On this page:
8.1 The Registrar’s Office
8.1.1 Data constraints
8.1.2 Methods and examples to design

Lab 8: Working with Cyclic Data

Goals: The goal of this lab is to learn how to design and use circularly referential data.

Submissions: This is due at the end of your lab period. Create the classes needed for the Registrar problem described below. In a file named ExamplesRegistrar.java add examples for all of your classes. Add tests for the enroll, classmates and dejavu methods. Submit this file to handins. This will be graded mainly on the completeness of your test cases. Note, partners can work on this together, but will submit their work individually. You will be continuing this problem for Assignment 7.

In addition, please fill out the brief survey on pair programming here. This can be submitted any time during the day today (2/25/25) up to 11:59pm.

8.1 The Registrar’s Office

The registrar’s office maintains a great deal of information about classes, instructors, and students. Your task in this problem is to model that data, and implement a few methods on it. We deliberately do not give you the class diagram for this problem: from the description below, you should properly design whatever classes you think are relevant. Please use generic lists (i.e. IList<T>) for this problem.

8.1.1 Data constraints
8.1.2 Methods and examples to design