import tester.*; /** * HtDC Lectures * Lecture 7: Abstract classes * * Copyright 2013 Viera K. Proulx * This program is distributed under the terms of the * GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) * * @since 14 September 2013 */ /* +----------------------------+ | IShape | +----------------------------+ +----------------------------+ | double area() | | boolean distTo0() | | IShape grow(int) | | boolean biggerThan(IShape) | | boolean contains(CartPt) | +----------------------------+ | / \ --- | --------------------------------------------------------- | | | +----------------------------+ +----------------------------+ | | Circle | | Square | | +----------------------------+ +----------------------------+ | +-| CartPt center | +-| CartPt nw | | | | int radius | | | int size | | | | String color | | | String color | | | +----------------------------+ | +----------------------------+ | | | double area() | | | double area() | | | | boolean distTo0() | | | boolean distTo0() | | | | IShape grow(int) | | | IShape grow(int) | | | | boolean biggerThan(IShape) | | | boolean biggerThan(IShape) | | | | boolean contains(CartPt) | | | boolean contains(CartPt) | | | +----------------------------+ | +----------------------------+ | +---+ +--------------------------+ | | | +--------------------------------------------+ | | | | | +----------------------------+ | | | Rect | | | +----------------------------+ | | +-| CartPt nw | | | | | int width | | | | | int height | | | | | String color | | | | +----------------------------+ | | | | double area() | | | | | boolean distTo0() | | | | | IShape grow(int) | | | | | boolean biggerThan(IShape) | | | | | boolean contains(CartPt) | | | | +----------------------------+ | | | v v v +-----------------------+ | CartPt | +-----------------------+ | int x | | int y | +-----------------------+ | double distTo0() | | double distTo(CartPt) | +-----------------------+ */ // to represent a geometric shape interface IShape { // to compute the area of this shape public double area(); // to compute the distance form this shape to the origin public double distTo0(); // to increase the size of this shape by the given increment public IShape grow(int inc); // is the area of this shape is bigger than the area of the given shape? public boolean biggerThan(IShape that); // does this shape (including the boundary) contain the given point? public boolean contains(CartPt pt); } // to represent a circle class Circle implements IShape { CartPt center; int radius; String color; Circle(CartPt center, int radius, String color) { = center; this.radius = radius; this.color = color; } /* TEMPLATE Fields: ... this.ctr ... -- CartPt ... this.rad ... -- int ... this.color ... -- String Methods: ... this.area() ... -- double ... this.distTo0() ... -- double ... this.grow(int) ... -- IShape ... this.biggerThan(IShape) ... -- boolean ... this.contains(CartPt) ... -- boolean Methods for fields: ... this.ctr.distTo0() ... -- double ... this.ctr.distTo(CartPt) ... -- double */ // to compute the area of this shape public double area(){ return Math.PI * this.radius * this.radius; } // to compute the distance form this shape to the origin public double distTo0(){ return - this.radius; } // to increase the size of this shape by the given increment public IShape grow(int inc){ return new Circle(, this.radius + inc, this.color); } // is the area of this shape is bigger than the area of the given shape? public boolean biggerThan(IShape that){ return this.area() >= that.area(); } // does this shape (including the boundary) contain the given point? public boolean contains(CartPt pt){ return <= this.radius; } } // to represent a square class Square implements IShape { CartPt nw; int size; String color; Square(CartPt nw, int size, String color) { this.nw = nw; this.size = size; this.color = color; } /* TEMPLATE Fields: ... this.nw ... -- CartPt ... this.size ... -- int ... this.color ... -- String Methods: ... this.area() ... -- double ... this.distTo0() ... -- double ... this.grow(int) ... -- IShape ... this.biggerThan(IShape) ... -- boolean ... this.contains(CartPt) ... -- boolean Methods for fields: ... this.nw.distTo0() ... -- double ... this.nw.distTo(CartPt) ... -- double */ // to compute the area of this shape public double area(){ return this.size * this.size; } // to compute the distance form this shape to the origin public double distTo0(){ return this.nw.distTo0(); } // to increase the size of this shape by the given increment public IShape grow(int inc){ return new Square(this.nw, this.size + inc, this.color); } // is the area of this shape is bigger than the area of the given shape? public boolean biggerThan(IShape that){ return this.area() >= that.area(); } // does this shape (including the boundary) contain the given point? public boolean contains(CartPt pt){ return (this.nw.x <= pt.x) && (pt.x <= this.nw.x + this.size) && (this.nw.y <= pt.y) && (pt.y <= this.nw.y + this.size); } } // to represent a rectangle class Rect implements IShape { CartPt nw; int width; int height; String color; Rect(CartPt nw, int width, int height, String color) { this.nw = nw; this.width = width; this.height = height; this.color = color; } /* TEMPLATE FIELDS ... this.nw ... -- CartPt ... this.width ... -- int ... this.height ... -- int ... this.color ... -- String METHODS ... this.area() ... -- double ... this.distTo0() ... -- double ... this.grow(int inc) ... -- IShape ... this.biggerThan(IShape