Course Objectives
Welcome to CS1100 (Computer Science and its Applications) at Northeastern University, an introductory course in concepts in computer science and their applications using Microsoft Excel and Access.
The course focuses on data: how data are organized, how useful information may be extracted from data, and how information may be summarized. The course also introduces methodical and analytical problem solving techniques including divide-and-conquer and hierarchical decomposition.
You will learn how to do simple but very effective computations using Microsoft Excel and Access. While a single course cannot cover all aspects of these software tools, you will nevertheless learn important highlights.
Learning Objectives
Upon completing this course, students will know how to:
- conceptualize and solve problems involving the analysis of data
- calculate elementary statistics and present data analyses in Excel
- build charts and graphs in Excel
- design relational databases and formulate queries in Access
- construct reports in Access
Submit assignments and tests on Canvas. We are participating in a University test of Canvas as a replacement for Blackboard. Everything you normally do on Blackboard will be done on Canvas. We welcome any reactions (good or otherwise) and we will share them with ATS. Please contact the course coordinator if you have any problems throughout the semester using Canvas.
Clinic Hours
Section Schedule
CS 1100 Discussion Board
Instead of using Piazza as we've done before, as part of the Canvas trial, we'll be using The Discussion Board in Canvas. The Canvas discussion board is a place where students can ask questions and get answers from instructors, TAs, and fellow students. Instructors will also post general announcements, so check back frequently!
Syllabus Quiz
All students must take and pass the syllabus quiz with a score of at least 90% in order to pass the course. The syllabus quiz does not count towards a student's grade. You may take this quiz as many times as needed to get at least 90%. You take the quiz through Canvas.
Important Announcements
Refer to Canvas
Prof. Ghita Amor-Tijani
Office: 132E Nightingale Office Hours: Wednesdays 2:45-3:45 in Intern'l Village 018 ; Thursdays 1:30-2:30 in Ryder 220 Email: |
Prof. Kathleen Durant
Office: 132B Nightingale Office Hours: Wednesday & Thursday 10:00 to 11:00am Snell Library 045 Tuesday, 3:30 to 4:30pm, Hurting Hall 130 Email: |
Prof. Karl Lieberherr Office: 308A West Village H Office Hours: Monday 9-10 am; Tue 10:40 am-11:40am My office is WVH 308A inside WVH 308. If WVH 308 is locked please call me at 617 373 2077 and I will let you in. Email: |
Prof. Michael Weintraub Office: 132G Nightingale Hall Office Hours: Tuesday 4-6pm; Thursday 3-6pm Email: |
Prof. Vidoje Mihajlovikj
Office: 132E Nightingale Office Hours: Monday 1pm-2pm Tuesday 3:15-4:15pm. Thursday 12:30 - 1:30pm Email: |
Course Co-ordinator
Meredith Bittrich Office: 132E Nightingale Hall Email: |