// strings can be thought of as a sequence of characters val s = "howdy" // valid indices println(s.indices) // get a letter println(s[0]) println(s[ s.length-1 ]) // get a substring println(s.substring(1..2)) // detect a substring println("h" in s) println("how" in s) println("howdo" in s) // we can also convert to/from lists val l = s.toList() println(l) println(l.joinToString("")) // and... abstractions :) fun isVowel(c: Char): Boolean { return c.uppercase() in "AEIOUY" } println(s.filter(::isVowel)) "YMCA".forEach(::println) // so much more... // https://kotlinlang.org/api/latest/jvm/stdlib/kotlin/-string/