9 Homework 11
Released: Wednesday, March 29, 2023 at 6:00pm
Due: Wednesday, April 5, 2023 at 6:00pm
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9.1 Problem 1: Proving with Classical Logic
In this problem, you will prove various theorems, some of which require an axiom from classical logic, Classical.em
, and others do not!
-- 12 lines: does this need Classical.em?
theorem p_iff_false: ∀ P : Prop, (P ↔ False) ↔ ¬ P :=
by sorry
-- 9 lines: does this need Classical.em?
theorem p_and_not_p_eq_false: ∀ P : Prop, (P ∧ ¬ P) ↔ False :=
by sorry
-- 21 lines: does this need Classical.em?
theorem or_absorb_and_or: ∀ P Q : Prop, P ∨ (¬ P ∧ Q) ↔ (P ∨ Q) :=
by sorry
-- 11 lines: does this need Classical.em?
theorem redundant_and: ∀ P Q : Prop, (P ∨ Q) ∧ (P ∨ ¬ Q) ↔ P :=
by sorry
-- 10 lines: does this need Classical.em?
theorem exportation: ∀ A B C : Prop, (A → B → C) ↔ (A ∧ B → C) :=
by sorry
9.2 Returning to specifications
In the remaining problems, you will write definitions and theorems, but no proofs. We are moving back towards focusing on specification, rather than proof, which has been our focus for the past six weeks. While one secondary goal of this class was to expose you to various methods of proof, the primary goal was to learn how to think about specifications, and how to reason formally about behavior of programs.
9.3 Problem 2: Red Black Trees
A red-black balanced binary search tree is a binary search tree that uses the following invariant to ensure that it remains balanced, and as a result, operations on it remain fast.
It is defined as follows:
Each node has a color (red or black) associated with it (in addition to its value and left and right children)
A node can be ’null’: these will form the leaves of the tree (a null node, or leaf, is always black, so it doesn’t need to have an explicit color annotated).
Further, the following three properties hold:
(root property) The root of the red-black tree is black
(red property) The children of a red node are black.
(black property) For each node with at least one null child, the number of black nodes on the path from the root to the null child is the same.
As a binary search tree, all left children are less than right children. Elements will be natural numbers, in our case.
Your task is to:
Design an inductive type RedBlackTree. It should have Nat’s as values. Use the empty inductive type below to start.
Given the (blank) definitions for empty (to create an empty tree), insert (to insert a new number to the tree) & delete (to remove a number), write theorems that ensure that the properties hold. Note that you do not need to _prove_ the theorems, just write down what they are.
Note that when defining inductive types, if you want to use ==
, you may want to add deriving BEq
on the line following the definition. You can always, of course, define your own equality functions via pattern matching to avoid this. If you want to be able to use your inductive types with #eval
, make that deriving BEq, Repr
inductive RedBlackTree : Type where
def RedBlackTree.empty : RedBlackTree := by sorry
def RedBlackTree.insert : RedBlackTree -> Nat -> RedBlackTree := by sorry
def RedBlackTree.delete : RedBlackTree -> Nat -> RedBlackTree := by sorry
9.4 Problem 3: Information Flow
Throughout most of the semester, we have been concerned with software correctness: i.e., how to ensure that a particular function, given some input, produces a given output. That’s not, however, the only type of property that we might want our programs to satisfy. One other example that we’ve seen is constant timeness: we had a problem in HW3, where we wanted to ensure not that a password checking function worked (correctness), but that it took the same amount of time regardless of input.
Another class of properties that we may want to ensure are so-called information flow properties: certain data may originate from specific sources, and it is possible that it should not end up being passed to other sources. e.g., most websites have a notion of user-specific data, and most should not be shared with other users outside of specific purposes.
One interesting example: in 2011, Facebook had a bug where by reporting a person’s public photo for abuse, the system would then show additional private photos to see if you wanted to add them to your report (https://www.zdnet.com/article/facebook-flaw-allows-access-to-private-photos/). The only bug, though it was serious, is that photos that person should not have been given access to were shown to them! Otherwise, the code all worked fine...
