On this page:
Partner Changes
Hand-in Server
Finite Increasing Arithmetic Sequences
List Abstractions
Signature Detective

5 Designing With Lists and Abstractions

home work!

Purpose: This lab focuses on designing programs on lists, as well as creating abstractions.

Textbook references:

Part II: Arbitrarily Large Data

Chapter 14: Similarities Everywhere

Chapter 15: Designing Abstractions

Partner Changes

Goals: Find your new partners on the hand-in server.

Your new partners are updated in the hand-in server. Log in to see who it is.

Exercise 1 Sit next to your new partner.

Exercise 2 Exchange contact information with your partner: telephone number, latest-greatest social network scheme, whatever-app.

Agree to a first meeting time and meeting place. At that meeting, agree to next meeting time and meeting place.

Hand-in Server

Goals: Show the world your true beauty.

Exercise 3 Upload a picture of yourself to the handin-server.

Finite Increasing Arithmetic Sequences

Goals: Use abstraction in an unfamiliar context.

Starter Code: Below is the data definition of a finite increasing arithmetic sequence.

; A FIAS (Finite Increasing Arithmetic Sequence) is a:
; (make-fias Number Number Positive)
(define-struct fias [min max step])
; where (make-fias min max step) represents all numbers
; of the form min + (k * step), where k is a natural number,
; such that min + (k * step) < max.
(define fias-empty (make-fias 1 1 0.25)) ; empty sequence, as min >= max
(define fias-1 (make-fias 0 1 0.25)) ; sequence with the elements (0, .25, .5, .75)
; fias-temp : FIAS -> ?
(define (fias-temp fias)
  (... (fias-min fias) ... (fias-max fias) ... (fias-step fias) ...))

Sample Problem Design a function that determines if a FIAS is empty.

; empty-fias? : FIAS -> Boolean
; determines if the given FIAS is empty
(define (empty-fias? fias)
  (>= (fias-min fias) (fias-max fias)))

Sample Problem Design the function next-sequence, which takes a FIAS and returns a new FIAS with the same max and step. The new min will be the original FIAS’s min with its step added to it.

; next-sequence : FIAS -> FIAS
; returns a new FIAS where the min is the original FIAS's min plus its step
(define (next-sequence fias)
    (+ (fias-min fias) (fias-step fias))
    (fias-max fias)
    (fias-step fias)))

Sample Problem You may have noticed that next-sequence returns the rest of a FIAS, empty-fias? determines if it is empty, and that if it is non-empty fias-min is the first element in it. Redefine your fias-temp to take advantage of this recursive structure.

; fias-temp : FIAS -> ?
(define (fias-temp fias)
    [(empty-fias? fias) ...]
    [else (... (fias-min fias) ... (fias-temp (next-sequence fias)) ...)]))

Exercise 4 Design a function which sums the elements of a FIAS.

Exercise 5 Design a function which multiplies the elements of a FIAS. Hint: the product of an empty sequence is 1.

Exercise 6 Design a function which lists the elements of a FIAS.

Exercise 7 All of these functions look marvelously similar; abstract them, redefine them with your new function, and ensure all of your tests still pass.

Exercise 8 Design a function which determines if any element of a FIAS is a perfect square. Hint: integer?.

Exercise 9 Design a function which determines if any element of a FIAS is even.

Exercise 10 Both of these functions look marvelously similar; abstract them, redefine them with your new function, and ensure all of your tests still pass.

List Abstractions

Goals: Practice understanding how to use the foldr list abstraction.
(define-struct circl [radius mode c])
(define-struct squar [side-length mode c])
(define-struct rectangl [width height mode c])
; A Shape is one of:
; - (make-circl Number Mode Color)
; - (make-squar Number Mode Color)
; - (make-rectangl Number Number Mode Color)
; and represents either:
; - the radius in pixels, mode, and color of a circle
; - the side length in pixels, mode, and color of a square
; - the width and height in pixels, the mode, and color of a rectangle
; A Mode is one of:
; - "solid"
; - "outline"

Exercise 11 Provide examples and templates for the above data definitions.

Exercise 12 Use foldr to design a function that takes a [List-of Shape] and stacks all of its images vertically.

Exercise 13 Use filter to design a function that takes a [List-of Shape] and keeps only circles.

Signature Detective

Goals: Practice understanding what the data type restrictions on code must be when reading it.

Exercise 14 Determine the signature for the following functions.

(define (a supercut of us)
  (+ of
     (if (empty? supercut)
         (us #f)
         (us (first supercut)))))
(define (the moments i play in the dark)
  (play (in (play the dark)) (play moments i)))
(define (come home to my heart)
  (cond [(home my) (to heart)]
        [(my heart) " "]
        [else ""]))