Assignment 6: Save the Date – Planner System, part 2
1 Purpose
2 Preparation:   fixing up your models
2.1 Making your models read-only
2.2 Adding missing functionality
3 Visualizing the planner
3.1 The event frame
3.2 The main system/  schedule frame
3.3 Required behavior
3.3.1 Behaviors for the Event Frame
3.3.2 Behaviors for the Main System Window
3.4 Running your view
3.5 Testing your view
4 What to do
5 What to submit
6 Grading standards
7 Submission

Assignment 6: Save the Date – Planner System, part 2

Due dates:

Starter files:

1 Purpose

In this portion of the project, you will be building a visual view of your planner. This assignment has several parts. Look over the outline on the left, and skim through the whole assignment, before diving deeply into any one section. The assignment lists requirements in the recommended order you should do them, but future tasks might give you ideas for how to improve earlier ones.

2 Preparation: fixing up your models

2.1 Making your models read-only

As we discussed in class, views should not have the ability to mutate the models they are viewing: this would bypass the controller, making it impossible to reliably control the model.

Refactor your model interface, if necessary, into two interfaces: your main PlannerModel interface (or whatever you named it) should now extend a ReadonlyPlannerModel interface (again, choose a name that matches your existing model). The read-only interface should contain all the observation methods of your model, while the mutable sub-interface should contain all the mutator methods.

2.2 Adding missing functionality

The following is a non-exhaustive checklist of functionality that is necessary for your NUPlanner to work properly. Your model interface(s) may not yet expose all of these as methods, or might not make it easy to use.

Reexamine the design and implementation of your model from the previous assignment, and improve it to include the functionality above. Document whatever changes you made in a new section of your README, entitled “Changes for part 2” — explain what functionality was missing, and why, and how you chose to add it.

3 Visualizing the planner

To implement your view, you will need to use Java Swing. (You are not permitted to use the javalib library we used in Fundies 2, as it conflates the notions of model, view and controller into a single World class. You are also not permitted to use JavaFX, as that has been deprecated and is overly complicated as well.) The code provided with the MVC code and the Turtles activity from class give you a basic beginning using Swing, as well as the exercises in Lab 7.

You will need to create two frames for this project, one for an event and one for the schedule and main system.

You will likely need to design at least two or four interfaces for your view:

(These may be empty interfaces for now, if you do not see a need for any methods in them yet...but keep reading below for additional ideas.) Note that your textual rendering from the previous assignment does not have to implement this new GUI view interface, and you do not have to force it to do so.

3.1 The event frame

This frame is how the client will be creating/modifying/or removing events. Your view needs to somehow expose all the relevant information for an event. The screenshot below from the previous assignment is an example of such a frame

Notice that the starting time and ending time take in any string, allowing the client to enter any time they wish, not just certain intervals like in calendar applications you may be familiar with. We assume these times are all 24 hour time (00:00 to 23:59).

The bottom most non-button component in the example picture is a list of all existing users. This example uses a JList which allows us to select any number of elements in the list. You may find that class helpful.

There should be some buttons to create, modify, or remove an event. Note this implementation changes the buttons visible based on the context the frame was created, but yours should have all 3 buttons available. 1With the patterns and concepts we have learned, it should not be difficult to replicate that behavior, but for the purpose of keeping this assignment feasible, we ask you not to try that.

3.2 The main system/schedule frame

This frame is how the client will work with your main system. Your view should look as much as possible like the screenshots shown in the previous assignment:

Note that this view has a File menu (thanks to JMenu and JMenuItem), which contains two items: one to load an XML file and another to save every loaded schedule chosen to individual XML files. Your view must expose that functionality, but it can be with buttons instead of a menu.

We will assume that this frame (and therefore your own) shows the days in order from left to right, from Sunday to Saturday. (In other words, the week starts on Sunday). The bold lines are drawn every four hours (starting at midnight) to make it easier to discern when events start.

