
11 6/14: Full Binary Trees

The goal of this lab is to make progress on implementing the tools you’ll need for the current assignment.

Withdrawn partner?

Is anybody currently paired with a partner who withdrew from the class? If so raise your hand. Look for someone else who raised their hand. Work together. (Please email dvanhorn if you’re able to find a new partner.)

Full Binary Trees

One of the things you’ll need for the current assignment is a library for working with full binary trees. Let’s start with the interface:

// Represents a full binary tree

// A full binary tree is a binary tree where each node's left and

// right subtree have the same size.

interface FBT<X> {

   // Compute the size of this tree

   Integer size();


   // Compute the height of this tree

   Integer height();


   // Get the ith element of this tree

   // Element 0 is at the root

   // Element 1 is at the root of the left tree

   // Element (size()+1)/2 is at the root of the right tree

   // Assume i < size().

   X get(Integer i);


Exercise 1. Design data definitions for node and leafs of full binary trees.

Your constructor for nodes may assume the given left and right subtrees are of equal size. Stuff will likely break if this assumption is violated, but when you get to implementing quick lists, you can ensure this never happens.

Exercise 2. Design the height method. Be sure to utilize the invariant of full binary trees so that your method is fast. In particular it should be logarithmic in the size of the tree.

Exercise 3. Design the size method. Be sure to utilize the invariant of full binary trees so that your method is fast. In particular it should be logarithmic in the size of the tree. Hint: use height and calculate the size.

Exercise 4. Design the get method. You may need to develop helper methods to complete this design.

Once you have a fully tested system, move on to quick lists.