Assignment 5a
Due Date: Monday at 9:00pm (Week 5)
Purpose Further practice with lists.
Exercise 1 Work through section 9.1, and do HtDP Exercise 140
Exercise 2 Work through section 9.3, and do HtDP Exercise 150
Exercise 3 HtDP Exercise 165
Exercise 4 HtDP Exercise 155
Exercise 5 Design a function eliminate, that takes a List of Numbers lon and a Number n, and constructs a new List of Numbers with all the same values as lon except for any numbers equal to n. For instance,
(check-expect (eliminate (cons 5 (cons 4 (cons 5 (cons 2 '())))) 5) (cons 4 (cons 2 '()))) Note: this is essentially remove-all, simplified to lists of only numbers. We have not addressed how equal? works yet, so the full flexibility of remove-all doesn’t yet make sense. Also – do not use remove-all to implement this function!
Challenge (optional): Design a function no-dups, that takes a List of Numbers, and constructs a new list with any duplicate values removed (and keeping just a single one of the copies). For example,
Exercise 6 Complete the simple-net-forum assignment from Assignment 4b.