
Assignment 3

home work!

Programming Language BSL

Due Date Tuesday at 9:00pm (Week 4)

Purpose To practice designing functions and programs with structured data and itemizations.

Finger Exercises

Exercise 1 HtDP Exercise 80

Exercise 2 HtDP Exercise 84

Exercise 3 HtDP Exercise 87

Graded Exercises

Exercise 5 (Related to HtDP Exercise 109)

A Finite State Machine is an abstract (and general) encoding of a fairly common scenario: it represents the idea of a finite collection of states, and a set of allowable transitions between them. For example, the traffic-light animation used three states (green, yellow, or red), and three transitions (green -> yellow, yellow -> red, red -> green) that occurred once per tick. As another example, a telephone might be in one of three states (idle, ringing, or in-use), and might have several transitions: idle -> ringing when a call comes in, ringing -> idle if you choose to ignore the call, ringing -> in-use if you answer the phone, and in-use -> idle when you hang up. In general, there could be an arbitrary number of states, and arbitrary transitions between the states.

In this problem, you’ll design a world program that implements a Finite State Machine, that recognizes when a user types "good", "goood", "goooood", or similar variants with even more "o"s in them. These letters must appear consecutively: if any other characters appear in the middle (like in "goCS2500od"), your program should not accept the input. However, it doesn’t matter how many letters appear before or after: "CS2500 is gooooooood!" would be accepted.

  • Your program will have five states:
    • START: haven’t seen any part of "good" yet

    • G: have seen the intial "g"

    • O1: have seen at least one "o"

    • O2: have seen at least two "o"s

    • D: have seen the final "d"

  • From state START, if the user types a "g", move to state G. If the user types anything else, stay in START.

  • From state G, if the user types an "o", move to state O1. If the user types a "g", stay in state G. If the user types anything else, go back to state START.

  • From state O1, if the user types a second "o", go to state O2. If the user types a "g", go back to state G. If the user types anything else, go back to state START.

  • From state O2, if the user types another "o", stay in state O2. If the user types a "g", go back to state G. If the user types a "d", go to state D. If the user types anything else, go back to state START.

  • From state D, no matter what the user types, stay in state D.

  • To render your program: if the user is in state START, draw a "white" rectangle. Draw the next four states as rectangles with colors "pale green", "spring green", "lime green", and "dark green", respectively.

Suggestion: Draw these rules as a diagram in the style of Exercise 109, to help you as you develop your code. You don’t need to hand this in, but having a picture available to you might help organize your thinking.

Reminder: This problem asks you to design the world program. That implies you must first determine what information should be in the world state, and design a data definition for it. Only then can you begin to design the helper functions that the world program needs in order to run.

Exercise 6 Consider the following purpose statement:
; Consumes a String and produces a (make-posn ...)
; whose x-component is the first character of the given string, and
; whose y-component is the remainder of the given string.
; An empty input string should error with "decode: bad input string"

Complete the design process for this function.

Reminder/Hint: A Posn was defined to be a structure whose components were numbers.

Exercise 7 Below is a data definition for a class of shapes (See the code at the bottom).

  1. Add an interpretation for the Square and Rectangle classes. Both represent shapes whose borders are parallel to the borders of a canvas (window).

  2. Develop the template for functions that consume Shapes.

  3. Use the template to design shape-shift-x. The function consumes a Shape, sh, and a number, delta. It produces a shape that is like sh but shifted by delta pixels along the x-axis.

  4. Use the template to design shape-in?. The function consumes a Shape, sh, and a Posn, p, and determines whether p is inside (or on the boundary) of sh.

    Domain Knowledge: for a point to be within a circle, its distance to the center must be less than or equal to the circle’s radius. For a point to be within a rectangle, its x coordinate must be between the x coordinate of the left line and the x coordinate of the right line. How do you compute the x coordinates of these lines? Naturally something analogous must hold for the y coordinates. Remember that squares are just special rectangles.

  5. Use the template to design shape-draw. The function consumes a Shape, sh and a Scene, sc and adds sh to sc.

;; Shape is one of:

;; -- Circle

;; -- Square

;; -- Rectangle


(define-struct circl (x y r outline c))

;; A Circle is a (make-circl Number Number Number Boolean Symbol)

;; interpretation: x and y determine the center of the circle,

;;   r the radius, outline whether it's outlined or solid,

;;   and c its color


(define-struct squar (x y size outline c))

;; A Square is a (make-squar Number Number Number Boolean Symbol)

;; interpretation: Supply a good interpretation of Square.


(define-struct recta (x y width height outline c))

;; A Rectangle is a (make-recta Number Number Number Number Boolean Symbol)

;; interpretation: Supply a good interpretation of Rectangle.