Lecture 7: Encapsulation
1 Model representation
1.1 Reductio...
1.2 ...Ad Absurdum
2 Bad freedoms
2.1 Restricting fields using the language

Lecture 7: Encapsulation

1 Model representation

When we last talked about Connect $N$, we designed an interface for our game model:

interface ConnectNModel {
  static enum Status { Playing, Stalemate, Won, }

  Status getStatus();
  boolean isGameOver();
  int getNextPlayer();
  int getWinner();

  Integer getPlayerAt(int x, int y);
  boolean isColumnFull(int which);

  int move(int who, int where);

  int getWidth();
  int getHeight();
  int getGoal();
  int getPlayers();

The next step in implementing this interface is to consider what data we need—what fields—to implement it. If nothing else, clearly we need some way to represent the game grid and its tokens. Since the grid is rectangular, we want to use some kind of sequence of sequences of Integers that will let us

Some of these methods return simple quantities that don’t change, so for those we can just store each in a field:

public int width;
public int height;
public int goal;
public int players;

Clearly we need to represent the state of the game grid, in particular which tokens are where. Since the grid is essentially a two-dimensional matrix, we can use an array of arrays or list of lists. In general this choice is arbitrary (except for the effects of locality), but in this case columns may make more sense, because we can use shorter lists to represent not-yet-full columns and grow them as necessary.

public List<List<Integer>> columns;

Finally, we need state in order to be able to tell the client who the current player is and who won. These fields, unlike the others, will be mutable:

public Status status;
public int turn;

1.1 Reductio...

Clearly the fields listed above will work, but what if we are thinking about flexibility for the future? For example, perhaps we don’t want to commit right now to players being represented as ints, so we generalize to Object in the two places where we represented players as integers:

public Object turn;
public List<List<Object>> columns;

Or perhaps we’re considering the possibility of extending Connect $N$ into a third dimension, or an arbitrary number of dimensions. If we want to represent $k$-D game grids, a list-of-lists won’t do, so perhaps it’s better to defer that decision until later as well. And of course, width and height are also insufficient for $k$-D, so we generalize with a map from dimension names to their sizes:

public Map<String, Integer> dimensions;
public Object hypercolumns;

At this point, we might notice that our game configuration consists of the map dimensions and two ints, goal and players. We could store those in the map as well, paving the way for adding more properties in the future without having to change the representation. So at this point, these are our fields:

public Map<String, Integer> configuration;

public Status status;
public Object turn;
public Object hypercolumns;

Now, not having played $k$-D Connect-$N$ before, I’m not sure that we won’t need more potential statuses in a game of that complexity, and for that matter, a turn may involve multiple players. But fear not! We don’t have to decide on either of those things now:

public Map<String, Object> properties;
public Object hypercolumns;

At this point, we might as well go big, right? We could represent the game model now, and every potential future game idea we might imagine, with one field:

public Map<String, Object> properties;

Now you’re programming in Python.

1.2 ...Ad Absurdum

With this change, what have we gained and what have we lost? Certainly we’ve gained a lot of flexibility, but in return we’ve replaced our expression of intent, the clear meaning of the several named fields, with an amorphous mapping. We’ve given up the ability to control the shape of our data.

Like almost any other property of a design, increasing flexibility involves trade-offs. The design we ended up with above is clearly too flexible, but is there reason to believe that the design we started with isn’t too general as well?

2 Bad freedoms

With increased flexibility comes additional ways to abuse that flexibility. In particular, there are a lot of things we can do with our initial representation that should likely be disallowed:

Some of the above bad things are easily prohibited using the correct language features, and others can be prohibited by careful programming.

2.1 Restricting fields using the language

This is the easy part. For fields whose values shouldn’t be updated1Meaning the primitive or reference value in the fields; objects referred to by references in final fields can still be mutated., we can tell the Java compiler using the final keyword, and it will prevent the fields from changing for us:

public final int width;
public final int height;
public final int goal;
public final int players;

You might wonder, Why bother with final when I can just not change the fields? This question generalizes to any design choice that imposes a restriction on how an object can be used, and the same answer generally apply: People make mistakes. It could be you in six months when you’ve forgotten how the class works, or it could be that your coworkers and successors don’t know that the field isn’t supposed to be changed. Sure, you could let them know with a comment, but comments are easily missed and error messages aren’t. So just in case, arrange to get that error message by using final.

As a general rule, declare every field that you don’t intend to change as final.

The other problem that Java can solve for us directly is the last one, that clients have unrestricted freedom to access the class’s fields. We can lock clients out by specifying a more restrictive access level. Java has four, though one is implicit. Ordered from most to least restrictive:











scope description







same class only







... and everything else in the same package







... and subclasses







... and the rest of the world

The ordering is inclusive, in the sense that if a member is visible from some other code with one of the modifiers, then it will also be visible with the weaker modifiers (lower in the table). If a field, method, constructor, or nested class, enumeration, or interface is marked private then it is visible only from within the same top-level class. (That is, nested classes are considered to be part of the same class for the purpose of access levels.) If the declaration is unmarked, it has default or package scope, which means that is visible from the entire Java package in which it lives. A protected member is additionally visible from any subclasses of the class where it’s declared, and public member is visible everywhere.

To see what this means in a bit more context, consider these four classes in two packages:

package first;

    public class Base {
        private   int privateField;
                  int packageField;
        protected int protectedField;
        public    int publicField;

    class FirstHelper { ... }

package second;

    public class Derived extends Base { ... }

    class SecondHelper { ... }

From which classes is each member field of Base visible? Just use the table above!






























As with final, the best rule of thumb for using access level modifiers is to follow the Principle of Least Privilege:

Every program and every privileged user of the system should operate using the least amount of privilege necessary to complete the job.

For fields, this means private the vast majority of the time. Exceptions are few:

Every time you make a field more accessible than it needs to be, you lose further control of what happens to it, and some ability to change that part of the representation in the future. In the next lecture, we’ll explore how we can use the control that access levels give us in order to eliminate additional bad freedoms.

1Meaning the primitive or reference value in the fields; objects referred to by references in final fields can still be mutated.