package cs3500.turtle.control; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import java.util.InputMismatchException; import java.util.Scanner; import cs3500.turtle.control.commands.Koch; import cs3500.turtle.control.commands.Move; import cs3500.turtle.control.commands.Retrieve; import cs3500.turtle.control.commands.Save; import cs3500.turtle.control.commands.Square; import cs3500.turtle.control.commands.Trace; import cs3500.turtle.control.commands.Turn; import cs3500.turtle.tracingmodel.TracingTurtleModel; import cs3500.turtle.view.IView; /** * This is a controller that is very similar to the * CommandController class. The main difference * is that the main is replaced with the controller * method processCommand */ public class MVCCommandController implements IController,ActionListener { private TracingTurtleModel model; private IView view; public MVCCommandController(TracingTurtleModel model,IView view) { this.model = model; this.view = view; } @Override public void go() { this.view.setCommandButtonListener(this); this.view.makeVisible(); } @Override public String processCommand(String command) { StringBuilder output=new StringBuilder(); Scanner s = new Scanner(command); TracingTurtleCommand cmd = null; while (s.hasNext()) { String in =; switch (in) { case "move": cmd = new Move(s.nextDouble()); break; case "trace": cmd = new Trace(s.nextDouble()); break; case "turn": cmd = new Turn(s.nextDouble()); break; case "square": cmd = new Square(s.nextDouble()); break; case "koch": cmd = new Koch(s.nextDouble(), s.nextInt()); break; case "save": cmd = new Save(); break; case "retrieve": cmd = new Retrieve(); break; default: output.append(String.format("Unknown command %s", in)); cmd = null; break; } if (cmd != null) { cmd.go(model); output.append("Successfully executed: " + command); } } return output.toString(); } @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { String command = view.getTurtleCommand(); String status; try { status = processCommand(command); } catch (Exception ex) { view.showErrorMessage(ex.getMessage()); } view.setLines(model.getLines()); //set turtle position and heading view.setTurtlePosition(model.getPosition()); view.setTurtleHeading(model.getHeading()); view.refresh(); } }