makes the translation handle user-introduced instances of these *) (* variables almost correctly. It still does not handle an assignment to *) (* "stack", which it should. *) (* *) (* This introduces the bug that any strings "@pc@" and "@stack@" in *) (* expressions will be translated to "pc" and "stack", but we're not going *) (* to worry about that. *) (***************************************************************************) SeqConcat(s) == (************************************************************************) (* If s is a sequence of sequences, then this is the concatenation of *) (* those sequences. *) (************************************************************************) LET SC[i \in 0..Len(s)] == (********************************************************************) (* The concatenation of the first i sequences of s. *) (********************************************************************) IF i = 0 THEN << >> ELSE SC[i-1] \o s[i] IN SC[Len(s)] (***************************************************************************) (* Next comes the definition of `Explode'. If xls is a labeled statement *) (* whose following statement is labeled xnext, then Explode(xls, xnext) *) (* equals the sequence of almost simple labeled statements that xls *) (* comprises. Each of these almost simple labeled statements has a stmts *) (* field that is a sequence of elements of SimpleStmt that explicitly set *) (* the pc, and callOrReturn statements. Moreover, each call statement's *) (* returnTo field is set to the label to which the call returns. (In a *) (* return or call/return statement, the new pc value is obtained from the *) (* stack.) *) (* *) (* `Explode' is really a recursively defined function. However, it is *) (* made an operator by defining its function form `Xplode' in a LET and *) (* defining Explode(xls, xnext) to equal Xplode[xls, xnext]. This is done *) (* because, for uniformity, I like to make all outer-level definitions be *) (* of operators rather than functions. *) (***************************************************************************) Explode(xls, xnext) == LET Xplode[ls \in Object, next \in Label] == (*********************************************************************) (* The call of Xplode checks that ls \in LabeledStmt. *) (*********************************************************************) LET ExplodeSeq[lseq \in Object, nxt \in Label] == (***************************************************************) (* The union of all labeled statements obtained by applying *) (* Xplode to each element of the sequence lseq of labeled *) (* statements. It is called only when lseq \in LabeledStmt. *) (* [I think that should be lseq \in Seq(LabeledStmt).] *) (***************************************************************) IF lseq = << >> THEN << >> ELSE IF Len(lseq) = 1 THEN Xplode[Head(lseq), nxt] ELSE Xplode[Head(lseq), Head(Tail(lseq)).label] \o ExplodeSeq[Tail(lseq), nxt] IsFinal[st \in Object] == (***************************************************************) (* Should be called with st in *) (* FinalIf \cup FinalEither \cup FinalWith. *) (* *) (* True of an `If' or `Either' or `With' statement iff it *) (* contains a CallOrReturn. *) (***************************************************************) IF IsFinalIf(st) \/ IsFinalEither(st) \/ IsFinalWith(st) THEN CASE st.type = "if" -> \/ /\ st.then # << >> /\ \/ st.then[Len(st.then)].type \in {"call", "return", "callReturn", "goto"} \/ /\ st.then[Len(st.then)].type \in {"if", "either", "with"} /\ IsFinal[st.then[Len(st.then)]] \/ /\ st.else # << >> /\ \/ st.else[Len(st.else)].type \in {"call", "return", "callReturn", "goto"} \/ /\ st.else[Len(st.else)].type \in {"if", "either", "with"} /\ IsFinal[st.else[Len(st.else)]] [] st.type = "either" -> \E n \in 1..Len(st.ors) : \/ st.ors[n][Len(st.ors[n])].type \in {"call", "return", "callReturn", "goto"} \/ /\ st.ors[n][Len(st.ors[n])].type \in {"if", "either", "with"} /\ IsFinal[st.ors[n][Len(st.ors[n])]] [] st.type = "with" -> \/[Len(].type \in {"call", "return", "callReturn", "goto"} \/ /\[Len(].type \in {"if", "either", "with"} /\ IsFinal[[Len(]] ELSE ErrorVal IsFinalSeq(s) == (***************************************************************) (* True iff s is a nonempty sequence ending in a CallOrReturn *) (* or Goto or in an `If' or `Either' or `When' that contains a *) (* CallOrReturn. *) (***************************************************************) /\ s # << >> /\ LET last == s[Len(s)] IN \/ last.type \in {"call", "return", "callReturn", "goto"} \/ /\ last.type \in {"if", "either", "with"} /\ IsFinal[last] DoLabelSeq[s \in Object, nxt \in Label] == (***************************************************************) (* We should have s \in LabelSeq *) (* *) (* This is a record with two fields: *) (* *) (* stmts : The sequence of statements in the "prefix" of *) (* s that produces a single atomic action. That *) (* sequence ends with an assignment to pc if *) (* addPC = TRUE and there is no call or return in *) (* that prefix. (That comment is obsolete, and *) (* addPC has been removed. I think the current *) (* behavior is the one obtained with addPC = TRUE.) *) (* *) (* expl : The sequence of almost simple labeled statements *) (* produced by labeled statements nested within s. *) (* *) (* Note that, because s is in LabelSeq, it does not begin with *) (* a `While' statement. *) (***************************************************************) IF IsLabelSeq(s) THEN IF /\ s # << >> /\ s[Len(s)].type \in {"labelIf", "labelEither"} THEN IF s[Len(s)].type = "labelIf" THEN \* a LabelIf LET lif == s[Len(s)] DoThen == DoLabelSeq[ lif.unlabThen, IF lif.labThen = << >> THEN nxt ELSE Head(lif.labThen).label] DoElse == DoLabelSeq[ lif.unlabElse, IF lif.labElse = << >> THEN nxt ELSE Head(lif.labElse).label] IN [stmts |-> SubSeq(s, 1, Len(s)-1) \o << [type |-> "if", test |-> lif.test, then |-> DoThen.stmts, else |-> DoElse.stmts] >>, expl |-> DoThen.expl \o ExplodeSeq[lif.labThen, nxt] \o DoElse.expl \o ExplodeSeq[lif.labElse, nxt]] ELSE \* a LabelEither LET ethr == s[Len(s)] DoClauses == [n \in 1..Len(ethr.clauses) |-> DoLabelSeq[ ethr.clauses[n].unlabOr, IF ethr.clauses[n].labOr = << >> THEN nxt ELSE Head(ethr.clauses[n].labOr).label]] IN [stmts |-> SubSeq(s, 1, Len(s)-1) \o <<[type |-> "either", ors |-> [i \in 1..Len(DoClauses) |-> DoClauses[i].stmts]]>>, expl |-> SeqConcat( [i \in 1..Len(DoClauses) |-> DoClauses[i].expl \o ExplodeSeq[ethr.clauses[i].labOr, nxt]] ) ] ELSE [stmts |-> IF IsFinalSeq(s) THEN CASE s[Len(s)].type \in {"call", "return", "callReturn", "goto"} -> IF s[Len(s)].type = "call" THEN [s EXCEPT ![Len(s)].returnTo =nxt] ELSE s [] s[Len(s)].type = "if" -> [s EXCEPT ![Len(s)].then = DoLabelSeq[@, nxt].stmts, ![Len(s)].else = DoLabelSeq[@, nxt].stmts] [] s[Len(s)].type = "either" -> [s EXCEPT ![Len(s)].ors = [i \in 1..Len(@) |-> DoLabelSeq[@[i], nxt].stmts]] [] s[Len(s)].type = "with" -> [s EXCEPT ![Len(s)].do = DoLabelSeq[@, nxt].stmts] ELSE s \o << [type |-> "assignment", ass |-> << [lhs |-> [var |-> "@pc@", sub |-> << >>], rhs |-> Quote(nxt)]>>] >>, expl |-> <<>> ] ELSE ErrorVal DoStmts == (***************************************************************) (* Like DoLabelSeq[ls.stmts, next], except it handles the *) (* `While' that may appear as the head of ls.stmts. *) (***************************************************************) IF (ls.stmts # << >>) /\ (Head(ls.stmts).type = "while") THEN LET while == Head(ls.stmts) DoRest == DoLabelSeq[Tail(ls.stmts), next] DoUnlDo == DoLabelSeq[while.unlabDo, IF while.labDo = <<>> THEN ls.label ELSE Head(while.labDo).label] IN [stmts |-> <<[type |-> "if", test |-> while.test, then |-> DoUnlDo.stmts, else |-> DoRest.stmts]>> , expl |-> DoUnlDo.expl \o ExplodeSeq[while.labDo, ls.label] \o DoRest.expl] ELSE DoLabelSeq[ls.stmts, next] IN << [label |-> ls.label, stmts |-> DoStmts.stmts] >> \o DoStmts.expl IN IF