On this page:

Office Hours/Contact

office hours

Here is a listing of all the office hours that the course staff offers. If you would like to speak to an instructor and you cannot make it to his or her office hours, send email and set up a meeting.

All office hours will be held online this semester, via Microsoft Teams. We are going to be trying a new office-hours queuing website, built this summer by Khoury College students, available at https://khouryofficehours.com/. A short tutorial on how to use the site can be found here. If you cannot get the site to work for you, sign into Teams and @-mention the tutor or TA in the General channel of your lab Team. They should be notified, and will hopefully get to you quickly.


In this large freshman course, you will encounter five kinds of people:
  • your instructors:

    Amal Ahmed

    Ben Lerner

  • your course coordinator:

    Nicole Brewer
    not supplied yet

  • your teaching assistants:

    Jack Rosen

    Cameron Bracco

    Teaching assistants teach labs, supervise the grading of homework sets, hold office hours, and occasionally substitute in lectures. In general, they are apprentice teachers and are here to learn how to run a course.

  • your tutors:

    Ryan Drew

    Olivia Floody

    Noble Mushtak

    Somya Prabhakar

    Jay Silver

    Rebecca Swernofsky

    Tutors grade your homework, hold office hours, and assist with labs. In general, they are undergraduate and graduate students who know that to learn something really well, you need to teach it.