// expression: "gives back" (or, returns) some value // question = can I... // - print it? (or pass to some function?) // - associate it with a name (via val)? 42 2 * 21 13 > 10 (13 > 10) && ("howdy".length == 5) // val x = if (5 % 2 == 1) "odd" // no val y = if (5 % 2 == 1) "odd" else "even" val s = "howdy" // no s // yes s.length // yes "howdy".uppercase() // yes! // no fun myFunc(n: Int): Int { return n + 1 } // yes myFunc(s.length) myFunc(myFunc(s.length)) // statements: does not "give back" anything // but likely has some "side" effect println("howdy") // val z = 1 + 1