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Weekly calendar
Other Languages

Office Hours/Contact

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Please see the main page for Fundamentals I.

Weekly calendar

Here is a calendar of all the office hours that the course staff offer. If you would like to speak to an instructor and you cannot make it to their office hours, send an email to set up a meeting. If you have a general question and cannot make it to anyone’s office hours, post to Piazza (see below).

For the most part, office hours are in 142 ISEC, and staff members will have the same office hours every week. On Monday and Thursday evenings, we will have multiple rooms in the ISEC building. Before going to someone’s hours, check where they will be on the calendar below. Should there be a change to someone’s hours, there will be a post on Piazza and the calendar will be updated.


Piazza is an on-line forum for class discussions as well as announcements. Anybody can post a question and anybody else can reply, and you are expected to read announcements from the course staff. You will recieve an email when crucial announcements are made, otherwise Piazza will default to your email settings (which you can configure by clicking the wheel in the upper right corner).

To sign up for Piazza, click the link above.

Before posting, check whether or not your question has already been asked. If it already has been asked and has not yet been answered, provided the question is not more than a day old, it likely will be answered soon. Do not double post.

Posting any parts of a solution to any parts of a homework assignment is considered cheating. You don’t want to do this. Limit your answers to other students to providing clarity when needed and hints when appropriate. This is good practice should you ever want to be a tutor :)

Note: anonymity on Piazza is implemented to make you anonymous to students but not to staff members.


In this large freshman course, you will encounter four kinds of people:
  • your instructors

    Alan Mislove
    amislove at ccs...

    Thomas Wahl
    wahl at ccs...

    Nada Naji
    najin at ccs...

    Nate Derbinsky
    n.derbinsky at northeastern.edu

  • your lab coordinators, Rebecca Mackenzie and Matthew Singer, can be found in West Village H 214, rmacnz at ccs.neu.edu/msinger at ccs.neu.edu

  • your teaching assistants

    Suzanne Becker
    becker.su at husky...

    Ryan Bradford
    bradford.r at husky...

    Carter Codell
    codell.c at husky...

    John Compitello
    compitello.j at husky...

    Luciana Corteggiano
    corteggiano.l at husky...

    Jason Crouse
    crouse.j at husky...

    Amogh Dayal
    dayal.a at husky...

    Annie Dinh
    dinh.a at husky...

    Daniel Goldstein
    goldstein.d at husky...

    Alex Grundwerg
    grundwerg.a at husky...

    Raquel Levy
    levy.r at husky...

    Jack Mastrangelo
    mastrangelo.j at husky...

    Ameen Radwan
    radwan.a at husky...

    TAs teach labs, supervise the grading of homework sets, hold office hours, and occasionally substitute in lectures. In general, they are apprentice teachers and are here to learn how to run a course.

  • your tutors

    Spencer Aronstein
    aronstein.s at husky...

    Aislin Black
    black.a at husky...

    Nicholas Burniske
    burniske.n at husky...

    Malcolm Canterbury
    canterbury.m at husky...

    Da-Jin Chu
    chu.daj at husky...

    Nadiia Damrina
    damrina.n at husky...

    Jennifer Der
    der.je at husky...

    Brock Fenbert
    fenbert.b at husky...

    Jack Ferrari
    ferrari.jo at husky...

    Brian Fogarty
    fogarty.bria at husky...

    John Gallagher
    gallagher.john1 at husky...

    Jack Gelinas
    gelinas.j at husky...

    Parker Griep
    griep.p at husky...

    Khalil Haji
    haji.k at husky...

    Jake Hansen
    hansen.j at husky...

    Kyle Into
    into.k at husky...

    Swati Joshi
    joshi.sw at husky...

    Suraj Korumilli
    korumilli.s at husky...

    Matthew Lamontagne
    lamontagne.m at husky...

    Zachary Lee
    lee.zach at husky...

    Andrew Leung
    leung.an at husky...

    Edward Li
    li.edwa at husky...

    Brianne Matthews
    matthews.e at husky...

    Daniel McGann
    mcgann.d at husky...

    John Mueller
    mueller.j at husky...

    Mark Murphy
    murphy.mark at husky...

    Jack Nolan
    nolan.jac at husky...

    Daniel O’Connor
    oconnor.d at husky...

    Rohit Pathak
    pathak.r at husky...

    Deepak Ramesh Sethuraman
    rameshsethuraman.d at husky...

    Willa Shiomos
    shiomos.w at husky...

    Atharva Shukla
    shukla.at at husky...

    Matthew Swenson
    swenson.m at husky...

    Nicholas Thompson
    thompson.ni at husky...

    William Victoria
    victoria.w at husky...

    Isaac Walker
    walker.i at husky...

    Benjamin Walls
    walls.b at husky...

    Zachary Walsh
    walsh.z at husky...

    Ruichen Wang
    wang.ruic at husky...

    Akira Watanabe
    watanabe.a at husky...

    Christina Wong
    wong.chris at husky...

    Marie Yatsyk
    yatsyk.m at husky...

    Karli Young
    young.kar at husky...

    Zachary Youssef
    youssef.z at husky...

    Iasmin Zhamborova
    zhamborova.i at husky...

    Sabrina Zhang
    zhang.sab at husky...

    Tutors hold office hours and group meetings in colleges and labs, grade homeworks and provide feedback about the class’s progress. In general, they are undergraduate and graduate students who know that to learn something really well, you need to teach it.

Other Languages

If you feel that you would benefit from help in another language, we have some staff who are willing and able to help. Below is a list of the languages we are able to accomodate and who you should go to for help in that language.


When you need help with the lecture material, the lab material, or the problem sets, don’t despair—there are plenty of ways to get help.

A meeting with a tutor, TA, or instructor is the best to get explanations because you can ask questions in real time and get answers to them.

If you have a question that you prefer to ask in a non-public setting, feel free to send email to anybody on the course staff.

Note that we may post anonymous excerpts from your mail message on the blog if we consider it of general interest. If you want the message to remain completely private, be sure to request it when you send an email.