In this problem, you will write a theorem statement that ensures that a (unspecified) function process does not leak any private information. Private information, in this case, is the first argument to the function (private_inputs); the function also has another argument, public_inputs, that does not need to remain private.
Note that you need to think about _how_ the private inputs could potentially leak: you don’t know what the definition of the function is, so what theorem can you write about it that nonetheless ensures that if users see the _output_ of it they cannot determine anything about the private inputs.
def process (private_inputs : List Nat) (public_inputs : List Nat) : Nat := by sorry
9.5 Problem 4: Algorithmic Fairness
Another example of a property of systems that is not correctness, but nonetheless is important for the behavior of systems is algorithmic fairness: i.e., ensuring that computer systems do not encode bias. A well-known example is that computer vision algorithms have historically performed much worse on people with darker skin than people with lighter skin. Once noticed, this is obviously a problem (and, compounded by how facial detection is often deployed, but that’s a separate issue), but how do we ensure that this doesn’t happen?
One way, beyond merely testing on more representative datasets (which should certainly be done), is to specify how the behavior of code should connect (or not connect) to properties of the inputs. In the example of computer vision, training/testing data would need to be labeled by skin color, but once that was done, a specification like the following could be expressed:
let samples = all labeled input images
let light_skin = filter(light skin, samples)
let dark_skin = filter(dark skin, samples)
count(filter(recognize, light_skin)) / count(light_skin) =
count(filter(recognize, dark_skin)) / count(dark_skin)
i.e., we want to ensure that the recognize algorithm performs similarly on both subsets of the input data. Of course, it may be that getting identical results is impossible, but by writing such a specification, and validating (via proof or testing), we surface this behavior. If not identical, perhaps we get them both to be in the same range:
0.7 < count(filter(recognize, light_skin)) / count(light_skin) < 0.8
0.7 < count(filter(recognize, dark_skin)) / count(dark_skin) < 0.8
If we had a way to generate data, we could do this kind of testing with the same property-based testing techniques as we used at the beginning of the semester.
For example, you might define a generator:
Generate10k : forall A, Generator A -> Generator [A]
That creates a list of 10,000 elements of a given element.
Then you could write a specification function that, given a list of elements, returned what fraction passed the recognition function.
Other problems are easier to specify and deal with than images, and yet still have the same important consequences for fairness.
In this problem, we want you to come up with a specification, this time for the problem of Mortgage Lending.
At this point, whether people are given mortgages (home loans) is significantly impacted by algorithms, that take as inputs all sorts of data about the potential lenders and deside whether (and at what rate) to give loans. It’s been shown that people from minority groups are denied loans at higher rates, or given higher interest rates even if they are given loans (see, e.g., https://news.mit.edu/2022/machine-learning-model-discrimination-lending-0330).
Such algorithms are trained on data, selected from various sources, and itself possibly encoding various biases. Indeed, housing discrimination has a long history (see, e.g., redlining). How can we ensure that a given decision procedure is fair?
Clearly, we could label data like the above example with images and test that the algorithm doesn’t do better or worse with people of certain races, and unlike with images, we can actually permute data easily: we could run the algorithm once, then change the race (for example) and run it again and see if things change.
With that idea in mind, in this problem you are tasked with writing a theorem that _proves_ that there is no bias in a particular function that decides whether to give mortgages. It’s up to you both to decide _what that means_ and how to ensure it.
Consider that you have a function, give_mortgage that takes as input income (a list of yearly income, going back several years), assets (number), race, gender, age, zipcode (where they currently live), and returns a boolean of whether or not to give a mortgage.
Write a theorem that ensures that give_mortgage does not encode bias. Think about how you might express that? How is this similar or different from, e.g., the information flow problem above?
def give_mortgage : List Nat -- income
-> Nat -- assets
-> String -- race
-> String -- gender
-> Nat -- age
-> String -- zipcode
-> Bool := by sorry