Algorithms and
Data Structures 2
Spring 2003
Jeff Raab (
239 Cullinane Hall (inside lab in 229 Cullinane Hall)
617-373-5876 (office)
617-792-3410 (mobile)
617-254-9962 (home)
Meeting times
Lectures: Monday, Wednesday, Thursdays in Shillman (SH).
Lab times: 1 hour on Tuesdays or Wednesdays in 229 Cullinane (CN)
Required text
Riley, The Object of Data Abstraction and Structures Using Java,
Addison Wesley, 2003.
Office hours
Monday from
Online course information
Up to date information about the course, including this document, notes, homework, due dates, review materials, solutions, and more, can be found at the course web site:
News and discussion of course materials will occur on the Blackboard system:
Questions and comments regarding lectures, homework, examination review, and more should be posted to the discussion boards on the Blackboard site. Questions and comments of a personal matter involving grades, misconduct, &c. must be delivered via private email. If you send me something via email that should have been posted to the discussion board, I will send it for you, with your name included.
Important information will be delivered via email as well as posted to the Blackboard site. If you do not have an email account, please get one as soon as you can and check your email regularly. If you do not have a Blackboard account, please get one as soon as you can and sign up for our course.
Rules of conduct
Although most of our class time will consist of lecture, discussion is always welcome. Participation in discussions is not mandatory, but you will learn more if you participate regularly. If you have a question or a comment, you may interrupt my lecture. During a discussion involving other students, however, you must be respectful to your fellow students and raise your hand to participate.
If your mobile phone or pager rings in class, I will reduce your grade one step. For example, if your final grade was to be A-, it will be reduced to B+. These effects accumulate every time it rings.
Your overall grade for the course will be based on this outline:
Final examination 40%
Homework 35%
Midterm examination 20%
Miscellaneous items 5%
If you receive a failing grade on the final examination you will receive a failing grade for this course, no matter what your average is. Your grade will be reduced upon each missed homework assignment. If you miss 3 or more homework assignments, you will receive a failing grade for the course, no matter what your average is.
You must take a short test on the
Blackboard system each week of the quarter.
Your peer tutor will grade these tests, and if you do poorly, schedule
meetings to get you up to speed.
Although your grades on the weekly tests will not figure into your final
grade, they are mandatory, as well as the follow up meetings with your peer
tutor as necessary.
This outline does not list topics in the order we cover them, but rather by general theme.
A. Java Programming
1. Using Java on a computer
2. Primitive types and simple algorithmics
3. Classes, objects, and references
4. Arrays
5. Classes with self-referential data
B. Analysis of programs
1. Counting statements in execution
2. Asymptotic analysis
3. Simple verification of correctness
C. Abstract data types
1. Stack ADT
2. Queue ADT
3. Vector ADT
4. List ADT
5. Priority Queue ADT
6. Map ADT
D. Implementation techniques
1. Array
2. Circular array
3. Growing array
4. Dynamic array
5. Linked list
6. Doubly linked list
7. Tree stored in array
8. Doubly linked tree
9. Binary search tree
10. Open addressing hashtable
11. Separate chaining hashtable
E. Algorithms
1. Insertion-Sort
2. Selection-Sort
3. Merge-Sort
4. Binary-Search
(tentative, of course)
Date Description Chapter(s) Due
26 Mar Lecture: Introduction, Extreme Java basics O1
27 Mar Lecture: Primitive types, arithmetic, logic, loops, exceptions O4
31 Mar Lecture: Abstraction in Java 1,
O2, O3 Homework 1
2 Apr Lecture: Abstraction in Java, Containers 2
3 Apr Lecture: Containers
7 Apr Lecture: Analyzing programs 3 Homework 2
9 Apr Lecture: Analyzing programs
10 Apr Lecture: Analyzing programs
14 Apr Lecture: Arrays 4 Homework 3
16 Apr Lecture: Vector ADT and array implementations
17 Apr Lecture: Vector ADT and array implementations
21 Apr Lecture: Linked lists 5 Homework 4
23 Apr Lecture: List ADT and linked list implementations
24 Apr Lecture: List ADT and linked list implementations
28 Apr Lecture: Applying lists 6
30 Apr Test: Midterm
examination 1
to 5
1 May Lecture: Stack ADT, Queue ADT and implementations 7.1 to 7.8
5 May Lecture: Priority Queue ADT 7.9 Homework 5
7 May Lecture: Priority Queue ADT and linear
8 May Lecture: Trees and binary trees 9.1
to 9.6
12 May Lecture: Trees and binary trees Homework
14 May Lecture: Priority Queue ADT and heap implementation 9.7
15 May Lecture: Map ADT 8
19 May Lecture: Map ADT and linear implementations
21 May Lecture: Map ADT and binary search tree
implementation 9.8 to 9.9
22 May Lecture: Map ADT and binary search tree
implementation Homework
26 May *** Memorial
Day ***
28 May Lecture: Map ADT and hash table implementation
29 May Lecture: Map ADT and hash table implementation
TBA Test: Final
examination Homework