that) ... -- boolean ... this.contains(CartPt pt) ... -- boolean METHODS FOR FIELDS: ... this.nw.distTo0() ... -- double ... this.nw.distTo(CartPt) ... -- double */ // to compute the area of this shape public double area(){ return this.width * this.height; } // to compute the distance form this shape to the origin public double distTo0(){ return this.nw.distTo0(); } // to increase the size of this shape by the given increment public IShape grow(int inc){ return new Rect(this.nw, this.width + inc, this.height + inc, this.color); } // is the area of this shape is bigger than the area of the given shape? public boolean biggerThan(IShape that){ return this.area() >= that.area(); } // does this shape (including the boundary) contain the given point? public boolean contains(CartPt pt){ return (this.nw.x <= pt.x) && (pt.x <= this.nw.x + this.width) && (this.nw.y <= pt.y) && (pt.y <= this.nw.y + this.height); } } // to represent a Cartesian point class CartPt { int x; int y; CartPt(int x, int y) { this.x = x; this.y = y; } /* TEMPLATE FIELDS ... this.x ... -- int ... this.y ... -- int METHODS ... this.distTo0() ... -- double ... this.distTo(CartPt) ... -- double */ // to compute the distance form this point to the origin public double distTo0(){ return Math.sqrt(this.x * this.x + this.y * this.y); } // to compute the distance form this point to the given point public double distTo(CartPt pt){ return Math.sqrt((this.x - pt.x) * (this.x - pt.x) + (this.y - pt.y) * (this.y - pt.y)); } } class ExamplesShapes { ExamplesShapes() {} CartPt pt1 = new CartPt(0, 0); CartPt pt2 = new CartPt(3, 4); CartPt pt3 = new CartPt(7, 1); IShape c1 = new Circle(new CartPt(50, 50), 10, "red"); IShape c2 = new Circle(new CartPt(50, 50), 30, "red"); IShape c3 = new Circle(new CartPt(30, 100), 30, "blue"); IShape s1 = new Square(new CartPt(50, 50), 30, "red"); IShape s2 = new Square(new CartPt(50, 50), 50, "red"); IShape s3 = new Square(new CartPt(20, 40), 10, "green"); IShape r1 = new Rect(new CartPt(50, 50), 30, 20, "red"); IShape r2 = new Rect(new CartPt(50, 50), 50, 40, "red"); IShape r3 = new Rect(new CartPt(20, 40), 10, 20, "green"); // test the method distTo0 in the class CartPt boolean testDistTo0(Tester t) { return t.checkInexact(this.pt1.distTo0(), 0.0, 0.001) && t.checkInexact(this.pt2.distTo0(), 5.0, 0.001); } // test the method distTo in the class CartPt boolean testDistTo(Tester t) { return t.checkInexact(this.pt1.distTo(this.pt2), 5.0, 0.001) && t.checkInexact(this.pt2.distTo(this.pt3), 5.0, 0.001); } // test the method area in the class Circle boolean testCircleArea(Tester t) { return t.checkInexact(this.c1.area(), 314.15, 0.01); } // test the method area in the class Square boolean testSquareArea(Tester t) { return t.checkInexact(this.s1.area(), 900.0, 0.01); } // test the method area in the class Rect boolean testRectArea(Tester t) { return t.checkInexact(this.r1.area(), 600.0, 0.01); } // test the method distTo0 in the class Circle boolean testCircleDistTo0(Tester t) { return t.checkInexact(this.c1.distTo0(), 60.71, 0.01) && t.checkInexact(this.c3.distTo0(), 74.40, 0.01); } // test the method distTo0 in the class Square boolean testSquareDistTo0(Tester t) { return t.checkInexact(this.s1.distTo0(), 70.71, 0.01) && t.checkInexact(this.s3.distTo0(), 44.72, 0.01); } // test the method distTo0 in the class Rect boolean testRectDistTo0(Tester t) { return t.checkInexact(this.r1.distTo0(), 70.71, 0.01) && t.checkInexact(this.r3.distTo0(), 44.72, 0.01); } // test the method grow in the class Circle boolean testCircleGrow(Tester t) { return t.checkExpect(this.c1.grow(20), this.c2); } // test the method grow in the class Square boolean testSquareGrow(Tester t) { return t.checkExpect(this.s1.grow(20), this.s2); } // test the method grow in the class Rect boolean testRectGrow(Tester t) { return t.checkExpect(this.r1.grow(20), this.r2); } // test the method biggerThan in the class Circle boolean testCircleBiggerThan(Tester t) { return t.checkExpect(this.c1.biggerThan(this.c2), false) && t.checkExpect(this.c2.biggerThan(this.c1), true) && t.checkExpect(this.c1.biggerThan(this.s1), false) && t.checkExpect(this.c1.biggerThan(this.s3), true); } // test the method biggerThan in the class Square boolean testSquareBiggerThan(Tester t) { return t.checkExpect(this.s1.biggerThan(this.s2), false) && t.checkExpect(this.s2.biggerThan(this.s1), true) && t.checkExpect(this.s1.biggerThan(this.c1), true) && t.checkExpect(this.s3.biggerThan(this.c1), false); } // test the method biggerThan in the class Rect boolean testRectBiggerThan(Tester t) { return t.checkExpect(this.r1.biggerThan(this.r2), false) && t.checkExpect(this.r2.biggerThan(this.r1), true) && t.checkExpect(this.r1.biggerThan(this.c1), true) && t.checkExpect(this.r3.biggerThan(this.s1), false); } // test the method contains in the class Circle boolean testCircleContains(Tester t) { return t.checkExpect(this.c1.contains(new CartPt(100, 100)), false) && t.checkExpect(this.c2.contains(new CartPt(40, 60)), true); } // test the method contains in the class Square boolean testSquareContains(Tester t) { return t.checkExpect(this.s1.contains(new CartPt(100, 100)), false) && t.checkExpect(this.s2.contains(new CartPt(55, 60)), true); } // test the method contains in the class Rect boolean testRectContains(Tester t) { return t.checkExpect(this.r1.contains(new CartPt(100, 100)), false) && t.checkExpect(this.r2.contains(new CartPt(55, 60)), true); } }