IsLabeledStmt(xls) THEN Xplode[xls, xnext] ELSE ErrorVal ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- (***************************************************************************) (* TRANSLATING CALLS, RETURNS, AND GOTOS *) (* *) (* We now define a sequence of operators that are used to replace a *) (* CallOrReturn statement or a Goto with a (multiple) assignment statement *) (* that implements it by the appropriate commands to set pc, `stack', and *) (* procedure variables. *) (***************************************************************************) NameToPrcd(name, pseq) == (*************************************************************************) (* Assumes pseq is a sequence of procedures and `name' is a `Name'. If *) (* `name' is the name of one of those procedures, then this equals that *) (* procedure; otherwise it equals a dummy procedure whose name is the *) (* empty string, has no parameters or declarations, and has a body *) (* containing a single statement with name the empty string. *) (*************************************************************************) LET IsProc(i) == pseq[i].name = name IN IF \E i \in 1..Len(pseq) : IsProc(i) THEN pseq[CHOOSE i \in 1..Len(pseq) : IsProc(i)] ELSE [name |-> "", params |-> << >>, decls |-> << >>, body |-> << [label |-> "", stmts |-> << >>] >>] SetPrcdVarsOnCall(call, prcd) == (*************************************************************************) (* A sequence of assignment statements to set the variables of procedure *) (* prcd when called by a `call' or callReturn `call'. This equals a *) (* nonsensical expression (one that will produce a TLC error) if the *) (* number of arguments in the call does not equal the number of *) (* arguments of the procedure. *) (*************************************************************************) LET ParamsAssignment == (******************************************************************) (* The multiple assignment *) (* *) (* prcd.params[1] := call.args[1] *) (* || ... *) (* || prcd.params[Len(prcd.params)] := *) (* call.args[Len(prcd.params)] *) (* *) (* However, it produces a record of type `error' if *) (* Len(prcd.params) # Len(call.args) with val field containing an *) (* error message. The value of SetPrcdVarsOnCall(call, prcd) *) (* depends on ParamsAssignment.ass, which is a nonsensical value *) (* if ParamsAssignment is such an error record. *) (******************************************************************) IF Len(prcd.params) = Len(call.args) THEN [type |-> "assignment", ass |-> [i \in 1..Len(prcd.params) |-> [lhs |-> [var |-> prcd.params[i].var, sub |-> << >>], rhs |-> call.args[i]]]] ELSE [type |-> "error", val |-> <<"Procedure",, "called with wrong number of arguments">>] PVblsAssignment == (******************************************************************) (* The multiple assignment *) (* *) (* prcd.decls[1].var := prcd.decls[1].val *) (* || ... *) (* || prcd.decls[Len(prcd.decls)].var := *) (* prcd.decls[Len(prcd.decls)].val *) (******************************************************************) [type |-> "assignment", ass |-> [i \in 1..Len(prcd.decls) |-> [lhs |-> [var |-> prcd.decls[i].var, sub |-> << >>], rhs |-> prcd.decls[i].val ]]] IN (IF Len(ParamsAssignment.ass) > 0 THEN <> ELSE << >>) \o (IF Len(PVblsAssignment.ass) > 0 THEN <> ELSE << >> ) XlateGoto(goto) == (*************************************************************************) (* The sequence of statements consisting of the single assignment to pc *) (* that implements a goto statement. *) (*************************************************************************) << [type |-> "assignment", ass |-> << [lhs |-> [var |-> "@pc@", sub |-> << >>], rhs |-> Quote( ] >>] >> XlateCall(call, pseq) == (************************************************************************) (* If pseq is a sequence of Procedures and `call' is a `call' statement *) (* to one of them, then this is its translation as a sequence of *) (* unlabeled statements. *) (************************************************************************) LET prcd == NameToPrcd(, pseq) NewStack == (******************************************************************) (* The Expr described informally as follows *) (* `. *) (* << [ procedure |->, *) (* pc |-> call.returnTo , *) (* prcd.params[1] |-> prcd.params[i] , *) (* ... *) (* prcd.params[Len(prcd.params)] |-> *) (* prcd.params[Len(prcd.params)], *) (* prcd.decls[i].var |-> prcd.decls[i].var], *) (* ... *) (* prcd.decls[Len(prcd.decls)].var |-> *) (* prcd.decls[Len(prcd.decls)].var ] >> \o stack .'*) (******************************************************************) << "<<", "[", "procedure", "|->">> \o Quote( \o << ",", "@pc@", "|->" >> \o Quote(call.returnTo) \o SeqConcat([i \in 1..Len(prcd.params) |-> <<",", prcd.params[i].var, "|->", prcd.params[i].var >> ]) \o SeqConcat([i \in 1..Len(prcd.decls) |-> <<",", prcd.decls[i].var, "|->", prcd.decls[i].var >> ]) \o << "]", ">>", "\\o", "@stack@" >> IN (********************************************************************) (* pc := prcd.body[1].label ; *) (* stack := NewStack ; *) (* SetPrcdVarsOnCall(call, prcd) *) (********************************************************************) << [type |-> "assignment", ass |-> << [lhs |-> [var |-> "@pc@", sub |-> << >>], rhs |-> Quote(prcd.body[1].label) ] >>], [type |-> "assignment", ass |-> << [lhs |-> [var |-> "@stack@", sub |-> << >>], rhs |-> NewStack ] >>] >> \o SetPrcdVarsOnCall(call, prcd) RestorePrcdVarsFrom(prcd) == (************************************************************************) (* A sequence of assignment statements to restore the variables of *) (* procedure prcd when returning from the procedure. The saved values *) (* are obtained from Head(stack). In the comments below, stkElement *) (* denotes Head(stack). *) (************************************************************************) LET ParamsAssignment == (******************************************************************) (* The multiple assignment *) (* *) (* prcd.params[1] := stkElement.prcd.params[1] *) (* || ... *) (* || prcd.params[Len(prcd.params)] := stkElement.prcd.params *) (******************************************************************) [type |-> "assignment", ass |-> [i \in 1..Len(prcd.params) |-> [lhs |-> [var |-> prcd.params[i].var, sub |-> << >>], rhs |-> <<"Head", "(", "@stack@", ")" >> \o <<".", prcd.params[i].var>>]]] PVblsAssignment == (******************************************************************) (* The multiple assignment *) (* *) (* prcd.decls[1].var := stkElement.prcd.decls[1].var *) (* || ... *) (* || prcd.decls[Len(prcd.decls)].var := *) (* stkElement.prcd.decls[Len(prcd.decls)].var *) (******************************************************************) [type |-> "assignment", ass |-> [i \in 1..Len(prcd.decls) |-> [lhs |-> [var |-> prcd.decls[i].var, sub |-> << >>], rhs |-> <<"Head", "(", "@stack@", ")" >> \o <<".", prcd.decls[i].var >>]]] IN (IF Len(ParamsAssignment.ass) > 0 THEN <> ELSE << >>) \o (IF Len(PVblsAssignment.ass) > 0 THEN <> ELSE << >> ) XlateReturn(rtn, pseq) == (************************************************************************) (* If pseq is a sequence of procedures and rtn is a `return' statement *) (* to one of them, then this is its translation as a sequence of *) (* assignment statements. *) (************************************************************************) LET prcd == NameToPrcd(rtn.from, pseq) IN (********************************************************************) (*`. pc := Head(stack).pc ; *) (* ParamsAssignment (if nonempty) ; *) (* PVblsAssignment (if nonempty) ; *) (* stack := Tail(stack) .' *) (********************************************************************) << [type |-> "assignment", ass |-> << [lhs |-> [var |-> "@pc@", sub |-> << >>], rhs |-> <<"Head", "(", "@stack@", ")", ".", "@pc@">> ] >>] >> \o RestorePrcdVarsFrom(prcd) \o << [type |-> "assignment", ass |-> << [lhs |-> [var |-> "@stack@", sub |-> << >>], rhs |-> <<"Tail", "(", "@stack@", ")">>] >>] >> AssSeqToMultiAss(aseq) == (*************************************************************************) (* If aseq is the sequence <> of assignment *) (* statements, then this equals the single multi-assignment *) (* A1 || A2 || ... || An *) (*************************************************************************) [type |-> "assignment", ass |-> SeqConcat([i \in 1..Len(aseq) |-> aseq[i].ass]) ] XlateCallReturn(crtn, pseq) == (************************************************************************) (* If pseq is a sequence of procedures and crtn is a call/return *) (* statement in one of them that calls one of them, then this is the *) (* translation of that call/return as a sequence of unlabeled *) (* assignment statements. *) (* *) (* The call/return is an optimization that causes the return from the *) (* procedure being called to return directly to the caller of the *) (* current procedure. When the current procedure and the called *) (* procedures are the same, then this is the usual optimization that *) (* effectively replaces tail recursion with a loop. When the two *) (* procedures are different, it makes the return from the called *) (* procedure produce the same state as would have been produced by *) (* executing it and then executing the return from the current *) (* procedure. *) (* *) (* To explain the translation, let the variables of a procedure *) (* consist of its local variables and its parameters. The translation *) (* is simple when the call is to the current procedure. Suppose the *) (* call is executed within an invocation i of procedure P to initiate *) (* invocation i+1 of P. In that case, P's variables are set and the *) (* stack is left unchanged. Executing a return from invocation i+1 *) (* then restores the variables to the values they had immediately *) (* before the call of invocation i, and the return goes to the *) (* location from where invocation i had been called. *) (* *) (* The case of a call from procedure P to a different procedure Q is *) (* trickier. The call must do the following. *) (* *) (* - Modify the head of the stack so it saves the current values *) (* of Q's variables, and saves as the return location the *) (* the location to which the return from P should return. *) (* *) (* - Set the variables of Q. In the expressions to which *) (* the parameters of Q are set, the current values of P's *) (* variables must be used. *) (* *) (* - Reset the variables of P to the values that had been saved *) (* on the stack when P was called, which were at the head of the *) (* stack, before the stack was changed in the first step. *) (* *) (* This requires that the current head of the stack be used in the *) (* third step after having been set in the first step. Fortunately, *) (* that's not a problem when all the assignments are done with a single *) (* multiple assignment. For historical reasons, this is done by *) (* applying AssSeqToMultiAss to a sequence of ordinary assignments. *) (************************************************************************) LET cprcd == NameToPrcd(, pseq) \* The called procedure rprcd == NameToPrcd(crtn.from, pseq) \* The calling procedure NewStack == (******************************************************************) (* The new stack if the two procedures are different. It is an *) (* Expr described informally as follows *) (* `. *) (* [stack EXCEPT ![1] = *) (* [ procedure |->, *) (* pc |-> Head(stack).pc, *) (* cprcd.params[1] |-> cprcd.params[i] , *) (* ... *) (* cprcd.params[Len(cprcd.params)] |-> *) (* cprcd.params[Len(cprcd.params)], *) (* cprcd.decls[i].var |-> cprcd.decls[i].var, *) (* ... *) (* cprcd.decls[Len(cprcd.decls)].var |-> *) (* cprcd.decls[Len(cprcd.decls)].var ] ] .' *) (******************************************************************) << "[", "@stack@", "EXCEPT", "!", "[", "1", "]", "=", "[", "procedure", "|->">> \o Quote( \o <<",", "@pc@", "|->", "Head", "(", "@stack@", ")",".", "@pc@">> \o SeqConcat([i \in 1..Len(cprcd.params) |-> <<",", cprcd.params[i].var, "|->", cprcd.params[i].var >> ]) \o SeqConcat([i \in 1..Len(cprcd.decls) |-> <<",", cprcd.decls[i].var, "|->", cprcd.decls[i].var >> ]) \o << "]", "]">> IN (********************************************************************) (* `. pc := prcd.body[1].label ; *) (* SetPrcdVarsOnCall(crtn, prcd) ; *) (* If the two procedures are different, then *) (* RestorePrcdVarsFromStack(rprcd) ; *) (* stack := NewStack *) (********************************************************************) << [type |-> "assignment", ass |-> << [lhs |-> [var |-> "@pc@", sub |-> << >>], rhs |-> Quote(cprcd.body[1].label) ] >>] >> \o IF # crtn.from THEN << AssSeqToMultiAss( << [type |-> "assignment", ass |-> << [lhs |-> [var |-> "@stack@", sub |-> << >>], rhs |-> NewStack ] >>] >> \o SetPrcdVarsOnCall(crtn, cprcd) \o RestorePrcdVarsFrom(rprcd) ) >> ELSE SetPrcdVarsOnCall(crtn, cprcd) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- (***************************************************************************) (* THE DEFINITION OF `FullyExplodeSeq' *) (* *) (* If lsseq is a sequence of LabeledStmts with `next' as the label that *) (* follows them, and pseq is a sequence of procedures, then *) (* *) (* FullyExplodeSeq(lsseq, pseq, next) *) (* *) (* is the sequence of simple labeled statements that they translate to, *) (* each of those statements having a stmts field that is a sequence of *) (* statements in SimpleStmt, all calls and returns having been translated *) (* to assignments. Each statement with label lbl begins with the *) (* statement `when pc=lbl'. *) (***************************************************************************) FullyExplodeSeq(lsseq, pseq, next) == LET RemoveCAndR[stmts \in Object] == (*******************************************************************) (* Should be called with stmts \in LabelSeq. *) (* *) (* If stmts is the stmts field of a labeled statement produced by *) (* evaluating Xplode, then this is the sequence of unlabeled *) (* statements obtained by removing all calls and returns. For *) (* simplicity, we define it for domain LabelSeq, though we apply *) (* it only to elements of LabelSeq with no LabelIf (or *) (* LabelEither) statements. *) (*******************************************************************) IF IsLabelSeq(stmts) THEN IF stmts = << >> THEN << >> ELSE LET last == stmts[Len(stmts)] front == SubSeq(stmts, 1, Len(stmts)-1) IN CASE last.type = "if" -> Append(front, [last EXCEPT !.then = RemoveCAndR[@], !.else = RemoveCAndR[@]]) [] last.type = "either" -> Append(front, [last EXCEPT !.ors = [i \in 1..Len(@) |-> RemoveCAndR[@[i]]]]) [] last.type = "with" -> Append(front, [last EXCEPT !.do = RemoveCAndR[@]]) [] last.type = "call" -> front \o XlateCall(last, pseq) [] last.type = "return" -> front \o XlateReturn(last, pseq) [] last.type = "callReturn" -> front \o XlateCallReturn(last, pseq) [] last.type = "goto" -> front \o XlateGoto(last) [] OTHER -> stmts ELSE ErrorVal ExplodeSeq == SeqConcat([i \in 1..Len(lsseq) |-> Explode(lsseq[i], IF i = Len(lsseq) THEN next ELSE lsseq[i+1].label)]) AddWhen(ls) == [ls EXCEPT !.stmts = <<[type |-> "when", exp |-> <<"@pc@", "=">> \o Quote(ls.label)]>> \o @] IN [i \in 1..Len(ExplodeSeq) |-> [AddWhen(ExplodeSeq[i]) EXCEPT !.stmts = RemoveCAndR[@]]] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- (***************************************************************************) (* ADDING SUBSCRIPTS *) (* *) (* The operator FullyExplodeSeq maps a sequence of statements in *) (* LabeledStmt into a sequence of simple labeled statements with calls and *) (* returns removed and with the control set by assigments to the variable *) (* pc. If those statements are in a process or in a procedure of a *) (* multiprocess algorithm, then subscripts need to