When a schedule is loaded and a user with a schedule selected, the view looks as follows, where the red boxes are the events from the schedule, placed at locations corresponding to the start and end of events. This particular view is the result of loading the Prof. Lucia schedule from the previous assignment.

Notice how the start and end time of the events dictate the length and location of the events on the view. You will need to consider that translation in your own drawing method. You will notice as well that multi day events (the final "Sleep" event in this example) will result in multiple boxes. Finally, events that span into the next week are not fully shown here. They are shown up to Saturday 23:59 and then stop. In other words, those events do not wrap around on the planner.

You may adjust the color palette, or replace the menu with more buttons elsewhere, or use something instead of the JComboBox for the drop down list, but the schedule itself must look as above with the black lines (bold lines optional, but I found them helpful) and some colored box for the events themselves.

Looking through the documentation of the Graphics2D class, you’ll find several useful methods for drawing text, lines, ovals, images, and shapes; and for transforming the coordinate system (scaling, translating and rotating) to affect where drawings are placed.

3.3 Required behavior

Your view should have a constructor that takes in a ReadonlyPlannerModel not the mutable interface! — to ensure that your view is incapable of modifying the model even accidentally.

In preparation for the next assignment (where you will build controllers), you should equip your view with the ability to handle specific events. We will discuss each window’s events separately.

3.3.1 Behaviors for the Event Frame
3.3.2 Behaviors for the Main System Window

First, a client should be able to load in an XML file. For this assignment, you shouldn't actually load them. Instead, whether you use a menu item or a button, that item should open a JFileChooser window to allow the user to find and select the XML. Then print the path to that XML file (again, using System.out).

The client should be able to choose the schedule to see (in the picture in this assignment, they are chosen from the drop down menu) and their schedule should be visible. (Note this should not require a controller to do so). The view should now look something like the following picture:

Once a schedule is visible, clicking on any event on the frame should open the Event Frame with all fields filled in by the current event’s information. Below is an example of such an event frame.

The client should be able to save the visible schedule to an XML file. every loaded schedule to their own XML files. For this assignment, you shouldn't actually save them. Instead, whether you use a menu item or a button, that item should open a JFileChooser window to pick the folder to save the file to. Then print the path to that directory to the console.

Attempting to add/create an event (by clicking a button for instance) should open an empty event frame.

Finally, clicking on the button to schedule an event should (for the time being) open an event frame as well. (We will slightly edit this frame for in the next assignment and that will involve very little change in code.)

You may want to revisit the discussion of Features interfaces from Lecture 15: GUI Basics, and this may influence your view interface designs.

3.4 Running your view

Add the following placeholder class to your project. Note this assumes your project is in the packages cs3500.planner, so change the first line accordingly.

package cs3500.planner;

public final class PlannerRunner {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    YourModel model = ...create an example model...
    YourView view = new YourView(model);

As we’ve done several times, our main() method simply instantiates a model, instantiates a view using that model, and tells the view to get started. In later assignments we will augment this to create the controller.

3.5 Testing your view

Testing views can be quite tricky, since you cannot simply use JUnit assertions to check them for “equality”. For this assignment, you do not need to unit-test your visual view, but you should include in your submission at least three screenshots of your view:

Name the screenshots appropriately, so you and graders can easily tell what they represent.

4 What to do

  1. Refactor your model to split it into read-only and mutable interfaces.

  2. Design your view interfaces, and then begin implementing your views.

  3. Update your README file to include explanations of all the new classes you’ve designed. Be sure to include a “Changes for part 2” section documenting what you changed from your initial design.

5 What to submit

To create a JAR file, do the following:

6 Grading standards

For this assignment, you will be graded on

7 Submission

Please submit your homework to by the above deadline. Then be sure to complete your self evaluation by its due date.

1With the patterns and concepts we have learned, it should not be difficult to replicate that behavior, but for the purpose of keeping this assignment feasible, we ask you not to try that.