Problem Set 11

home work!

Programming Language ISL+

Here is a data definition for a binary tree of numbers:

;; A BTN is one of

;; - Number

;; - (make-node BTN BTN)

(define-struct node (left right))

Problem 1 Design a function, btn-height, that takes in a binary tree of numbers and computes the maximum distance from the root to any leaf. Here "distance" is measured by adding 1 for each internal node on the way from the root to the leaf.

Here are some examples (you should develop more to fully test your code):

(check-expect (btn-height 42) 0)

(check-expect (btn-height (make-node 2 (make-node 4 9)) 2))

Problem 2 Design a function, btn-sum, that takes in a binary tree of numbers and computes the sum of all leaves.

Here are some examples (you should develop more to fully test your code):

(check-expect (btn-sum 42) 42)

(check-expect (btn-sum (make-node 2 (make-node 4 9)) 15))

Problem 3

A leafy binary tree is a binary tree with the symbol 'leaf at its leafs (as opposed to, say, a number).

Design a function that consumes a natural number n and creates (a list of) all the leafy binary trees that have height n.

Hint: Design a function that consumes a natural number n, and creates (a list of) all leafy binary trees of height equal or less than n.

Hint: If you have to use filter to remove things from the list, you’re working too hard.

Hint: It might be helpful to draw pictures.

Note: this is not about abstraction; it’s a kind of puzzle that will exercise your ability to think recursively. (We hope you) Have fun...