be added to all *) (* occurrences of local variables. This is done by the operator *) (* AddSubscript. To define it, we first define the operator ProcessVars *) (* such that *) (* *) (* ProcessVars(vars, addExpr, expr) *) (* *) (* is the Expr obtained from the expression expr by inserting the *) (* sequence addExpr of strings after every occurrence of a variable in *) (* the set vars of variables. We will also use ProcessVars to prime *) (* variables in expressions. *) (* *) (* The definition of ProcessVars is tricky because we want to do the *) (* insertion after an occurrence of the string "v" only if that string *) (* represents an occurrence of variable v, not if it represents a record *) (* field as in: *) (* *) (* a.v [v : S, ... , ] [v |-> e, ..., ] *) (* *) (* The heart of the definition is the recursive function *) (* PV[done, stk, rest] that returns a record with components `done', stk, *) (* and `rest', where *) (* *) (* - done is the part of expr already processed. *) (* *) (* - rest is the unprocessed part of expr. *) (* *) (* - stk is a sequence of Booleans whose length is the number of *) (* unmatched "["s at the current point in expr, and an element of *) (* this sequence equals TRUE iff the corresponding unmatched "[" *) (* began an expression of the form [v : S, ... ] or [v |-> S, ... ] *) (* *) (* This specification assumes that [] (the temporal box operator and CASE *) (* separator) is a single lexeme, and that the "[" and "]" in an *) (* expression of the form "[exp]_sub" are represented as ordinary square *) (* brackets. (It's possible, though extremely unlikely, for a +CAL *) (* algorithm to contain an expression like ENABLED [A]_v.) This *) (* assumption is not strictly kosher because "]_" is really a single *) (* lexeme. A translation program will probably parse "]_" as a single *) (* lexeme and then treat it as a special case for square-bracket matching. *) (* The program should be tested on an example with an expression like *) (* ENABLED [A]_v. *) (***************************************************************************) ProcessVars(vars, addExpr, expr) == LET PV[done \in Expr, stk \in Seq(BOOLEAN), rest \in Expr] == LET Error(msg) == [done |-> done \o <<"@Error@" \o msg \o "@EndError@">> , stk |-> << >>, rest |-> << >>] nDone == done \o <> nRest == Tail(rest) IN IF rest = << >> THEN [done |-> IF stk = << >> THEN done ELSE done \o <<"@Error@unmatched [s@EndError@">>, stk |-> << >>, rest |-> << >>] ELSE LET callVal == CASE Head(rest) = "[" -> IF Len(rest) < 3 THEN Error("premature end") ELSE IF rest[3] \in {":", "|->"} THEN [done |-> done \o SubSeq(rest, 1,3), stk |-> <> \o stk, rest |-> SubSeq(rest, 4, Len(rest))] ELSE [done |-> done \o <<"[">>, stk |-> <> \o stk, rest |-> nRest ] [] Head(rest) = "]" -> IF stk = <<>> THEN Error("Extra ]") ELSE [done |-> nDone, stk |-> Tail(stk), rest |-> nRest] [] Head(rest) = "." -> [done |-> done \o SubSeq(rest, 1,2), stk |-> stk, rest |-> SubSeq(rest, 3, Len(rest))] [] Head(rest) = "," -> IF /\ stk # << >> /\ Head(stk) = TRUE /\ \/ Len(rest) < 3 \/ rest[3] \in {":", "|->"} THEN IF Len(rest) < 3 THEN Error("premature end") ELSE [done |-> done \o SubSeq(rest, 1,3), stk |-> stk, rest |-> SubSeq(rest, 4, Len(rest))] ELSE [done |-> nDone, stk |-> stk, rest |-> nRest] (****************************************************) (* The following clause was added 25 Oct 05 to *) (* handle quoted strings properly. *) (****************************************************) [] Head(rest) = "\"" -> IF \/ Len(rest) < 3 \/ rest[3] # "\"" THEN Error("unmatched quote") ELSE [done |-> done \o SubSeq(rest, 1,3), stk |-> stk, rest |-> SubSeq(rest, 4, Len(rest))] [] OTHER -> [done |-> nDone \o (IF Head(rest) \in vars THEN addExpr ELSE << >> ), stk |-> stk, rest |-> nRest] IN PV[callVal.done, callVal.stk,] IN PV[<<>>, <<>>, expr].done AddSubscript(vars, sub, stmts) == (*************************************************************************) (* If stmts is a sequence of simple statements, then this produces the *) (* sequence of simple statements obtained by replacing every instance of *) (* a variable `v' in the set vars of variables by `v' followed by `sub', *) (* where `sub' is an Expr. *) (*************************************************************************) LET PV(expr) == ProcessVars(vars, sub, expr) DoAssignment(stmt) == (*******************************************************************) (* The assignment obtained from assignment statement stmt by doing *) (* the substitution. *) (*******************************************************************) LET DoAss[ass \in Seq([lhs: LHS, rhs : Expr])] == IF ass = << >> THEN << >> ELSE << [lhs |-> IF ass[1].lhs.var \in vars THEN [ass[1].lhs EXCEPT !.sub = sub \o PV(@)] ELSE [ass[1].lhs EXCEPT !.sub = PV(@)], rhs |-> PV(ass[1].rhs)] >> \o DoAss[Tail(ass)] IN [type |-> "assignment", ass |-> DoAss[stmt.ass]] DoWhenOrPrintOrAssert(stmt) == [stmt EXCEPT !.exp = PV(@)] (*******************************************************************) (* The `when' or `print' or `assert' obtained from a `when' or *) (* `print' or `assert' statement stmt by doing the substitution. *) (*******************************************************************) \* TLCAlgorithms: Should be AS[sseq \in Seq(SimpleStmt(1))] AS[sseq \in Object] == (********************************************************************) (* The recursively defined operator that performs the substitution *) (* on a sequence sseq of simple statements. *) (********************************************************************) IF \A i \in 1..Len(sseq) : IsSimpleStmt(sseq[i]) THEN IF sseq = << >> THEN << >> ELSE CASE Head(sseq).type = "assignment" -> <> \o AS[Tail(sseq)] [] Head(sseq).type \in {"when", "print", "assert"} -> <> \o AS[Tail(sseq)] [] Head(sseq).type = "with" -> <<[Head(sseq) EXCEPT !.exp = PV(@), !.do = AS[@]]>> \o AS[Tail(sseq)] [] Head(sseq).type = "if" -> <<[Head(sseq) EXCEPT !.test = PV(@), !.then = AS[@], !.else = AS[@]]>> \o AS[Tail(sseq)] [] Head(sseq).type = "either" -> <<[Head(sseq) EXCEPT !.ors = [i \in 1..Len(@) |-> AS[@[i]]]]>> \o AS[Tail(sseq)] [] Head(sseq).type = "skip" -> <> \o AS[Tail(sseq)] ELSE (\A i \in 1..Len(sseq) : (IF IsSimpleStmt(sseq[i]) THEN TRUE ELSE Print(sseq[i], TRUE))) /\ ErrorVal IN AS[stmts] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- (***************************************************************************) (* SOME USEFUL OPERATORS *) (* *) (* Before going further, we define two useful operators on sequences and *) (* some operators for combining expressions into larger expressions. *) (***************************************************************************) SeqToSet(s) == {s[i] : i \in 1..Len(s)} (*************************************************************************) (* The set of elements in the sequence s *) (*************************************************************************) SeqMinus(s, t) == (*************************************************************************) (* The subsequence of sequence s consisting of those elements not in *) (* sequence t. *) (*************************************************************************) LET T == SeqToSet(t) Test(e) == e \notin T IN SelectSeq(s, Test) CommaSeq(s) == (*************************************************************************) (* If s is a sequence of strings, then this equals the sequence obtained *) (* by inserting "," between each element of the sequence s. *) (*************************************************************************) [i \in 1..