;; A Turtle Command Execution Engine (require 2htdp/image) (require 2htdp/universe) ;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; constant definitions (define SIZE 400) (define MID (quotient SIZE 2)) (define STEP (quotient SIZE 200)) (define START (make-posn MID MID)) (define LEFT (make-posn (- STEP) 0)) (define RIGHT (make-posn STEP 0)) (define DOWN (make-posn 0 STEP)) (define UP (make-posn 0 (- STEP))) (define BG (empty-scene SIZE SIZE)) (define TC "lightseagreen") (define TS (quotient SIZE 20)) (define TA 330) (define TURTLE-DOWN (isosceles-triangle TS TA "solid" TC)) (define TURTLE-RIGHT (rotate 90 TURTLE-DOWN)) (define TURTLE-UP (rotate 90 TURTLE-RIGHT)) (define TURTLE-LEFT (rotate 90 TURTLE-UP)) ;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; data representation (define-struct turtle (place dir todo)) ;; A TW (turtle world) is (make-turtle Posn Direction Command*) ;; A Direction is one of: ;; -- 'up ;; -- 'down ;; -- 'left ;; -- 'right ;; Command* is one of: ;; -- empty ;; -- (cons ACommand Command*) ;; ACommand is one of: ;; -- 'turn-left ;; -- 'turn-right ;; -- 'move ;; interpretation: ;; (make-turtle p d c) means the turtle is at Posn p, it is facing in ;; Direction d, and it has the list of commands c left to execute. (define t0 (make-turtle START 'up empty)) (define t1 (make-turtle START 'up W)) ;; after executing 'turn-left, we get (define c2 (cons 'move (cons 'turn-right (cons 'move empty)))) (define t2 (make-turtle START 'left c2)) ;; after executing 'move, we get: (posn+ START LEFT) (define t3 (make-turtle (make-posn (- MID STEP) MID) 'left (cons 'turn-right (cons 'move empty)))) (define full-round-trip (cons 'turn-left (cons 'turn-right (cons 'turn-right (cons 'turn-right (cons 'turn-right empty)))))) ;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; main function ;; Command* -> Posn ;; run a Turtle program on a turtle that starts in the middle and faces right, ;; compute the final position in which the turtle ends up ;; (This is a somewhat unusual case where you can test the main function well.) (check-expect (turtle-interpret c2) (make-posn (+ MID STEP) (+ MID STEP))) (check-expect (turtle-interpret full-round-trip) START) (check-expect (turtle-interpret (cons 'turn-left (cons 'move empty))) (make-posn MID (- MID STEP))) (define (turtle-interpret cmds) (turtle-place (big-bang (make-turtle START 'right cmds) [to-draw render-turtle] [on-tick execute-one-command] [check-with turtle?] [stop-when done?]))) ;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; wish list ;; TW -> Image ;; render the current turtle world (define (render-turtle t) empty-image) ;; TW -> TW ;; execute the first argument on the todo list of commands (if any) (define (execute-one-command t) t)