(2*Len(s)-1) |-> IF i % 2 = 0 THEN "," ELSE s[(i + 1) \div 2]] AppendCommaSeq(s) == (*************************************************************************) (* Like CommaSeq(s), except it puts a "," at the head of the sequence *) (* iff s is nonempty. *) (*************************************************************************) IF s = << >> THEN << >> ELSE <<",">> \o CommaSeq(s) CommaConcatSeq(s) == (*************************************************************************) (* If s is a sequence of sequence of strings, then this equals the *) (* sequence obtained by concatenating those sequences, with commas *) (* inserted between them. For example, *) (* *) (* CommaConcatSeq(<< <<"a", "b">>, <<"c">> >>) = *) (* <<"a", "b", ",", "c">> *) (*************************************************************************) SeqConcat([i \in 1..(2*Len(s)-1) |-> IF i % 2 = 0 THEN <<",">> ELSE s[(i + 1) \div 2]]) MakeConj(eseq) == (*************************************************************************) (* If eseq is a sequence of expressions, then this is their conjunction. *) (* Conjunctions are written with the usual binary operator /\ , with *) (* each conjunct enclosed in parentheses. A translation program would *) (* translate the sequence of expressions into a /\-bulleted list of *) (* conjuncts. *) (* *) (* The conjunction of an empty sequence of expressions is defined to *) (* equal TRUE. The only way I can think of an explicit formulat TRUE *) (* being created by the translation is in a null ELSE clause, which can *) (* arise in translating a statement like *) (* `. *) (* if x > 0 then when y = 0; .' *) (* *) (*************************************************************************) CASE eseq = << >> -> << "TRUE" >> [] Len(eseq) = 1 -> <<"(">> \o eseq[1] \o <<")">> [] OTHER -> <<"(">> \o SeqConcat([i \in 1..(2*Len(eseq)-1) |-> IF i % 2 = 0 THEN IF i > 1 THEN <<")", "/\\", "(">> ELSE << >> ELSE eseq[(i + 1) \div 2]]) \o <<")">> MakeUnion(eseq) == (*************************************************************************) (* If eseq is a non-empty sequence of expressions, then this is their *) (* union. *) (*************************************************************************) CASE eseq = << >> -> << "@Error@empty union@EndError@" >> [] Len(eseq) = 1 -> <<"(">> \o eseq[1] \o <<")">> [] OTHER -> <<"(">> \o SeqConcat([i \in 1..(2*Len(eseq)-1) |-> IF i % 2 = 0 THEN IF i > 1 THEN <<")", "\\union", "(">> ELSE << >> ELSE eseq[(i + 1) \div 2]]) \o <<")">> MakeDisj(eseq) == (*************************************************************************) (* If eseq is a sequence of expressions, then this is their disjunction. *) (* This is only used for making disjunctions of expressions each of *) (* which consists of a single identifier (the name of an action). It's *) (* therefore not necessary to put parentheses around the disjuncts. A *) (* translation program would probably also just write the disjunction *) (* using the binary \/ operator. (However, it would have to use a bit *) (* of cleverness in formatting a disjunction of a large number of *) (* expressions.) *) (*************************************************************************) CASE eseq = << >> -> << "FALSE" >> [] Len(eseq) = 1 -> eseq[1] [] OTHER -> SeqConcat([i \in 1..(2*Len(eseq)-1) |-> IF i % 2 = 0 THEN <<"\\/">> ELSE eseq[(i + 1) \div 2]]) MakeBigDisj(eseq) == (*************************************************************************) (* Like MakeDisj, except with eseq a sequence of arbitrary expressions, *) (* so it puts parentheses around each disjunct. *) (*************************************************************************) CASE eseq = << >> -> << "FALSE" >> [] Len(eseq) = 1 -> eseq[1] [] OTHER -> <<"(">> \o SeqConcat([i \in 1..(2*Len(eseq)-1) |-> IF i % 2 = 0 THEN <<")", "\\/", "(">> ELSE eseq[(i + 1) \div 2]]) \o <<")">> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- (***************************************************************************) (* THE DEFINITION OF XlateLabeledStmtSeq *) (* *) (* The next step in the translation is to define the operator *) (* XlateLabeledStmtSeq that maps a sequence of statements in LabeledStmt *) (* into a single TLA+ action that represents that sequence. But first, we *) (* define the operator XlateStmtSeq that translates a sequence of *) (* statements in SimpleStmts into a single action *) (***************************************************************************) XlateStmtSeq(stmts, allVarSeq, localVars, localSub) == (*************************************************************************) (* If *) (* - stmts is a sequence of statements in SimpleStmt, *) (* *) (* - allVarSeq is the sequence of all algorithm variables, *) (* *) (* - localVarSeq is the set of all processor-local variables *) (* (which is empty only for a uniprocess algorithm) *) (* *) (* - localSub: For a multiprocess algorithm, this expression is the *) (* subscript added to all local variables. It equals << "self" >> *) (* if the statements appear in a procedure or a process set. *) (* *) (* then this is the TLA+ action that is the translation of the sequence *) (* stmts. *) (*************************************************************************) LET allVars == SeqToSet(allVarSeq) (*******************************************************************) (* The set of all variables. *) (*******************************************************************) Group(s) == (*******************************************************************) (* If element s is the ass field of an assignment, then Group(s) *) (* equals the sequence of records *) (* `. *) (* [var : Variable, *) (* comp : Seq([sub: Expr, rhs : Expr])] *) (* .' *) (* obtained by grouping the assignments in s that set the same *) (* variable. *) (*******************************************************************) LET AddOne(ss, elt) == IF \E j \in 1..Len(ss) : ss[j].var = elt.lhs.var THEN LET i == CHOOSE j \in 1..Len(ss) : ss[j].var = elt.lhs.var IN [ss EXCEPT ![i].comp = Append(@, [sub |-> elt.lhs.sub, rhs |-> elt.rhs])] ELSE Append(ss, [var |-> elt.lhs.var, comp |-> <<[sub |-> elt.lhs.sub, rhs |-> elt.rhs]>>]) UpTo[i \in 0..Len(s)] == IF i = 0 THEN << >> ELSE AddOne(UpTo[i-1], s[i]) IN UpTo[Len(s)] PV(vars, expr) == ProcessVars(vars, <<"'">>, expr) XlateAss(assgn, vars) == (*******************************************************************) (* If assgn is an assignment statement and vars is a sequence of *) (* variables that have already been assigned values, then this has *) (* the two components *) (* *) (* conj : The action conjuncts describing assgn *) (* *) (* vars : vars \o the sequence of variables assigned values *) (* by assgn. *) (*******************************************************************) LET gped == Group(assgn.ass) pvars == SeqToSet(vars) IN [conj |-> [i \in 1..Len(gped) |-> CASE gped[i].var \in pvars -> <<"@Error@multiple assignment to variable " \o gped[i].var \o "@EndError@">> [] gped[i].var \notin allVars -> <<"@Error@assignment to undeclared variable " \o gped[i].var \o "@EndError@">> [] OTHER -> <> \o CommaConcatSeq([j \in 1..Len(gped[i].comp) |-> <<"!">> \o PV(pvars, gped[i].comp[j].sub) \o <<"=">> \o PV(pvars, gped[i].comp[j].rhs) ]) \o <<"]">> ) ], vars |-> vars \o [i \in 1..Len(gped) |-> gped[i].var]] MakeUnchanged(varSeq) == (*******************************************************************) (* If varSeq is a sequence of variables, then this equals a *) (* sequence that is empty if varSeq is empty or else contains a *) (* single element: an Expr that is the UNCHANGED clause for these *) (* variables. *) (*******************************************************************) IF varSeq = << >> THEN << >> ELSE << <<"UNCHANGED">> \o (IF Len(varSeq) = 1 THEN <> ELSE << "<<" >> \o CommaSeq(varSeq) \o << ">>" >>) >> \* TLCAlgorithms: Should be \* XSS[ss \in Seq(SimpleStmt(1)), vars \in Seq(Variable)] XSS[ss \in Object, vars \in Seq(Variable)] == (*******************************************************************) (* The record with two fields: *) (* *) (* conj : the sequence of conjuncts obtained by translating *) (* the sequence ss, assuming the variables in the *) (* sequence vars should be primed. *) (* *) (* vars : the concatenation of vars with the sequence of *) (* variables whose values were set by the statements *) (* in ss. *) (*******************************************************************) IF \A i \in 1..Len(ss) : IsSimpleStmt(ss[i]) THEN IF ss = << >> THEN [conj |-> << >>, vars |-> vars] ELSE CASE Head(ss).type = "assignment" -> LET XHd == XlateAss(Head(ss), vars) XTl == XSS[Tail(ss), XHd.vars] IN [conj |-> XHd.conj \o XTl.conj, vars |-> XTl.vars] [] Head(ss).type = "when" -> LET XTl == XSS[Tail(ss), vars] IN [conj |-> << PV(SeqToSet(vars), Head(ss).exp)>> \o XTl.conj, vars |-> XTl.vars] [] Head(ss).type = "print" -> LET XTl == XSS[Tail(ss), vars] IN [conj |-> << <<"PrintT", "(">> \o PV(SeqToSet(vars), Head(ss).exp) \o <<")">> >> \o XTl.conj, vars |-> XTl.vars] [] Head(ss).type = "assert" -> LET XTl == XSS[Tail(ss), vars] IN [conj |-> << <<"Assert", "(">> \o PV(SeqToSet(vars), Head(ss).exp) \o << "," >> \o Quote("Failure of assertion at line _, column _.") \o <<")">> >> (*****************************************************************) (* An implementation should insert the actual line and column *) (* number. *) (*****************************************************************) \o XTl.conj, vars |-> XTl.vars] [] Head(ss).type = "skip" -> LET XTl == XSS[Tail(ss), vars] IN [conj |-> XTl.conj, vars |-> XTl.vars] [] Head(ss).type = "with" -> LET XLDo == XSS[Head(ss).do, vars] XTl == XSS[Tail(ss), XLDo.vars] IN [conj |-> << (IF Head(ss).eqOrIn = "=" THEN <<"LET", Head(ss).var, "==">> \o PV(SeqToSet(vars), Head(ss).exp) \o <<"IN">> ELSE <<"\\E", Head(ss).var, "\\in">> \o PV(SeqToSet(vars), Head(ss).exp) \o <<":">>) \o MakeConj(XLDo.conj) >> \o XTl.conj , vars |-> XTl.vars] [] Head(ss).type = "if" -> LET XLthen == XSS[Head(ss).then, vars] XLelse == XSS[Head(ss).else, vars] thenConj == XLthen.conj \o MakeUnchanged(SeqMinus(XLelse.vars, XLthen.vars)) elseConj == XLelse.conj \o MakeUnchanged(SeqMinus(XLthen.vars, XLelse.vars)) tevars == XLthen.vars \o SeqMinus(XLelse.vars, XLthen.vars) XTl == XSS[Tail(ss), tevars] IN [conj |-> << <<"IF">> \o PV(SeqToSet(vars), Head(ss).test) \o <<"THEN">> \o MakeConj(thenConj) \o <<"ELSE">> \o MakeConj(elseConj) >> \o XTl.conj, vars |-> XTl.vars] [] Head(ss).type = "either" -> LET ors == Head(ss).ors XLors[i \in 1..Len(ors)] == XSS[ors[i], vars] (*************************************************) (* Define AllChanged to be the seq of all *) (* variables in vars together with all *) (* additional variables changed by any disjunct. *) (*************************************************) CS[i \in 1..Len(ors)] == IF i = 1 THEN XLors[i].vars ELSE CS[i-1] \o SeqMinus(XLors[i].vars, CS[i-1]) AllChanged == CS[Len(ors)] OrConj[i \in 1..Len(ors)] == XLors[i].conj \o MakeUnchanged(SeqMinus(AllChanged, XLors[i].vars)) Xtl == XSS[Tail(ss), AllChanged] IN [conj |-> << MakeBigDisj([i \in 1..Len(ors) |-> MakeConj(OrConj[i])]) >> \o Xtl.conj, vars |-> Xtl.vars] ELSE ErrorVal XSSofStmts == XSS[AddSubscript(localVars, <<"[">> \o localSub \o <<"]">>, stmts), << >>] IN MakeConj(XSSofStmts.conj \o MakeUnchanged(SeqMinus(allVarSeq, XSSofStmts.vars))) XlateLabeledStmtSeq(lstmts, pseq, next, allVarSeq, localVars, localSub) == (*************************************************************************) (* If *) (* - lstmts is a sequence of statements in LabeledStmt, *) (* *) (* - pseq is the sequence of procedures they can call. *) (* *) (* - next is the label following the sequence of statements. *) (* *) (* - allVarSeq is the sequence of all algorithm variables, *) (* *) (* - localVars is the set of all processor-local variables *) (* (which is empty only for a uniprocess algorithm) *) (* *) (* - localSub: For a multiprocess algorithm, this expression is the *) (* subscript added to all local variables. It equals << "self" >> *) (* if the statements appear in a procedure or a process set. *) (* In that case, each statement labeled `foo' creates a definition *) (* `foo(self) == ...'. Otherwise, a statement labeled `foo' *) (* creates a definition `foo == ...'. This argument is ignored *) (* for a uniprocess algorithm. *) (* *) (* then this is the TLA+ action that describes the sequence of *) (* statements. *) (*************************************************************************) LET XlateLabStmt(stmt) == (*******************************************************************) (* The translation of a simple labeled statement stmt. *) (*******************************************************************) << stmt.label >> \o (IF (localVars # {}) /\ (localSub = <<"self">>) THEN <<"(", "self", ")">> ELSE << >>) \o <<"==">> \o XlateStmtSeq(stmt.stmts, allVarSeq, localVars, localSub) exploded == FullyExplodeSeq(lstmts, pseq, next) IN SeqConcat([i \in 1..Len(exploded) |-> XlateLabStmt(exploded[i])]) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- (***************************************************************************) (* FINDING THE VARIABLES *) (* *) (* We now define some operators that collect all the variables declared *) (* (explicitly or implicitly) by an algorithm. *) (***************************************************************************) ProcedureVarSeq(prcd) == [j \in 1..Len(prcd.decls) |-> prcd.decls[j].var] (*************************************************************************) (* The sequence of declared local variables of procedure prcd. *) (*************************************************************************) ProcedureParSeq(prcd) == [j \in 1..Len(prcd.params) |-> prcd.params[j].var] (*************************************************************************) (* The sequence of declared parameters of procedure prcd. *) (*************************************************************************) ProcessVarSeq(proc) == [j \in 1..Len(proc.decls) |-> proc.decls[j].var] (*************************************************************************) (* The sequence of local variables of process proc. *) (*************************************************************************) LocalVars(alg) == (*************************************************************************) (* The set of local variables of algorithm alg--that is, the ones that *) (* become array variables. *) (*************************************************************************) IF alg.type = "uniprocess" THEN {} ELSE (******************************************************************) (* The set of local procedure variables. *) (******************************************************************) SeqToSet(SeqConcat([i \in 1..Len(alg.prcds) |-> ProcedureVarSeq(alg.prcds[i])])) \cup (******************************************************************) (* The set of procedure parameters. *) (******************************************************************) SeqToSet(SeqConcat([i \in 1..Len(alg.prcds) |-> ProcedureParSeq(alg.prcds[i])])) \cup (******************************************************************) (* The set of variables declared in process sets, where a process *) (* set is defined by a statement of the form *) (* *) (* process Foo \in S ... *) (******************************************************************) SeqToSet(SeqConcat([i \in 1..Len(alg.procs) |-> IF alg.procs[i].eqOrIn = "\\in" THEN ProcessVarSeq(alg.procs[i]) ELSE << >>])) \cup {"@pc@"} \cup (IF alg.prcds # << >> THEN {"@stack@"} ELSE {}) GlobalVarsSeq(alg) == (*************************************************************************) (* The sequence of all global variables of algorithm alg. *) (*************************************************************************) [i \in 1..Len(alg.decls) |-> alg.decls[i].var] NonGlobalVarsSeq(alg) == (*************************************************************************) (* The sequence of all variables of algorithm alg except the global ones. *) (*************************************************************************) SeqConcat([i \in 1..Len(alg.prcds) |-> ProcedureVarSeq(alg.prcds[i]) \o ProcedureParSeq(alg.prcds[i])]) \o (IF alg.type = "multiprocess" THEN SeqConcat([i \in 1..Len(alg.procs) |-> ProcessVarSeq(alg.procs[i])]) ELSE << >>) \o <<"@pc@">> \o (IF alg.prcds # << >> THEN <<"@stack@">> ELSE << >>) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- (***************************************************************************) (* FINDING THE LABELS *) (* *) (* We define LabelsOf(sseq) to be a sequence consisting of all the labels *) (* in the sequence sseq of elements of LabeledStmt. *) (***************************************************************************) LabelsOf(sseq) == (*************************************************************************) (* Correction of 27 June 2005 *) (* *) (* This definition was completely rewritten. *) (* *) (* The original definition was wrong because it did not obtain the *) (* labels from a node inside the unlabDo field of a or *) (* inside the unlabThen or unlabElse field of a node. *) (*************************************************************************) LET LSSeq[lss \in Object] == (*******************************************************************) (* The sequence of labels in a sequence lss of s. *) (*******************************************************************) LET LS[ls \in Object] == (*************************************************************) (* The sequence of labels inside a ls. *) (*************************************************************) IF ls = << >> THEN << >> ELSE LET last == ls[Len(ls)] IN IF last.type \in {"labelIf", "labelEither"} THEN IF last.type = "labelIf" THEN LS[last.unlabThen] \o LSSeq[last.labThen] \o LS[last.unlabElse] \o LSSeq[last.labElse] ELSE \* last.type = "labelEither" SeqConcat( [i \in 1..Len(last.clauses) |-> LS[last.clauses[i].unlabOr] \o LSSeq[last.clauses[i].labOr] ] ) ELSE << >> IN IF lss = << >> THEN << >> ELSE <> \o ( IF lss[1].stmts[1].type = "while" THEN LS[lss[1].stmts[1].unlabDo] \o LSSeq[lss[1].stmts[1].labDo] \o LS[Tail(lss[1].stmts)] ELSE LS[lss[1].stmts] ) \o LSSeq[Tail(lss)] IN LSSeq[sseq] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- (***************************************************************************) (* TRANSLATING A PROCEDURE *) (* *) (* We now define the operators that construct the next-state action and *) (* the initial predicate of a procedure. *) (***************************************************************************) PrcdNext(prcd, pseq, allVarSeq, localVars) == (*************************************************************************) (* The Expr containing the TLA+ definition of procedure prcd's *) (* next-state action, preceded by all action definitions of its body, *) (* where *) (* *) (* - pseq is the sequence of all procedures. *) (* *) (* - allVarSeq is the sequence of all algorithm variables, *) (* *) (* - localVars is the set of all processor-local variables *) (* (which is empty only for a uniprocess algorithm) *) (* *) (* If this is a multiprocess algorithm, then the next-state action *) (* has the form *) (* *) (* name == \E self \in ProcSet : ... *) (*************************************************************************) XlateLabeledStmtSeq(prcd.body, pseq, "Error", allVarSeq, localVars, <<"self">>) \o <> \o (IF localVars = {} THEN << >> ELSE <<"(", "self", ")">>) \o <<"==">> \o (LET labels == LabelsOf(prcd.body) IN MakeDisj([i \in 1..Len(labels) |-> IF localVars = {} THEN <> ELSE <>])) PrcdInit(prcd, Multiprocess) == (*************************************************************************) (* The TLA+ expression that is the initial predicate for procedure prcd, *) (* where Multiprocess is a BOOLEAN that is true iff this is a *) (* multiprocess algorithm. Note that for a multiprocess algorithm, *) (* ProcSet is the set of all process identifiers. The expression *) (* includes a comment identifying its source, because we don't bother *) (* defining a separate initial predicate for each procedure or process. *) (* *) (* Note: Because the parameters and local variables are set when the *) (* procedure is called, these variables are initialized to the arbitrary *) (* value `{}'. *) (*************************************************************************) LET pdecls == prcd.params \o prcd.decls pvars == {pdecls[i].var : i \in 1..Len(pdecls)} varval(i) == ProcessVars(pvars, <<"[", "self", "]">>, pdecls[i].val) IN << "(*", "Procedure",, "*)">> \o MakeConj([i \in 1..Len(pdecls) |-> <">> \o varval(i) \o << "]">> ELSE pdecls[i].val )]) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- (***************************************************************************) (* TRANSLATING A PROCESS *) (* *) (* We now define the operators that construct the next-state action and *) (* the initial predicate of a process. *) (***************************************************************************) ProcNext(proc, pseq, allVarSeq, localVars) == (*************************************************************************) (* The Expr containing the TLA+ definition of process proc's next-state *) (* action, preceded by all action definitions of its body, where *) (* *) (* - pseq is the sequence of all procedures. *) (* *) (* - allVarSeq is the sequence of all algorithm variables, *) (* *) (* - localVars is the set of all processor-local variables *) (* *) (* If proc is a process set, then the next-state action has the form *) (* name(self) == ... *) (*************************************************************************) XlateLabeledStmtSeq(proc.body, pseq, "Done", allVarSeq, localVars, IF proc.eqOrIn = "=" THEN ELSE <<"self">> ) \o (IF proc.eqOrIn = "=" THEN <> ELSE <> ) \o (LET labels == LabelsOf(proc.body) IN MakeDisj([i \in 1..Len(labels) |-> IF proc.eqOrIn = "=" THEN <> ELSE <>])) ProcInit(proc) == (*************************************************************************) (* The TLA+ expression that is the initial predicate for process proc. *) (* The expression includes a comment identifying its source, because we *) (* don't bother defining a separate initial predicate for each procedure *) (* or process. *) (*************************************************************************) LET procvars == {proc.decls[i].var : i \in 1..Len(proc.decls)} varval(i) == ProcessVars(procvars, <<"[", "self", "]">>, proc.decls[i].val) IN << "(*", "Process",, "*)">> \o MakeConj([i \in 1..Len(proc.decls) |-> <> \o (IF proc.eqOrIn = "=" THEN proc.decls[i].val ELSE IF proc.decls[i].eqOrIn = "=" THEN <<"[", "self", "\\in">> \o \o <<"|->">> \o varval(i) \o <<"]">> ELSE <<"[">> \o \o <<"->">> \o varval(i) \o <<"]">>)]) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- (***************************************************************************) (* THE DEFINITION OF `Translation' *) (* *) (* We now put all the pieces together to define *) (* Translation(alg, fairnessOption) for an algorithm alg and a fairness *) (* option fairnessOption that is either "", "wf", or "sf". *) (***************************************************************************) Translation(alg, fairnessOption) == LET localVars == LocalVars(alg) allVarsSeq == GlobalVarsSeq(alg) \o NonGlobalVarsSeq(alg) GlobalVarDecl == (*******************************************************************) (* The global VARIABLES declaration. We add "@pc@" and "@stack@" to *) (* the global variable declarations so they can be mentioned in a *) (* "defines" definition. *) (*******************************************************************) <<"VARIABLES">> \o CommaSeq(GlobalVarsSeq(alg) \o <<"@pc@">> \o IF alg.prcds # << >> THEN <<"@stack@">> ELSE << >>) NonGlobalVarDecl == (*******************************************************************) (* The non-global VARIABLES declaration. We remove "@pc@" and *) (* "@stack@" from it. *) (*******************************************************************) LET NoPCorStack(a) == a \notin {"@pc@", "@stack@"} ngvseq == SelectSeq(NonGlobalVarsSeq(alg), NoPCorStack) IN IF ngvseq = << >> THEN << >> ELSE <<"VARIABLES">> \o CommaSeq(ngvseq) AllVarDecl == <<"VARIABLES">> \o CommaSeq(allVarsSeq) (*******************************************************************) (* A declaration of all variables, to be used if there's no *) (* `define' statement. This declaration is never empty because it *) (* contains pc. *) (*******************************************************************) varsDef == (*******************************************************************) (* The definition of the tuple vars of all variables. *) (*******************************************************************) << "vars", "==", "<<" >> \o CommaSeq(allVarsSeq) \o << ">>" >> GlobalVarsInit == (*******************************************************************) (* The initial predicate for the global variables. *) (*******************************************************************) << "(*", "Global Variables", "*)" >> \o MakeConj([i \in 1..Len(alg.decls) |-> <> \o alg.decls[i].val]) PrcdsInit == (*******************************************************************) (* The sequence of initial predicates for procedures. *) (*******************************************************************) [i \in 1..Len(alg.prcds) |-> PrcdInit(alg.prcds[i], alg.type = "multiprocess")] ProcsInit == (*******************************************************************) (* The sequence of initial predicates for processes, if this is a *) (* multiprocess algorithm. *) (*******************************************************************) [i \in 1..Len(alg.procs) |-> ProcInit(alg.procs[i])] StackInit == (*******************************************************************) (* The initial predicate for the stack variable, if that variable *) (* occurs. *) (*******************************************************************) IF alg.type = "multiprocess" THEN <<"@stack@", "=", "[", "self", "\\in", "ProcSet", "|->", "<<", ">>", "]" >> ELSE <<"@stack@", "=", "<<", ">>">> pcInit == (*******************************************************************) (* The initial predicate for the variable pc. *) (*******************************************************************) IF alg.type = "multiprocess" THEN <<"@pc@", "=", "[", "self", "\\in", "ProcSet", "|->", "CASE">> \o SeqConcat([i \in 1..Len(alg.procs) |-> (IF i > 1 THEN << "[]" >> ELSE << >>) \o <<"self", alg.procs[i].eqOrIn>> \o alg.procs[i].id \o <<"->">> \o Quote(alg.procs[i].body[1].label)]) \o << "]" >> ELSE <<"@pc@", "=">> \o Quote(alg.body[1].label) InitDef == (*******************************************************************) (* The definition of the initial predicate Init. *) (*******************************************************************) << "Init", "==">> \o MakeConj( (IF alg.decls # << >> THEN <> ELSE << >>) \o PrcdsInit \o (IF alg.type = "multiprocess" THEN ProcsInit ELSE << >>) \o (IF alg.prcds # << >> THEN <> ELSE << >>) \o <> ) ProcSetDef == (*******************************************************************) (* If this is a multiprocess algorithm, then this is the definition *) (* of ProcSet. *) (*******************************************************************) LET procIds == (*************************************************************) (* The sequence of single process ids. *) (*************************************************************) SeqConcat([i \in 1..Len(alg.procs) |-> IF alg.procs[i].eqOrIn = "=" THEN <> ELSE << >>] ) procSets == (*************************************************************) (* The sequence of process set id sets. *) (*************************************************************) SeqConcat([i \in 1..Len(alg.procs) |-> IF alg.procs[i].eqOrIn = "\\in" THEN <> ELSE << >>] ) IN <<"ProcSet", "==">> \o (IF procIds # << >> THEN <<"{">> \o CommaConcatSeq(procIds) \o <<"}">> ELSE << >>) \o (IF (procIds # << >>) /\ (procSets # << >>) THEN <<"\\union">> ELSE << >> ) \o (IF procSets # << >> THEN MakeUnion(procSets) ELSE << >>) PrcdsNextDef == (*******************************************************************) (* The definitions of the next-state actions of all procedures. *) (*******************************************************************) SeqConcat([i \in 1..Len(alg.prcds) |-> PrcdNext(alg.prcds[i], alg.prcds, allVarsSeq, localVars)]) ProcsNextDef == (*******************************************************************) (* For a multiprocess algorithm, the definitions of the next-state *) (* actions of all processes. *) (*******************************************************************) SeqConcat([i \in 1..Len(alg.procs) |-> ProcNext(alg.procs[i], alg.prcds, allVarsSeq, localVars) ] ) MainNextDef == (*******************************************************************) (* For a uniprocess algorithm, the definitions of the actions of *) (* the main body of the algorithm. *) (*******************************************************************) XlateLabeledStmtSeq(alg.body, alg.prcds, "Done", allVarsSeq, localVars, << >>) NextDef == (*******************************************************************) (* The definition of the next-state action. *) (*******************************************************************) << "Next", "==" >> \o MakeDisj( [i \in 1..Len(alg.prcds) |-> IF alg.type = "multiprocess" THEN <<"(", "\\E", "self", "\\in", "ProcSet", ":" , alg.prcds[i].name, "(", "self", ")", ")">> ELSE <>] \o (IF alg.type = "multiprocess" THEN [i \in 1..Len(alg.procs) |-> IF alg.procs[i].eqOrIn = "=" THEN <> ELSE <<"(", "\\E", "self", "\\in">> \o alg.procs[i].id \o <<":", alg.procs[i].name, "(", "self", ")", ")" >> ] ELSE [i \in 1.. Len(LabelsOf(alg.body)) |-> <>] ) \o << << "(*", "Disjunct to prevent deadlock on termination", "*)" >> \o <<"(">> \o MakeConj(<< (IF alg.type = "multiprocess" THEN << "\\E", "self", "\\in", "ProcSet", ":", "@pc@", "[", "self", "]", "=">> ELSE <<"@pc@", "=">>) \o Quote("Done"), << "UNCHANGED", "vars" >> >>) \o <<")">> >>) Fairness(wsf) == (*******************************************************************) (* The fairness condition for the algorithm, where wsf is either *) (* "WF_vars" or "SF_vars" *) (*******************************************************************) IF alg.type = "uniprocess" THEN << wsf, "(", "Next", ")" >> ELSE MakeConj( [i \in 1..Len(alg.procs) |-> IF alg.procs[i].eqOrIn = "=" THEN << wsf, "(", alg.procs[i].name , ")" >> ELSE << "\\A", "self", "\\in">> \o alg.procs[i].id \o << ":", wsf, "(", alg.procs[i].name , "(", "self", ")", ")" >> ] \o [i \in 1..Len(alg.prcds) |-> <<"\\A", "self", "\\in", "ProcSet", ":", wsf, "(", alg.prcds[i].name, "(", "self", ")", ")" >> ] ) FixPCandStack(seq) == [i \in 1..Len(seq) |-> IF seq[i] = "@pc@" THEN "pc" ELSE IF seq[i] = "@stack@" THEN "stack" ELSE seq[i] ] IN FixPCandStack( (IF alg.defs = << >> THEN AllVarDecl ELSE GlobalVarDecl \o alg.defs \o NonGlobalVarDecl) \o varsDef \o (IF alg.type = "multiprocess" THEN ProcSetDef ELSE << >>) \o InitDef \o PrcdsNextDef \o (IF alg.type = "multiprocess" THEN ProcsNextDef ELSE MainNextDef) \o NextDef \o << "Spec", "==", "Init", "/\\", "[]", "[", "Next", "]_", "vars" >> \o ( CASE fairnessOption = "" -> << >> [] fairnessOption = "wf" -> <<"/\\">> \o Fairness("WF_vars") [] fairnessOption = "sf" -> <<"/\\">> \o Fairness("SF_vars") [] fairnessOption = "wfNext" -> << "/\\", "WF_vars", "(", "Next", ")" >> ) \o << "Termination", "==", "<>", "(" >> \o (IF alg.type = "uniprocess" THEN <<"@pc@", "=" >> ELSE <<"\\A", "self" , "\\in" , "ProcSet", ":", "@pc@", "[", "self", "]", "=" >> ) \o Quote("Done") \o <<")">> ) MCIsRecord(r, D) == (DOMAIN r = D) /\ (r = [x \in D |-> r[x]]) ASSUME IF IsAlgorithm(ast) THEN Print(Translation(ast, fairness), TRUE) ELSE Print("<<@Error@Not a legal AST@EndError@>>", TRUE) ============================================================================= As of 28 June 2005 Total number of non-comment lines: 938 Number of those lines through definition of IsAlgorithm: 159